God Pussy – Negroprotesto cassette & CD:

Agonising, junky, old-school analogue, third world harsh noise from Brazil.

Betraying that very statement, the noise reserves an intensity & harshness that punches beyond it’s clattering, badly bodged, ageing mechanical scavenging, a bit like a boxer out of weight category that’s just bad enough to throw with those in the tier above.

The noise & sonics are frequently painful, strained & strangulated, with an often almost nasal, pressurised & compressed forced-current that acts like a nerve point boring on the receiver.

tatty, raw & calloused, unbidden, manky & lo-fi, but powerful, rending, jagged & carving, with a multiplication of differing extreme electronics, pedals & noise textures, ripping into some kind of bladed frisson.

a prolific artist & performer (active since 2008), his work & imagery is also, constantly, highly charged & indignant politically, with this outing being “about slavery in Brazil”.

This release, available as a CD or cassette version, has two long tracks, capsizing around the 20-minute mark, with the flip-side containing one third, extra, short burn-stint; Não Vejo… Não Sinto… Não Falo… .

a video of the latter is below, although the clarity, power & harshness do not translate in full with the video version.

There is not much else to detail here. GxPx will appeal to those favouring hard, harsh, old-school Stridor, with a lo-fi, scrapped, unkempt & “developing world” character, forged in energetic underclass politics & resistance actions.

2024, self released

