All posts by Kanju

Disaster Capitalism – Making a killing out of catastrophe (Antony Loenwenstein)

Disaster CapitalismSo two words to kick the door in with – VITAL & MANDATORY!!! Capitalism & calamity, profit & crisis – are becoming like conjoined twins. War-pollution-incarceration… inflict, sustain, clean-up/eradicate, reaping revenues at every stage. You notice how many of today’s greatest problems/threats/fiascos crawled out of yesterday’s solutions or technological advancements (ISIS/Terrorism, Climate Extermination, Food Insecurity etc’ etc’ etc). Continue reading Disaster Capitalism – Making a killing out of catastrophe (Antony Loenwenstein)

Swallow This – Serving up the food industry’s darkest secrets (Joanna Blythman)

Swallow ThisSomehow, despite my huge interest in the topic, I only discovered Joanna Blythman recently. Not unlike fellow peer Felicity Lawrence (who works more on the abuse of workers & modern slavery in large-scale commercial food production), Blythman shares the front-line of food journalism/activism. This is her fifth book on food & deals predominantly with the hidden ingredients & deceptive stealth-feeding from an increasingly abnormal industry. Continue reading Swallow This – Serving up the food industry’s darkest secrets (Joanna Blythman)

Paper Tiger – Inside The Real China (Xu Zhiyuan)

Xu Zhiyuan

“The rise of a major power is made up of thousands of details; like dispatching troops, mining mountains, building trading ports and skyscrapers, and most importantly entering the hearts and minds of the people without anyone noticing.”

This is a book for me that will most definitely be contending for 2016’s best title (I snatched it only this February). In this extraordinary piece, intellectual/observer/moralist/dissident/ analyst/”bad element” Xu Zhiyuan delivers an unprecedented critique & perspicacious reflection on China’s “economic miracle” & the true cost of this disastrous achievement. With remarkable clarity, Xu serves an almost sublime invective, with a grace & composure that almost contradicts the strength of the criticism & quiet outrage that he enacts. Continue reading Paper Tiger – Inside The Real China (Xu Zhiyuan)

Paul Bley – Paul Bley & Scorpio LP

Paul Bley-Scorpio

And so! Pianist & rollicking bohemian cool-dude Paul Bley drags in the super duo qualities of bassist Dave Holland & drummer/percussionist Barry Altschul to form the Scorpio trio, sliding around the deck in the Avant improvisational district over premeditated skeletons arranged by knock-out Carla Bley & Annette Peacock. Now, to seriously add the rainbow-fluid, magic-dust, cosmic-bollocks to an already exciting proposition – Bley is playing a plump expanse of synthesisers, electric keyboards & what’s either a killer moog or a synthesizer modal that’s damn close to one! Like a bad sweet-tooth, I have a real pash on mad moogs & the idea of them in an unbridled orbit backed up by Holland & Altschul is pretty goose-bump dappling.

Continue reading Paul Bley – Paul Bley & Scorpio LP

Michael Gregory Jackson – Karmonic Suite LP

MGJ-karmonic suite

A tremendous 1978 hidden (so to speak) recording from enigmatic guitarist, singer & multi-instrumentalist Michael Gregory Jackson & reedist Oliver Lake. Jackson is one of the drollest characters in the, um – Jazz/Avant-Garde arena operating a confusing chameleonic surf between categorically pioneering & highly astute intellectual Jazz innovation, ultra Avant-Garde, JazzFusion, Noise, Improvisation, Pop & R&B. his wildly contrasting history from cutting-edge 70’s New Music vanguard, major stardom, quite obscurity & genre defenestration is a fascinating, rare, unique & as of yet undisclosed (at least fully) page from Jazz history (presuming we can limit the definition to Jazz in this most multifaceted of musicology cases?). Continue reading Michael Gregory Jackson – Karmonic Suite LP

Anthony Braxton – The Complete Braxton 1971 DBL LP

Anthony Braxton-the complete Braxton 71

An excellent, highly balanced equilibrium into one of Braxton’s greatest phases. Through the early 70’s he dispensed a slew of brilliant records for Arista, backed frequently by the awesome finesse from rhythm-section Dave Holland & Barry Altschul, also regularly joined Kenny Wheeler on trumpet. Braxton’s phenomenal technique, smouldering soloing capacity & highly intricate, if not hifalutin, compositional directive is superbly relayed through these eight pieces capturing a snap-shot of his many miens. What does that entail exactly? Continue reading Anthony Braxton – The Complete Braxton 1971 DBL LP

Anthony Braxton – The Montreux/Berlin concerts DBL LP

Anthony Braxton-MBC

This is another of my favourite & most recommended Braxton recordings, scaling a large gamut of his styles from, for me, his greatest period. Bolstered by both George Lewis & Kenny Wheeler, the exceptional double act Barry Altshcul & Dave Holland & on the final splendid piece – The Berlin New Music Group (an Avant-Classical ensemble conducted here by Herr Hummel). Naturally, brilliant performances emerge from everyone, & Braxton himself renders both awesome playing & compositional accomplishment in a toweringly versatile pallet & persona.

Continue reading Anthony Braxton – The Montreux/Berlin concerts DBL LP

Kikanju Baku (drums), Michael Gregory Jackson (electric guitar/FX/pedals), Joseph Daley (tuba/FX) – Endogeny & Exogamy CD 2016


A major maverick eruption & ginormous flouting of rules & conventions! Recorded in July 2015, Endogeny & Exogeny, an entirely improvised excursion with all three musicians never having previously played together & recorded in a single day, severely effloresces the Avant-Jazz, Extreme Improvisation & “Cosmic” tilting genre/terrain to new escarpments. From some of the most drastic, frenzied & chaotic turbulence, to hyper baroque & consistently complex nuances & sensitivities, sprawling space-scapes, foreign-planets & supernatural eco-systems, anomalous Continue reading Kikanju Baku (drums), Michael Gregory Jackson (electric guitar/FX/pedals), Joseph Daley (tuba/FX) – Endogeny & Exogamy CD 2016

Sidetracked – Double 12” LP


A giant flippant & facetious wallop in the gob! This is essentially a digital-Shitnoise compilation with what seems to be an intentionally shabby, self-deprecating, deliberately underachieving pageant of self-immolation & shite-wallowing. There are 56 bands over two 12”LPs, most of which are on some ultra obscurist etchment (i suspect many will never publish outside this comp) that are in the kind of irresistible ruinous garbage of Breakcore, Speedcore, Gabber, Glitch, Mash-Up, Noise, Noisecore & other trashy distorted digital imploding & Ignoramus Dance Music. Continue reading Sidetracked – Double 12” LP

Marion Brown – Afternoon of a Georgia Faun CD


A rare moment of astonishingly daring ostentation. More of this should & should have happened. It’s got to contend for one of the best on paper line-ups ever – Anthony Braxton, Andrew Cyrille, Bennie Maupin, Jeanne Lee, Chick Corea, Gayle Palmoré, William Green, Larry Curtis, Billy Malone & at the crown of it all – Mr Marion Brown himself. Marion presiding over such a session makes the prospect of those figures even more exciting. This was still very much in the nucleus of Marion’s ultra Avant phase (1970). If you don’t already know of his work during this spectrum, he was one of the wildest cards in the deck, & not due to any obvious or straightforward quality or approach but by much more unique means, principles & potencies. Continue reading Marion Brown – Afternoon of a Georgia Faun CD