Dark Money-How a secretive group of billionaires is trying to buy political control in the US (Jane Mayer):

Behind the street theater was some of the countries wealthiest businessmen who had painstakingly been trying to build up the “counter-establishment” since the 1970s and now saw the publics unrest as an amazing opportunity to at long last mobilise popular support for their own agendas.

Continue reading Dark Money-How a secretive group of billionaires is trying to buy political control in the US (Jane Mayer):

Beef, Bible and Bullets – Brazil in the Age of Bolsonaro (Richard Lapper):

A 1983 holiday expedition with fellow officers to a garimpo (an informal gold mine) in Bahia led to criticism from his superiors, who claimed they were concerned by his “excessive economic and financial ambition”. –
“A military court judgement earned him a fourteen-day prison sentence. A year later, he found himself in even hotter water. In a piece published in October 1987, Veja named him [Bolsonaro} as one of the ringleaders in a plot to bomb military installations: armed action designed to lend force to his group’s trade-union style demands. The attack never took place and the military court found him not guilty. But in practice the affair meant his days in the army were numbered. In December 1988 Bolsonaro quietly transferred to the reserve and started a new career.

Continue reading Beef, Bible and Bullets – Brazil in the Age of Bolsonaro (Richard Lapper):

Green is the New Red – An insider’s account of a social movement under siege (Will Potter):

The most disgraceful periods in history were arrived at slowly, methodically, with an infinite number of decisions being made, every day, by real people. There is no going to sleep one night in a democracy and waking up the next morning to police roundups. There is no “tipping point,” there are many points, and at each of them we have a choice – do we continue down this path, because it has not yet affected us personally, or do we intervene?” – Will Potter

Continue reading Green is the New Red – An insider’s account of a social movement under siege (Will Potter):