mother have mercy.
Continue reading Into Eternity (Michael Madsen):“After bringing America to Israel – Bibi is bringing Israel to America”.
Continue reading King Bibi-The Life and Performances of Benjamin Netanyahu (Dan Shadur):extraordinary. Absolutely extraordinary.To commence – Alex Gibney is the highly acclaimed director of documentaries Zero Days, Taxi to the Dark Side, Scientology & the Prison of Belief, & most notably, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (to mention a few).
Continue reading Client 9: the rise and fall of Eliot Spitzer:express repugnancy. Lets begin with an expression of immense gratitude & respect to Amy Berg for gathering this documentation together & getting it out along with any & all that facilitated its production.
Continue reading An Open Secret-what Hollywood doesn’t want you to know (Amy Berg) Documentary:to shake a shit-brain! This is a good one. A good one to lay on those that would clot on complacencies cream-coloured lounger whilst corroding what little sentience remains with social media digital trash abrasion spilling into the minds eye.
Continue reading The Great Hack; (documentary), Cambridge Analytica, Alexander Nix, strategic communications laboratories group, election rigging:Very’ very important documentary about the pulverizing of Greece under the annihilating austerity measures imposed by its European allies. It is an important reminder, during the fantastical wash of diseased fecal outpour churning forth from the US in its new found, Trump-infested, steroidal-surplus-shit-spray along with Brexit related frantic-self-wounding, – the European Union, as a political device, can also be the conduit or capacitator for immense societal harm & corporate/fiscal predation.
Continue reading Catastroika-privatization goes public (documentary):The Devil We Know-the chemistry of a cover up – DVD/documentary (Stephanie Soechtig):
“In 1945, Dupont began making Teflon.
Today, one of the chemicals used to make it is in the blood of 99% of all Americans.“
Continue reading The Devil We Know-the chemistry of a cover up – DVD/documentary (Stephanie Soechtig):Ever more savagery & sickness! – it’s the American meat industry, & more specifically as it accounts for 99% of the market – the industrialized standard, intensive factory farming, mega dairies & concentrated animal feeding operations. Disgusting? Cruel? Sick? All the above toots.
Continue reading Eating Animals-documentary (directed by Christopher Quinn, narrated by Natalie Portman)::
A particularly critical segment of our current shit-storm’s origins. This aging, modest & fairly unassuming documentary is actually an irreversibly humongous lesson in major corruption & the willful closure of protective progress through political sabotage, falsification, market suppression & deeply dishonest & dirty chicanery. Mega corruption aside, it also provides a crystal-clear & detailed demonstration of gigantic corporate conspiracy between industry & government, working together illicitly to effectively ‘cancel out’ unwanted evolutions that obstruct their immediate interests in the extreme short-term.
Continue reading Who Killed the Electric Car? Documentary DVD (Chris Paine):THE CORPORATION documentary DVD:
“Starring 7 CEOs, 3 VPs, 2 Whistleblowers, 1 Broker, 1 Spy and 1 really big mess! With a special appearance by the FBI’s top consultant on psychopaths.”
Continue reading THE Corporation (documentary) DVD: