Category Archives: Documentaries

The house i live in-documentary dvd:

A seminally brilliant but horrific documentary on Americas unforgivably monstrous industrial prison complex & sick conjoined-twin – The War On Drugs. Despite this film being six years old, & the malignancy of these ‘industries’ only expanding & embedding since its release, this is still a tremendous piece of work that brings acute power & clarity to this dreadful’ dreadful crisis.

Continue reading The house i live in-documentary dvd:

The Look Of Silence and The Act Of Killing DVD (Josh Oppenheimer):

I first went to Indonesia in 2001 to help oil palm plantation workers make a film documenting and dramatizing their struggle to organize a union, in the aftermath of the US-supported Suharto dictatorship – under which unions were illegal. In the remote plantation villages of North Sumatra, one could hardly perceive that military rule had officially ended three years earlier. Continue reading The Look Of Silence and The Act Of Killing DVD (Josh Oppenheimer):

Awake: a dream from Standing Rock – documentary (Josh Fox, James Spione, Myron Dewey)

Controversy, contagion, contamination, calamity, climate catastrophe, – pick your own bunch & call it what you will. Another pipeline? Coursing crude-oil from north Dakota to Chicago (the Dakota Access Pipeline-DAPL) to line-up more apocalypse for self-exterminatory short-termenomics. Continue reading Awake: a dream from Standing Rock – documentary (Josh Fox, James Spione, Myron Dewey)

Le Monde Selon Monsanto (the World According to Monsanto) DVD:

So far, the most definitive documentary on the cancerous, democracy-raping agribusiness death-cult Monsanto, a company with a history of the most extraordinary miasma & wrong-doing. Where does one even start? So much ill, extreme back-door skulduggery, legislative stripping, purging & prosecution of scientists, suppression, falsification, pay-outs, hush-ups, gagging orders & non-disclosure agreements, mass poisonings, civil law suits, corporate capture & massively surreptitious, dirty & deleterious dealings of sprawling dimensions. Continue reading Le Monde Selon Monsanto (the World According to Monsanto) DVD: