Dark Star Rising – Magick and Power in the Age of Trump (Gary Lachman):

ahead of the curve.

The curious & brilliant Gary Lachman was already familiar to me through his rather seminal 2014 biography on Aleister Crowley, the most extensive & revealing on the man I’ve read so far.

As a prolific & respected scholar on occultism, former bass player for Blondie, & a supposed practitioner of “the craft” himself, his knowledge & expertise carry even more weight on the subject.

So when I heard he had written a book on $ump – Dark Star Rising – relating to occultism & black magic, I was instantly allured & wanting to read it as soon as possible.

Continue reading Dark Star Rising – Magick and Power in the Age of Trump (Gary Lachman):

The Joe Rogan Show: A Masterclass in Political Manipulation and Pseudoscience.

assisted dying.

Undue influence. One of the worst deceptions of the U$’s last effluence cycle came from pop icon Joe Rogan when he “unexpectedly?” endorsed $ump late in the race to his colossal online audience. Rogan’s lab-grown “every-man” personae has never ever interested me – & I like to chew my own food –but I admit that even I was alarmed & aghast when I heard that he had prostituted so freely & fully for the rapist-reprobate-shit-shambler.

Continue reading The Joe Rogan Show: A Masterclass in Political Manipulation and Pseudoscience.

Gossip Men-J. Edgar Hoover, Joe McCarthy, Roy Cohn, and the Politics of Insinuation (Christopher M. Elias):

In the half-decade following the end of World War II, both McCarthy and Cohn had taken advantage of growing anxieties over social transformations and an uncertain global political situation to secure positions of influence in the emergent national security state. They had portrayed themselves as founts of masculinity, able to undertake the urgent task of defending the United States from enemies foreign and domestic.

Continue reading Gossip Men-J. Edgar Hoover, Joe McCarthy, Roy Cohn, and the Politics of Insinuation (Christopher M. Elias):

Martial Flaw – Yoon Suk Yeol, treason, & misrule on behalf of external interests in South Korea:

unhinged shouty shit-poppers screaming base propagandic pap with heavy theological garbage-scrape at exigous smatterings of appallingly mislead moron cultists.

Friday, 6th of Dec, Seoul, a gelid & crisp early evening, close to South Korea’s Parliament complex.

The despised Yoon Suk Yeol is on his way down the lavatory of history after growing public protests demanding his removal & impeachment.  

Continue reading Martial Flaw – Yoon Suk Yeol, treason, & misrule on behalf of external interests in South Korea:

A vote for Corruption – Sanctuary for the criminal & mega traitor – Joe Biden enables/protects/shelters Donald Trump:

an epic failure of leadership …. Joe Biden sheltered Trump & allowed him & his criminal cohorts to gestate, amplify & scheme.


And so, the demonic apocalyptic hell spasm managed to trick the gudgeons into climbing into their own incinerator.

Continue reading A vote for Corruption – Sanctuary for the criminal & mega traitor – Joe Biden enables/protects/shelters Donald Trump: