Refoliation of Reforester – moku-miki-muka 森-Noisecore & Undisturbed Woodland Habitat LP:

Defend the Forest.
moku-miki-muka maul megrim

Thickest of forests…a re-racination of sorts… Reforester was another side projectile from mad Kikanju Baku .. forest-noisecore blastbeat blitz in densest-woodland frenzy for green goddess gallivant.

First recorded activity was detonated in 2013 – a single spontaneous session which featured professor Primero of Law Facilitates Crime, Armed Response Unit & other ilk. It was a ripping slot of absurdly fast, turbo-blasting improvised moku-moil with non-stop single-pedal-blast draped with erratic cuff-off Thrash, Grind, Noisecore gashing & whipping branches. The band was sidelined due to attention on LxFxCx – leaving only this one demo recording that was released on Kaz Records as an ultra-limited 56-copy CDR Sylvanic Sprawl, somewhere around the 2014-15 signum.

genyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! heal the domesticated & deformed who has fallen, strayed & malingered away from your natural ark of unmatched splendour.

Fuck all from the forest ever since (despite efforts & intentions) … until now!

Reforester-Quercus Scud

Five tracks erupting with green viridescence, scurrying insects, pelting rain & charging mammals; screaming through primordial unpopulated expanse of undeveloped wilderness replenished & moist with Mother’s life essence (hey! that’s oxidane kiddds) – on the – on the – the – Mendacity Mogul eleven-way rend vortex (outta’) Basayev Inductions…a wonderful heave of recreational cotton-wool soothe.

amphibian wisdom – brush lore – animist arboreal asceticism ….gods fangs – are that of beast!

Now what? Heaps of root-sinew, coiling vines & triple-fucking canopy are done … the jungle aesthetic beast-monk serrated-bark &-seedling-to-sapling-to-splendour shugenja of the emerald delta – Kikanju Baku – has perfected more obsecrations for the rapids-goddess & xylo-lore ….when she sways, the branches buckle & the rain pours….chaos sustains.

sage monk-muka moku-megrim miki-munificence – yuta yushosha yoshisha! the wisdom you seek…….is in the undergrowth.

Now comes – June birth – Undisturbed Woodland Habitat cassette LP on scoundrel Lo-fi or Die Records …heavens help those under the flash of fang & tearing of talons … like piranhas on pulled-pork; threwn moku muka bray-brush & instinctual pounce … monkey-wrenchers & saboteurs are Ignacio Ruz of 886VG, Condign & the Norse tengu we can’t directly reference cos’ his management deem us as too subversive/incendiary/destabilizing, along with the other establishment caitiffs & counterrevolutionaries, even though we all know who he is, …. such forth & so-such & some-so – thus/then you know that the luxury resort they have planned for wealthy weekenders is going to get Notre-Damed wi’ tha swiftness!!! my alibi will be two Silk Road slinkies, so don’t trip! Where? The bracken! Obviously!

way, way, way ahead of any suit and tie shit shine …. respect the real – defend the forest.

the typical connoisseur, rarefied, hand-crafted, physical copy only, anti-convenience, limited edition pro-cassette with its own asymmetrical & off-grid organic shadow-dissemination-micro-cosm will once again be blowing on the breeze & bulging with self-seeding wild-flowers & winding diplopoda…..cuz y’ is one ho! Don’t expect to see it in yur local yokel, cos’ they all in their panic rooms circle-jerking to The Masked Dancer, donating to Mermaids charity & voting Conservative, y’ balless scab-shiiits ^0^ .. comes with a free acorn …. don’t think i’m joking trick!!

she slinks like sovereign…..the lass on tha prowl.

Other arboreal hurtle will ensue/is done…the forest is abundant & all-giving & the earth goddess has got an elephant-grass lanugo.

Reforester-Fuck Fossil Fuels
shrive! restored resplendence ….Reforester – 復活.

Fuck technology!

urban is error.