Category Archives: Articles

Exit the Illusionist:

constantly out-thinking pursuers – DB

Ok, so major news delivered by belated trajectory! In 2015, the historic Industrial-Noise-Electronics savant Illusion Of Safety was permanently dissolved by it’s core exponent – Dan Burke! that’s over thirty years of dedicated, proliferous morphism, sleight-of-sound & profundity rolled into the casket…without adequate explanation (I could not extract any cogent/definitive reason for this drastic decision from the man himself). I am unaware of the precise timing Continue reading Exit the Illusionist:

Mou Mac:

cuff any bitch that f*** wit my threads!

Exit an extrovert! A little more quietly than I would of liked, Alphonse Mouzon drop-kicked the bucket the other day. Mouzon was one of the best & most quintessential of the 70’s “Power Drummers” who vied for the Fusion throne with peers Michael Nerada Walden, Billy Cobham & Tony Williams. He played with Fusion mega-group of sorts Eleventh House along with electric guitarist Larry Coryell, a patchy as fuck but occasionally excellent & exhilarating collective that seem to be both simultaneously Continue reading Mou Mac:

of dice & death-traps (demagogue at door-nob)

it’s always interesting to see & compare how well-to-do boroughs/districts of London deal with things differently from the more deprived ones. rolling back through effing Kensington late-night from the shisha-shack with my mad Iranian soul mate Roya The Destroyer, we come across – *ghasp* AN ABANDONED CUSHEON!!! some official has got over-excited & posted a “Environmental Crime Scene” sticker on the cushion  Continue reading of dice & death-traps (demagogue at door-nob)

The Human Cost/Decimation of Civilization:

“cruel, degrading & inhuman treatment”

man! – i can’t stand public transport. it’s slow, unpleasant, ineffective & overpriced & i cycle or walk everywhere (have never & will never ever own/drive a car no matter what). due to a panoply of circumstantial misfortune & not wanting to rescind on a commitment, i found myself needing to take the tube last friday for the first time in about four months or more. various events through Continue reading The Human Cost/Decimation of Civilization:

Rest In Poison!

mac hard!

Graveyards! Wonderful havens of respite & nature-cosm’s in the shit-sty that is London. Few people, & a proclivity towards quite as well, just to heap cherries on the icing-wads. Old architecture heaving with character from decades (perhaps even centuries?) of elemental embellishing & beautification, ancient tilting stones, lop-sided from expanding soils wreathed in briars & festooned in ivy all choca’ with wild flowers. Basically, places of peace, beauty & solace amidst the soul braying contagion of this insane car-centric metropolis mishap.  Continue reading Rest In Poison!


So my friend is being forced to move house (flat)! It’s one of those now ubiquitous “unscrupulous” but probably legal ejections that’s tearing sane minds & lives apart all over London as the residual vestiges of interesting people are expelled from the crapital due to extortionate rents & government solicited land-lord tyranny as part of the Cancervatives undeclared social purging initiative. Continue reading PURGED FOR PROFIT!

The End Of Politicians – Forthcoming Book by Brett Hennig

The End of Politics

Bleg: Hi Brett! So you have a new book/theory coming out. My understanding, at least in gist, is that it argues we should scrap politicians altogether? or that the ever exponentiating calamity & crisis that seems to be engirdling the modern world derives from their constant misrule & malfeasance so their existence/empowerment needs to be seriously questioned/contested. Please elaborate/set-it straight about the book & your ideal/solution to this ghastly emergency that’s shunting us towards extinction or worse. Continue reading The End Of Politicians – Forthcoming Book by Brett Hennig