(MP3 EP zip downloadable at the bottom of article) –
Spontaneity, vim & adventurism. Now that’s a good start. Ethnicity Against the Error (record label run by yours unruly) in conjunction with Gosh Glut Godatsu Disruptions (some new shit I coined to rend London a new set of blush-lapels unt further fervency) induced a fresh offensive by slap-dash/flash-mob/blink-of-eye/whim-whack with two of the finest young up-starts from over the pond – New Yorx youngsta’ flame–bellower Chris Pitsiokos (saxophone, electronics, percussion) & DC embedded bass-sentinel Luke Stewart (electric bass, stand-up bass, electronics, percussion) & me – Baku-Blacclist the heterodox hierophant (drums, bass/cello, lutes). come on over & let’s tear-it the-fuck-up & show these toddling antediluvian academic shit-smears where the stamens end & the ovum erupts!
It was a bulk of boutade surfeit with rich debate – anti Americanism, kimchi – the real OG uncut pure Gwan-ak dope (not th new mild sell-by-date commodification), nasal mucilage & viral congestion contagion – sweated out in the ovens of impromptu inflammations, as the mission is sacrosanct & the moment is critical. To spend four days in the company of two fellow fanatics, with no interruption was a rare wonder & reminder of how life was intended. The modern scum-stoop of disruption, blotting, derailment, that’s largely been accepted as “normality” acts as a kind of stealth incapacity for all that is interesting & inventive (so shun-it all the way no matter the toll). To be wit’ some young, dedicated sound-terrorists & just cut to the fuckin fat was a down-poor in tha desert. Result was/is about six sessions, one such amalgamation of which will result in “the Serpent Devouring the Banker” LP that will be hatched & hoisted by Ethnicity Against the Error, faster than you may expect. You can brace for unsurpassed mantics, barely scrutable corybantics & hyper-athleticism of the most exigent caliber, as is the evolutionary MO.
For the time being, you lump some o’ this mfrkn’ shit on yer’ slop tray mhan. Carved outta’ the night on one frozen evening under the lunar rays & otherwise dished & douched on Chris’s last crisis, hours b’fo evac (afternoon flight) in a living room on the fly (yes, really!). th Concussion Projectile trio-Enko Ecto Explo ep. spontaneity, vim & adventurism.