“How did we go from ‘grab ‘em by the’ – I don’t know if I can even say that word, but you know what I mean – to images of him being [almost another] Jesus. I don’t understand it.
“ – how could a cultured nation which had produced Goethe, Beethoven, Bach, Schiller, Einstein, Kant, Hegel and so many of the world’s greatest thinkers and artists allow itself to be led lemming-like to the precipice of self-destruction by a ragged collective of criminals, misfits, sadists and petty bureaucrats – the very dregs of society?”
If you have been aghast, terrified, sickened or enraged by Trump, Trumpism, MAGA, Project 2025, The New Global Right”, & any of the subsequent or connecting mind wilt, death nova & shit spurt that is choking the world to death, you may want to look behind the iconic ignoramus.
chronically overdue, but better late than never I guess? This is an excellent & up-to-date documentary examining U.S. military veterans personnel in domestic extremist/terrorist groups within America, with a special focus on the insurrection/capital storming of Jan sixth.
“All I could think was… we’re in the middle of what a lot of people consider potentially a massive medical scandal we’re seeing detransitioners talk about how let down they’ve been, how irreversible the interventions are, how angry they are that nobody paid any attention to anything else that was going on in their lives.”
“Everybody saw what was happening, but nobody said ‘stop’. Concerns raised are dismissed, complaints attacked. There’s something powerful and disturbing at play” – Dr. Juliet Singer
“The Conservative’s claim over Britain goes even further than this. Beyond fronting their own purported achievements while in power, they seek to absorb the achievements of their political opponents as well – even, or especially, where these were achieved against the Torie’s opposition. The abolition of slavery, the enfranchisement of women and the working class, the dissolution of Empire, the welcoming of refugees from war zones (such as the Kinderstransport during the Second World War) and the creation of the NHS – all these important chapters in the nation’s past often happened in the face of fervent opposition from the Tories somewhere along the way, but they are now celebrated by the Tories as proof of Britain’s – and their – magnanimity and good sense.”
dear oh dear. A troubling sexual abuse scandal has recently emerged against hipster darling “UK Jazz” artist Kamaal Williams, prompted by some excellent investigative reporting by a group of female journalists – Anu Shukla & Annabel Ross – writing for Resident Advisor.