Mu – Out Of Breach (Manchester’s Revenge) CD / Afro Finger And Gel CD


Ok, so some kind of artist extrovert from Japan – Mustumi Kanamori aka Mu decides to pitch-deck over to Manchester (or perhaps it’s Sheffield?) in England & link sucker-pads with this dude Maurice Fulton – a poly-instrumentalist/programmer/producer to eject a riotous farrago of digital-dance/disco/funk/garble under the influence of Glitch, discordant Electronica/IDM Experimentalism with scrapings of amateur Hip-Hop, Batucada & Latinesque percussion with moody art-house battleaxe bitch-craft in the scowling Grace Jones emasculation mien kinda’ colliding with hyperactive histrionics & uninhibited incessant theatrics & deliberate over performance! Sounds fun right? Continue reading Mu – Out Of Breach (Manchester’s Revenge) CD / Afro Finger And Gel CD

Yosuke Yamashita – Tenshi No Koukotsu CD

Yosuke Yamashita-tenshi no koukotsu

CRIPES! Messianic maniac pianist Yosuke Yamashita & his strong-arm accomplice drummer Takeo Moriyama wreck an ecstatic hurtling asteroid of incalculably feral chaos & convulsion in the original Yosuke Yamashita Trio set-up that included super Seiichi Nakamura (Akira Sakata had yet to elide with Yosuke & Takeo) on reeds. This truly phenomenal album strays from the Yosuke Yamashita Trio’s standard riveting rampage in two distinct deviations – the onslaught is disrupted/diversified by the inclusion of vocalist Rie Yokoyama on three of the albums five tracks, layering a slow sassy simmering. Continue reading Yosuke Yamashita – Tenshi No Koukotsu CD

Oliver Lake – Holding Together 12” LP

Oliver Lake-holding together

Ok, so I would say that this is one of the most mandatory destinations in the Avant-Jazz/Free Jazz spectrum. It’s an unsurpassed shocker of staggering originality, complexity, bridge-of-the-razor innovation & meticulous technical acumen. It also amalgamates both rash improvised wilderness & punctilious composition & instrumental-coordination fashioning both into an incredible consensus. The musicians, all exorbitant veterans of both virtuosity & arrant Off-Road/Avant-Garde are as follows – Oliver Lake on alto & soprano sax & flutes, Michael Gregory Jackson on electric guitar, Fred Hopkins on double-bass & Pheeroan ak Laff on drums. Continue reading Oliver Lake – Holding Together 12” LP

Jacques Coursil – Black Suite 12” LP

Jacques Coursil-black suite

A bit of a mood-piece this one. For me personally, under the right conditions/during particular modes of mind, it’s a real blinder (though I rarely spin this record, it’s a specialist job). Let’s get to the leader here, Jacques Coursil, clearly one fine trumpet player, having previously worked with/amongst the Sun Ra Arkhestra & others in the US before immigrating to France where I believe he has stayed right up until this day. This 1969 recording session commenced the day after the truly epic Burton Greene-Aquariana LP, that has almost exactly the same line-up. This album loses the secondary bassist  & stray flautist from the Aquariana action & drops Anthony Braxton into the foray on contrabass clarinet along with Beb Guerin on bass/cello, Arthur Jones on alto sax & a very reserved & clement Burton Greene on piano (& I suspect some other bells & percussion) & drummer/percussionist Claude Delcloo (also massively contained & minimal on this effort). Continue reading Jacques Coursil – Black Suite 12” LP

Burton Greene Ensemble – Aquariana 12” LP

Burton Greene - Aquariana

An astonishing record! It’s got to be one of the most peculiar that I have come across at the same time as being a total success in it’s own right (not relying purely on it’s rare unusualness for effect). Greene is a cult Jewish pianist/composer & a formidable visionary, precipitating some of the most advanced & daring excavations into deep’ deep Experimental/hyper Avant-Garde surrealism & intensity early in the game. The two albums I have studied from Burton prior to this release (On Tour & Live At The Woodstock Playhouse) both boast extraordinary merit & acute adventurism (especially “On Tour”, which enacted some ridiculously futuristic decorum-smashing techniques & themes for it’s time), but this album is quite something else & is one of my most treasured LP’s. Continue reading Burton Greene Ensemble – Aquariana 12” LP

Archie Shepp – Life at the Donauedchingen Music Festival 12” LP

Archie Shepp-Life_ed

It’s another muscular gut-puncher from Shepp. That irresistible sound of truth, blackness & indignance just charging the fuck through & invigorating everything it scorches. Fulgurating indomitable exhilaration just burning like a volcanic eruption, it’s like a damn purification process, the man just blitzes like a maniac, channelling the soul through the sax like a magician. So many glorious saxophonists, all with their own angle, energies & idiolect, but what is it about Shepp? That strength & style just charging down like some kind of sacred battle-weapon of virtue. I can listen to this shit all day & never get tired. Continue reading Archie Shepp – Life at the Donauedchingen Music Festival 12” LP

Autocracy In The UK – Never Mind The Bullingdon Boys (by Debunk Dudayev)

Decode n’ Debunk deconstruct th daily disinformation & duplicity. 

Autocracy In The UK-Never Mind The Bullingdon Boys (by Debunk Dudayev):

bollocks 1_ed

Whenever a bank tells me to “never mind”, I get a little nervous. Celebrating “Anarchy In The UK”, by a bank, at a time of unsurpassed rabid bank-corporation-financial-sector-nabob-politician related scourge & turbo regressionism, impoverization social cleansing, fatal-austerity & free market extremism does seem a bit like a hit & run driver rubbing the injured pedestrians face in the wreckage of their crushed bike. But then again, perhaps it’s just a rare moment of honesty? As the banks continue to run amok, imperil & wreck-havoc pushing us towards a second “crash” in tandem with their Westminster cronies…oh & the terrorists, narco-moguls, human traffickers, despot regimes & shadow capital big-shots that supply them with so much of their business & wealth.

Anyways, Virgin Money have issued these two new credit cards baring two versions of Sex Pistols cover art & slogans. How you view ostensibly raw street based dissent & rejectionist music/sub-culture now representing croesus conglomerates, consumerism & banking I will leave to yooz lot. But the argument of the ultimate commodification & commercial compromise is so on the table it is the table.  Still, John Lydon has been known to vociferously back Israel whilst chiding the Palestinians, participated in I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here & been the mascot for Anchor’s Utterly Butterly range. Like I said, the table.

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The art & words are the same, but the meaning has totally altered. To co-opt & subvert (but exploit the original artistic credibility), like using a piece of kitchen or gardening equipment for a killing (a neutral instrument turned effective murder weapon).  Multiple meanings, hidden or optional, contorted & corrupted. “Never Mind” – accept, acquiesce, submit, do not contest. “mind” – being aware, thinking, being cognizant, analysing & formulating your own ideas, not being duped. “Never Mind”- don’t think, don’t understand, don’t be aware, ignore, supress, neglect.. the perfect victim. It’s the perfect stealth diktat for a credit card. Oblivion, blindness & expenditure. The punk/Sex Pistols addition also garnishes the whole concept/transaction with that slight glaze of “alternative”, tricking the gudgeons into faux non-conformity by way of association. Whatever useless shit you’re paying for, you can feel “punk” about it. drudgery “with attitude”. A fruit pastel for the condemned, some sugar in the slaughter. What a fuckin’ joke! “The Bollocks”- we could interpret this in many ways, but the context makes it so obvious. Spiralling political corruption, a Tory majority poised to inflict five years of total ruination & rape, rapidly expanding poverty, exponential degradation of living standards & quality of life, Westminster & high level establishment paedophile rings & sexual child murdering by MPs, a homeless crisis, a housing crisis, a prisons crisis, a domestic violence/violence against women crisis, a policing crisis, an air pollution crisis, a welfare crisis, an NHS crisis, ongoing austerity (i.e.  acceptable extremism), proliferating plutocracy, hyper privatization & the mass selling-off of public assets at derisible prices to banks & vulture capitalists, deregulation, police state/snoopers charter/surveillance-state incrementation, the big push for Fracking in the UK, the curtailing of Human Rights whilst simultaneously scrambling for greater rights for the already practically invulnerable Corporations through TTIP/TPP etc, ongoing financial crisis, precariousness, malfeasance & recklessness with a second financial crash all but guaranteed & an utterly mad chancellor hell bent on inculcating it as fast as possible….i could go on & on (& I am keeping it basically domestic without straying into the state of the world or the biggest horror of the lot, Climate Catastrophe & the governments total inaction on this existential emergency), but we are basically engirdled with a conglomeration of crisis & calamity of almost unimaginable scale, that’s just increasing. I think we can call this – “The Bollocks” & it needs all of our attentions & priority NOW! of course at Virgin Money they would rather you just whacked it on your credit card & remained docile & abstracted! Consumption is the answer. never mind the bollocks, here’s mindless capitalism to mero-anesthetize your mind, distract & impair, divert & stunt.

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Rebrand banking. Responsible banking, cool banking, hipster friendly banking. Like, your not a yuppie if you have a customized bank card linked to something allegedly edgy. On the advert, Virgin Money proclaim – “The Sex Pistols challenged the established ways of thinking-just as we are doing today in our quest to shake up UK banking.” So help “shake up?” UK banking by getting a customized credit card like a nonce. Again, this entire proclamation is deadly without clarity on which “established ways of thinking” are being targeted?! The psycho demolition freak George Osborne is “shaking up” the economic consensus with his indescribably perverse “Mr Micawber” Economics that he recently unveiled. As if basing your economic strategy in a time of dire emergency on a fictional character from a Charles Dickens novel isn’t a sure sign that this guy should be in a padded cell, SEVENTY SEVEN top economic academics (including Cambridge professor Ha Joon Chang & Thomas Piketty) wrote a joint public letter to the Guardian Newspaper warning that his plans for a “permanent budget surplus”-“have no basis in economics” & are “not fit for the complexity of a modern 21st century economy”. Osborne has been enshrouded by a litany of blaring contradictions, U-turns, repeated dismal failings to meet his own fiscal targets & criteria, utter mismanagement & ignorance to his profession/position & economics along with extraordinary munificence & grovelling servility to the private sector & banks (including refusing to press charges against HSBC when their most recent round of gigantic white-collar criminality was made public) whilst expressing utter parsimony, callousness & extremism to the mass-majority British populous through malicious & insane cuts that continue to increase in there severity, extensity & future duration.

We don’t need a “shake up” in banking. We need to shake banking off! Disaster feigning as solution. Mind the bollocks! & be vigilant, cos’ the vampires & vultures are circling you, your children & future generations & most importantly, the bloody planet we & all life relies on exist.

read Decodes article on the same subject here –   n’ keep y’ dome dirt free!!!

Roscoe Mitchell – Angel City CD

Roscoe Mitchell-angel city

Roscoe Mitchell is on a bit of a roll at the moment! A knock & roll motha*”^#@r!!! he is allied here on this 55.12 minute (one track) live performance at Mills Uni from 2012 by James Fei on tri-saxophones, bass clarinets & analog Electronics) & William Winant on masses of percussion (more in the micro form of bells, gongs, woodblocks, cymbals & a massive gallimaufry of odds & ends). Continue reading Roscoe Mitchell – Angel City CD

Gutturalia XXX (Glaukom Synod)-Tilt! : 1 Sided Cassette

Gutturalia XXX

One-man French Industrial-Machine-Grind-Noise from estranged loner Gab, a long enduring & committed pillar of the Grindcore underbelly. This eleven track cassette from 2012, although definitely not his best is another excellent foray into Synod’s sewer network of murky pitched down Industrial GrindNoiseCyberDeath with IDM influences. Continue reading Gutturalia XXX (Glaukom Synod)-Tilt! : 1 Sided Cassette

Executive Distraction Tasks – Finished with Grind 3” CDR

Executive Distraction Tasks

Astronomical turbo-technical progressive DeathGrind. sodden in secrecy, for reasons that continue to astound me just a little less than they infuriate me, this lost god-particle of seminal British Grindcore-Tech were active from 2004-2009 (this nine track MCD having been recorded in 2008). Describing the bands objective, drummer Elliot Smith (indubitably one of Grinds greatest, also playing with The Afternoon Gentlemen & other groups) writes on the inlay “the sole mission of EDT was to play the silliest music possible”. Continue reading Executive Distraction Tasks – Finished with Grind 3” CDR