Category Archives: Articles

The Joe Rogan Show: A Masterclass in Political Manipulation and Pseudoscience.

assisted dying.

Undue influence. One of the worst deceptions of the U$’s last effluence cycle came from pop icon Joe Rogan when he “unexpectedly?” endorsed $ump late in the race to his colossal online audience. Rogan’s lab-grown “every-man” personae has never ever interested me – & I like to chew my own food –but I admit that even I was alarmed & aghast when I heard that he had prostituted so freely & fully for the rapist-reprobate-shit-shambler.

Continue reading The Joe Rogan Show: A Masterclass in Political Manipulation and Pseudoscience.

Martial Flaw – Yoon Suk Yeol, treason, & misrule on behalf of external interests in South Korea:

unhinged shouty shit-poppers screaming base propagandic pap with heavy theological garbage-scrape at exigous smatterings of appallingly mislead moron cultists.

Friday, 6th of Dec, Seoul, a gelid & crisp early evening, close to South Korea’s Parliament complex.

The despised Yoon Suk Yeol is on his way down the lavatory of history after growing public protests demanding his removal & impeachment.  

Continue reading Martial Flaw – Yoon Suk Yeol, treason, & misrule on behalf of external interests in South Korea:

A vote for Corruption – Sanctuary for the criminal & mega traitor – Joe Biden enables/protects/shelters Donald Trump:

an epic failure of leadership …. Joe Biden sheltered Trump & allowed him & his criminal cohorts to gestate, amplify & scheme.


And so, the demonic apocalyptic hell spasm managed to trick the gudgeons into climbing into their own incinerator.

Continue reading A vote for Corruption – Sanctuary for the criminal & mega traitor – Joe Biden enables/protects/shelters Donald Trump:

Power Behind the Drone: How billionaire-extremists-ultras – Peter Thiel & the Mercer family – are continuing to underpin MAGA, Trump, Trumpism, & the “New Global Right”:

powerless puppet?

Counter-revolution mis-sold as revolution:

The roots of all evil.

If you have been aghast, terrified, sickened or enraged by Trump, Trumpism, MAGA, Project 2025, The New Global Right”, & any of the subsequent or connecting mind wilt, death nova & shit spurt that is choking the world to death, you may want to look behind the iconic ignoramus.

Continue reading Power Behind the Drone: How billionaire-extremists-ultras – Peter Thiel & the Mercer family – are continuing to underpin MAGA, Trump, Trumpism, & the “New Global Right”:

Kamaal Williams, multiple & serious sexual assault allegations, cancelled shows, Gilles Peterson power play, corrupto-Jazz, & London’s fucked up & fabricated Jazz scene:

dear oh dear. A troubling sexual abuse scandal has recently emerged against hipster darling “UK Jazz” artist Kamaal Williams, prompted by some excellent investigative reporting by a group of female journalists – Anu Shukla & Annabel Ross – writing for Resident Advisor.

Continue reading Kamaal Williams, multiple & serious sexual assault allegations, cancelled shows, Gilles Peterson power play, corrupto-Jazz, & London’s fucked up & fabricated Jazz scene:

Trussterfuck: Basayev Inductions 05 – ten-way Anti-Listener Noisegrind, Gunk, Gratecore, Harsh Noise compilation cassette (886VG, Illusion of Safety, I Trust the Conman, Mourmansk 150, Slime Smile Threemile, Digital Noise Distortion, Kataplasm, Reforester, 走り抜く, Bollock Swine):

Trussterfuck (compilation excerpt MP3)

Don’t worry, I’m relieved its over … At least I’ve been Prime Minister. ” – Liz Truss

Continue reading Trussterfuck: Basayev Inductions 05 – ten-way Anti-Listener Noisegrind, Gunk, Gratecore, Harsh Noise compilation cassette (886VG, Illusion of Safety, I Trust the Conman, Mourmansk 150, Slime Smile Threemile, Digital Noise Distortion, Kataplasm, Reforester, 走り抜く, Bollock Swine):

Auctioned for Abattoir: The Conservative Parties’ unforgivable corrupt approval & criminal contraction for a £360m NHS “devil’s deal” with openly hostile, overseas techno-fascist destroyer Palantir/Peter Thiel:

foreign aggressor

& Jimmy Savile was handed the keys to Broadmoor.

The ultimate contempt & incorrigibility.

They’ve actually gone & done it.

Continue reading Auctioned for Abattoir: The Conservative Parties’ unforgivable corrupt approval & criminal contraction for a £360m NHS “devil’s deal” with openly hostile, overseas techno-fascist destroyer Palantir/Peter Thiel: