Category Archives: Articles

Immoral in Balmoral part one – State of Servility: Baal, Liz Truss, Elizabeth Windsor, Moloch, child poverty, Brexit, child abuse, Jack Williment-Barr, Philip Alston:

war of the witches – a black magic battle in Balmoral castle

Busy moment for a stupid country.
We’ll mourn the burden lost but not remedy the crisis rampant.
It’s not paying respect, it’s “paying” subjugation.
Ingrained idiocy, inexplicable & indefensible – it’s just blind faith based on a prescribed ideal with peeling plastic.

Continue reading Immoral in Balmoral part one – State of Servility: Baal, Liz Truss, Elizabeth Windsor, Moloch, child poverty, Brexit, child abuse, Jack Williment-Barr, Philip Alston:

Priti Patel, Nationality and Borders bill, Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts bill, Human Trafficking, People Smuggling, Nazi Patel, Peter Thiel, Palantir, Rwanda, Dominic Cummings, Rupert Murdoch, Stuart Polak, Lord Frost, Brexit, Boris Johnson, Treason, border fascism, modern slavery:

pleasure in the pain of others – Priti Patel


Continue reading Priti Patel, Nationality and Borders bill, Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts bill, Human Trafficking, People Smuggling, Nazi Patel, Peter Thiel, Palantir, Rwanda, Dominic Cummings, Rupert Murdoch, Stuart Polak, Lord Frost, Brexit, Boris Johnson, Treason, border fascism, modern slavery:

GOD’S CHOSEN RAPISTS –Basayev Inductions 04; 13-way Anti-Listener Noise & Gunk cassette compilation featuring Nightstick, PMNT, Terrorist Kriss, Abesta, Kuttekop, 886VG, RDKPL, Natural Nihilismo, Hinyouki, Sewage, Xah, Mourmansk150 & God Pussy:

the ruling classes
He’ll be fine. He’ll be back in eighteen months. It’s Hollywood.
Continue reading GOD’S CHOSEN RAPISTS –Basayev Inductions 04; 13-way Anti-Listener Noise & Gunk cassette compilation featuring Nightstick, PMNT, Terrorist Kriss, Abesta, Kuttekop, 886VG, RDKPL, Natural Nihilismo, Hinyouki, Sewage, Xah, Mourmansk150 & God Pussy:

GBR-Ricardo´s Rationale and Russo Reactions Retrospectively – Kyiv, Kremlins, Kalashnikovs, Invasions, “Liberations”, Special Security Operations, Occidental Sanctimony, mainstream misreporting, “good guys” camo, the one-sided lens, Nukes, Nato, Nazis:


two days ago, a supra-subcultural cognocenti (GBR Ricardo) abruptly flung over the following reaction/analysis on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, laden with ambiguity & moral morphings regarding the western response & framing … i am printing it in full.

Continue reading GBR-Ricardo´s Rationale and Russo Reactions Retrospectively – Kyiv, Kremlins, Kalashnikovs, Invasions, “Liberations”, Special Security Operations, Occidental Sanctimony, mainstream misreporting, “good guys” camo, the one-sided lens, Nukes, Nato, Nazis:

Spaff Out Loud! – Boris Johnson, Kier Starmer, Jimmy Savile, Julian Assange, Richard Kerr, Tommy Robinson, Rupert Murdoch, Evgeny Lebedev, Peter Joconelli, Alex Renton, Michael Gove, Jon Wedger:

a spaffocracy

Boris! Savile! Starmer!

I hate the lot.

Continue reading Spaff Out Loud! – Boris Johnson, Kier Starmer, Jimmy Savile, Julian Assange, Richard Kerr, Tommy Robinson, Rupert Murdoch, Evgeny Lebedev, Peter Joconelli, Alex Renton, Michael Gove, Jon Wedger:

Cheese & Wine – Sleaze & Crime part 1: Bring Your Own Stooge – & blame the Chinese! – Gardening of the Arteries – Garden Parties, Cheese & Wine – Sleaze & Crime, Priti Patel/Lady Haw-Haw, Ongoing National Insecurity, dozing M15 dolts, Stuart Polak, Christine Lee:

A sleaze & crime party by the Sleaze & Crime party. anyone that ever expected anything else from them is an imbecile.

absurd political theatre and distraction. A formal & publicly issued “political interference warning” from the somnambulant M15 on Chinese lawyer Christine Lee – yet nothing similar on the most compromised Home Secretary in the countries history – or the Lebedev/Murdoch/Johnson/Arcuri dog kennel.A smokescreen/distraction for Patel´s supra-soiled history/reputation … M15 are playing the same MET police minders role to cheese & wine parties for Patel´s uniquely criminal covert Israeli recruitment inauguration …. “Bring your own stooge”.

Continue reading Cheese & Wine – Sleaze & Crime part 1: Bring Your Own Stooge – & blame the Chinese! – Gardening of the Arteries – Garden Parties, Cheese & Wine – Sleaze & Crime, Priti Patel/Lady Haw-Haw, Ongoing National Insecurity, dozing M15 dolts, Stuart Polak, Christine Lee:

Press Mafia: unelected -ulterior – unaccountable – ursupation – you are not safe – you are not represented: Sasha Johnson, Patsy Stevenson, Cressida Dick, Rupert Murdoch, Priti Patel, Daniel Morgan, Milly Dowler, Wayne Couzens, Sarah Everard, corruption, cover-up:

arrest the protesters – not the perpetrators…a very, very backwards country.

Press mafia

so confident in their corruption, so comfortable, indeed – complacent – with their criminal conquest – that they can perform giant daylight robberies in the open & take a tea-break during the heist, in full-view, served by vassals from the Metrpolitan Police with a platter of narcotics & crack-cocaine-confectionery in biscuit tins baring the Union Jack.

Continue reading Press Mafia: unelected -ulterior – unaccountable – ursupation – you are not safe – you are not represented: Sasha Johnson, Patsy Stevenson, Cressida Dick, Rupert Murdoch, Priti Patel, Daniel Morgan, Milly Dowler, Wayne Couzens, Sarah Everard, corruption, cover-up: