Writing & reportage by Ignacio Ruz:
Santiago, Chile, winter 2019, noise shit.

zip zap travel back to june and in the southern hemisphere theres a bunch of fucks around an oil can fire digesting Americas (south, fuck the USA) most finest hard-music festival. The ninth edition of the harsh fest <insert weird word>.

So? whats up with this… an event that started precariously back in 2008, failing miserably mixed with golden god hot dogs (really?) in the middle of a non existent hard noise scene…

Its been a flush of adventures through the years, kicked out of rented places and alikes.
but 2019 was different. it was the culmination of all this work. of a 8x trial and error.

this night shit worked. flawlessly. big sounds. loud energy. local fucking history. we care but we don’t care-

Soooooooooooooooooooooo, 12 projects, from all around the country (including one from a 3000km city dar in the south). all was harsh noise/hard noise industrial exp. No artsy soft ambient whatever. theres other places for that. everything was self organized/DIY. but top level. Quality sound-system with crazy subs made the alarms of cars nearby go on. fast rotation of artist meant the shit was fast and compressed experience input. all was sexy. there was cold though and minor remains of water, no fucks given.

So theres video of all acts, most of them multi-cam with sexy sound, pump it up. audio was recorded with quality mics+line, mixed into a powerful mix. we had fun. shit was done with love. This is the first time the fest went how it was imagined over 10 years ago. it may not be something so special in the first world. but down here this is new. a total personal highpoint of 2019. my piss is sweeter now.

Almost forgetting. The place where this happened was an independent workshop contra-culture weird place.. something like a legal squat, if that makes any sense.
Division Monolitica
Carla Sepulveda
Funcionario Publico
Mirko Petrovich
No Percepcion

PS: all shit organized by No Brain Prods which is 886VG+helper friends

No Brain Productions 2020 report

the rest can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMhn9F0aOSIkqdRKKzX9wMg/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0