Stephen Fry has been busy writing letters this week. Fry added his name to the Creative Community for Peace, a conventicle of successful western glitterarti or “members of the entertainment industry” who oppose boycotting measures against this years controversial Eurovison Song Contest, scheduled to be held in Tel Aviv.
Barely a week later, on the 9th of May, the ex-public school homosexual & darling of the establishment threw his personal urgings behind implorations to make the governments controversial new LGBT obsessive Relations & Sex Education (RSE) ‘compulsory’, in all primary schools (as part of the national curriculum), opining that it ‘does not go far enough’. Peter Tatchell, also a homosexual, initiated the letter, which was endorsed by Fry & other signatories & submitted to the education minister Damien Hinds. They state that “political, religious and cultural sensitivities (that’s some net-all) should not be allowed to thwart mandatory age-appropriate [primary school] RSE in every school”. This additional celebrity pressure seeks to intervene in the fractious dispute between parents (& so far at least one teacher, Kristie Higgs) in Birmingham that are protesting about the “No Outsiders” (as in none? Necorphiliacs? Zoophiles? Savilites? Coprophagists? Psychosexuals?) doctrine being test run, without parental consent, on their children by Andrew Moffat (yet another homosexual) in Parkfield primary school Birmingham. Parents complain of their kids suffering a “social engineering programme to corrupt our children.” Nonsense says Fry, Tatchell, Moffat (& god knows who else), it should be strengthened, rolled-out over the country & made mandatory, with a veto on parents attempting to opt-out their kids from classroom grooming. Tatchell writes “Schools should teach that heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality are equally valid. Our goal is to ensure that pupils leave school emotionally and sexually literate and are able to enjoy fulfilling and, caring and enduring relationships.”

Fry is a funny fucker. For years & years he publicly lied, obfuscated & equivocated on his sexuality, sometimes pertaining to be ‘asexual’. When conditions became more favorable towards the practice, he felt compelled to present the truth & stop deceiving the public. His dishonesty is not so easily forgotten.
It’s interesting that Stephen also discourages people trying to boycott an actively murderous, tyrannical, illegal, colonialist, terrorizing, war-criminal, sadistic, racist & fascist regime’s attempt to gloss, sparkle, sugar-coat & shit-shine its blood drenched obscenity with PR pop garbage. How dare you morally object to our criminal depravity? Yes, Stephen, thanks for your advocacy.

Can any of these events/arguments be looked at as anything other than ‘extremes’? conforming to a new nadir. Oh! & that’s compulsive. Authoritarianism? Fascism?

Madonna. Take the money & scum! A lot of people were upset with Vag’s loot-scoop & blood-washing (she performed at Eurovision despite widespread condemnation). But the stench of cash & freshly splattered Palestinian blood was irresistible to the 60-year-old American Kabbalistic pop-tart. Her stated defense was “I’ll never stop playing music to suit someone’s political agenda”. Or rather “I’ll play music to suit someone’s political agenda should the fee please my bank balance”. But what she really means is – “I’ll never act with any iota of ethical interest whatsoever if it at all affects my personal profit.” – even if that means raking dividends off the freshly murdered bodies of some of the most persecuted & oppressed people on earth.

Vag will devour an estimated £765,000 for her piss-performance, which comes courtesy of Israeli Canadian billionaire Sylvan Adams. On her new album “Madame X”, Vag assumes the persona of – “a secret agent, travelling around the world, bringing light to dark places” – (her description).

Not everyone wallows in such immoral cowardice & unscrupulous opportunism. The US actress Natalie Portman (who holds dual Israeli/US nationality & was born in Jerusalem) rescinded on an invitation to collect Israel’s prestigious Genesis award, pulling-out due to her “distress” at the murderous ‘open fire’ carnage being perpetrated against unarmed Palestinian protesters by the IDF during the Great March of Return. She would have been the guest of honour collecting this significant award, but she dashed the entire thing (which subsequently annulled the festival for that year as she was the focal recipient) with her representative beaming the following statement – “Recent events in Israel have been extremely distressing to her and she does not feel comfortable participating in any public event in Israel … and cannot in good conscience move forward with the ceremony.” The Genesis award is bestowed upon those that “inspire others through their dedication to Jewish community and the Jewish values.” Perhaps it is just such Jewish values that she exercised by repudiating the invitation & telling those corrupt murdering fucks to suck void? In today’s decayed, putrid, shut-up & sell-out age, I am impressed by this woman’s courage, honesty & sacrifice despite it being the only reasonable reaction available to any vaguely decent human being given the situations overt extremes.

Another such example of modest valour occurred back in 2016, when the IDF’s deputy chief of staff, Major Gen Yair Golan made the following statement at a Holocaust Memorial speech “If there is anything that frightens me in the remembrance of the Holocaust, it is discerning nauseating trends that took place in Europe in general, and in Germany specifically back then, 70, 80 and 90 years ago, and seeing evidence of them here among us. “After all, there is nothing easier than hating the foreigner, there is nothing easier and simpler than arousing fears and intimidating, there is nothing easier and simpler than becoming bestial, forgoing principles and becoming smug.”

Israeli Pop singer Netta Brazilai who won last year’s Eurovision gave the following dismissal for attempts to boycott the Tel Aviv paegent – “this is a festival of light,” “for people to boycott light is spreading darkness”.

The far-right justice minister Ayelet Shaked comprised a ‘spoof’ video belittling/glamourizing “fascism” last March…her own words & image exclusively, no satire/additions or secondary lampooning (the video is readily accessible online).

Meanwhile president Benjamin Netanyahu & his wife have been recommended for prosecution over corruption, fraud, breach of trust & bribery allegations in multiple cases/charges by Israeli police. That of course did not stop him retaking the presidency (or drawing with his adversary Benny Gantz who then conveniently folded to his tying opponent). A vote for venality & war criminality.

With all the hijinks & glitz caterwauling over the razor-wire, it is worth remembering that Gaza’s cultural centre, the Said al-Mishal, was totally destroyed by a targeted Israeli airstrike last summer. “The centre was seen as a cultural landmark in Gaza. It had a theatre, library and offices for artistic associations. It was also used as a recreation centre for children affected by the three wars waged between Israel and Hamas over the past decade. Shortly after Israel’s terrorist demolition, the army posted footage of the crime accompanied by a statement that added “The strike is an example of the [Israeli defence force’s] intelligence and operational capability, which will intensify as necessary.”

In tandem with Netanyahu’s staggering malfeasance, habitual corruption & crimes of public office, drop-dead-dodgy Russian oligarch multi-billionaire Roman Abromovich recently ditched his UK residency and nationality (he was finally due to comply with an ‘Unexplained Wealth Order’ but baulked at the prospect) in favor of an Israeli one. “The Times of Israel said Abramovich would be exempt from paying tax in Israel – or explaining the sources of his wealth – for 10 years and would not need to explain the sources of his wealth in that time. with a fortune put at £8.6bn, according to Forbes magazine, Abramovich would instantly become the richest Israeli.”

Never has such perversion & hysterical-hypocrisy lurched the earth.