Tag Archives: Urban China

Manufactured Landscapes:

Here’s one to shock, stun & suplex the senses in a continents worth of rubble & refuse. The core on this occasion is China’s “utterly unprecedented” urbanization extravaganza as captured by esteemed photographic artist Edward Burtynsky & director by Jennifer Baichwal. “mega projects” & truly herculean manufacturing terminals stuffed with humans resembling mechanical equipment arduously assembling endless quantities of largely unnecessary goods for the worlds prodigal profligacy… Continue reading Manufactured Landscapes:

Dragons In Diamond Village-Tales of resistance from urbanizing China (David Bandurski)

“The development potential of prime sites, aided by the expedient push for “civilised” urban environments, has put city governments across the country on a collision course with rural China. Nowhere is the face-off more evident than in the conflicts over urban village land, which rankle at the core of all the stories in this book. But these conflicts are ultimately about far more central issues nagging at China’s urban future: corrupt institutions and weak civil society. These may sound like separate concerns, but the following stories show how inseparable they are” Continue reading Dragons In Diamond Village-Tales of resistance from urbanizing China (David Bandurski)