th unfortunate boredom, disappointment & dismay that goes with 95% + of Grind & Noisecore activity gets a rare jolt of delicacy-delivery in th shape of an EXCLUSIVE Noyzcore/Noyzgrynd label Rage For All dropping quality wax & official/pro-pressed CD’s despite th hard times & dearth of fervency for this most nutritious of genres. Shinobi Spiel of Shadow shoots tha shit with th illist of NY’s Rome Tabergus Davruz –
wuz appenin’ Derek! Rage For ALL then?! it’s not th most recent occurrence as yu have been around for like 3 years or sumthing, but it’s fairly new label. it seems there is less & less investment in Noyzcore, god forbid No-Skool-Noyzcore, & yet here yu are with balls in paws when so many are dropping like bitches <Mortville have just punked out>. it’s also very’ very important to address yur disparity as a diligent/authentic label that presses yur stuff on wax or quality glass mastered CD’s, rather than just shitting out a million cheap cassettes or CDR’s. that is tremendously rare these days if not outright abnormal, i think there are less than ten labels th world over that are committed & even vaguely consistent to Noyzcore with pro-releases <actually it may well be less than five even?. with a sham underground, an almost complete absence of support from a spectral fan-base/community that’s more myth than meat, right on top of insane inflation & a bitch of a motherfucking recession, how the hell are yu weathering th storm n’ why? why Noyzcore also? what’s th gravitational pull?
Not much is new here (as my current discography would attest to), but there are a multitude of things I am planning on undertaking in the near future. I try to keep quiet, as I’m sure the moment I announce something it will fall through haha.
it’s not th most recent occurrence as yu have been around for like 3 years or sumthing, but it’s fairly new label
Yeah, I decided I wanted to release records/ cds in mid 2007, and was lucky enough to get in touch with Ryohei/ Final Exit. My complete lack of experience and computer skills delayed the release for sometime, and it wound up coming out in January of ’08…and it remains one of two releases on the label!
it seems there is less & less investment in Noyzcore, god forbid No-Skool-Noyzcore, & yet here yu are with balls in paws when so many are dropping like bitches <Mortville have just punked out>
Its a huge bummer to see anyone call it quits within a tiny community that I love so much. I can imagine it being frustrating for someone who had been around as long as Mortville, who (I would imagine) had witnessed the “highs” of the original noisecore wave, and saw interest in physical copies of releases wane to the point where 50 copies of something would collect dust on a shelf, rather than sell. It would seem that people are more interested in downloading releases, or have become more specific in the formats they collect (the old “sorry, I don’t do cds” pass) The end result leaves behind a slew of uncultivated noisy gold, and people not willing to risk their hard earned money on the gamble that is releasing a record/cd.
it’s also very’ very important to address yur disparity as a diligent/authentic label that presses yur stuff on wax or quality glass mastered CD’s, rather than just shitting out a million cheap cassettes or CDR’s. that is tremendously rare these days if not outright abnormal, i think there are less than ten labels th world over that are committed & even vaguely consistent to Noyzcore with pro-releases <actually it may well be less than five even?
I have always admired labels that would consistently release a quality record or cd in this genre. It really is a sign of commitment, as it certainly can’t be for the money or an attempt to gain popularity, because to be honest… almost no one listens to this stuff (that is not to disparage noisecore by any means, its just an incredibly unfortunate truth) As far as cassettes and cdrs go, I certainly don’t have anything against them, as I own who knows how many excellent releases on both of those formats. I just feel like they’ve become much more disposable than the aforementioned cds and records. Lots of great releases get lost in the shuffle because of the negative stigma attached to that disposability. Personally, I want to keep the label as high quality as possible. Why? Because I like this music so much, I wanted to immortalize it on more time tested formats that won’t just be written off as filler garbage. Its a good way to turn $1 into 50 cents haha.
with a sham underground, an almost complete absence of support from a spectral fan-base/community thats more myth than meat, right on top of insane inflation & a bitch of a motherfucking recession, how the hell are yu weathering th storm n’ why
To be honest, I’m not really weathering the storm. I never expected to get anything out of the label other than a few new friends and the ability to trade with like minded people from all over the world. As far as the money aspect of it, I know I have certainly never made a penny (have actually lost thousands of them. ha!), but that doesn’t worry me, as this is certainly a hobby of mine, and hobbies cost money… whether it be collecting stamps or putting insane sounds on a piece of plastic. As I said before, music is without a doubt what I spend a majority of my free time thinking about, and without writing to penpals or doing trades, my life would be painfully average. At this point, reading an e-mail from someone who got a package from me (and liked it…) across the world is likely to make my day.
why Noyzcore also? what’s th gravitational pull?
I will preface this by saying that I spent a good portion of my youth listening to polished grind. Sometime in the early ’00’s upon digging through a friends newly acquired records he said “hey, you like bad grind, take this.” and handed me a copy of the Cripple Bastards/ World split ep… what I knew of CB I liked, but for some reason I decided to put the WORLD side on first. I was absolutely floored. It was the best thing I had ever heard (and pretty much remains my favorite record of all time) I knew from then on that I had a new favorite genre. It took years to track down everything else of theirs, and along the way, I got into a plethora of their noisy predecessors. Noisecore remains the bulk of what I listen to, so naturally I wanted to help release it in any way possible. Also worth noting, in all my years of writing to the relapse- sque grinders, never once did I get a response! To this day, I have received some kind of correspondence from 99% of the noisecore folks I write to. The lack of ego is just the icing on the cake.
JEZUZ KRYZ KID! that’s a congeries of some of th most awe-indulgent excellency…lyk, we in th zone 0__0
calibrating this magnificent reactionism i want 2 press yu further on these…
well bro, this alacrity, tolerance n dedication on not recouping any ecumenical input in2 this shit….like i totally admire this precept. but i wonder, with somebody with such a degree of devotion, like would a bit more cash not just mean more decent Noyzcore getting pressed? distributed? extolled? promulgated? influencing/inducing new bands? & a general incrementation for this derisory genre? yur values are pretty stark, so more skrills is gonna go where it counts rather than on dumb shit 4 th mantle-piece ryt?! i dunno how yu subvent yur label? but shitty occupations asyd, if motherfuckers would yam-down yur releases & yu would get a little return i bet it would conduce more shit out there as yu have th means to assist it’s release & creation.
pressing rex is fuckin’ expensive, musical equipment & renting a space 2 compose/practice/record, unless yur prodigiously fortunate enough 2 have it free, are fiscal death-sentences…there is generally no way of eschewing th substantial monetary matter is necessary as an essential corrody 2 conduce n facilitate a good Gunk gout, unless yur knockin’ out a fukn reprograph of th piss-poor traditionalist “old school” bilge which requires fuck all & can be done by fukcin anybody in one take & can be released by some shit-fuck in a ex-soviet satellite-state with the change left over from their weekly paper-round.
then again though, with the presence of such adversity, it creates an even more arcane & exiguous genre with immeasurable cult status. but that’s really just a gimmicky aesthetic though ryt? as in my experience, which is def veteran wit this shit, th genre is really suffering & diminution <hell it barely even had it> as such stringent limits & contractions inflict inability & stasis. it’s about every 2-3 years that i savour th rare delicacy of getting my head trisected by some good fuckin’ Noyzcore! an dat aynt kool >< i kno bands that are evidently much’ much less productive than they would even half like to be (some even immobilized completely or temporarily totally dormant/ded-up) & it really’ really tongues crease like shit! i mean Deros, come on man, i kno fuck all people are in2 this & that makes it all the more sexy n shit, but yur talkin’ international & what th fux th population? 7 bil or some other blight-stricken bloat? yu can tap in2 x2000 people & shift yur records & sustentiate a bit more activity in this anemic, deflated entropic fukn wreck of a genre, no? this remote recess a trillion miles beneath th earths dust! hej plenty of us can dive ryt?
& kyna jumping of that trajectory, what do yu think about th No-Skool-Noyzcore/Gunk trip? especially when contrasted with it’s dimorphic cousin old school, conventional, standard-practice-core etc? you mention World very favourably who are one of the depressingly few beasts that actually really made a trenchant effort with a major dose of ability & exigency in2 their stuff whilst 98% just line-tow through anodyne distortion with the most platitude of efforts.
an’ an’ an- how do yu find th distro/sales side?! as in, yur pretty sparse in web-site & promotion etc….so i wonder how much attention & communication & of course sales/trades gets done as so many a’ these scunges have been contorted 2 react only to th commercial paradigm/interface which we dont submit 2 or endorse. my shit is also very like heuristic & simple & absolutely not consonant with commercial formalities & amenities/endless updates. seems to me that tragically commerce culture & consumer protocol permeates right down into the proposed underground/ hypogeal/ alternative & these retardidly unadventurous, paranoid & trepid twats make life extra fukn difficult to spread/impel decent damn Noisegrind/Gunk etc.
lastly, being such a Noycore prolocutor, what do you think about Noise/Power Electronics/Stridor etc???
yur values are pretty stark, so more skrills is gonna go where it counts rather than on dumb shit 4 th mantle-piece ryt?! i dunno how yu subvent yur label? but shitty occupations asyd, if motherfuckers would yam-down yur releases & yu would get a little return i bet it would conduce more shit out there as yu have th means to assist it’s release & creation.
Yes and no I suppose. If I were able to actually make back the money I put into it , the first thing I would think to do is release more records for sure… (though that concept seems almost an impossibility for the most part) The hard part would be finding willing/ worthy participants. There aren’t a huge number of current bands that I am enamored with, and I’m sure even fewer that would be interested in putting out a record for a smaller/ inexperienced label… (read as: IM NOT IN A COOL BAND) Although, if for some reason I could recoup some of my initial investment, there are certainly several releases I have already dreamed up and would pursue if possible.
pressing rex is fukn expensive, musical equipment & renting a space 2 compose/practice/record, unless yur prodigiously fortunate enough 2 have it free, are fiscal death-sentences…there is generally no way of eschewing th substantial monetary matter is necessary as an essential corrody 2 conduce n facilitate a good Gunk gout, unless yur knockin out a fukn reprograph of th piss-poor traditionalist “old school” bilge which requires fuck all & can be done by fukn anybody in one take & can be released by some shit-fuck in a ex-soviet satellite-state with the change left over from their weekly paper-round.
then again though, with the presence of such adversity, it creates an even more arcane & exiguous genre with immeasurable cult status. but thats really just a gimmicky aesthetic though ryt?
This one is tough for me. I typically try not to over-analyse why I like a band, and for what reasons. I know what I like when I hear it, and with that being said, I like talented bands with nice recordings… and bands that play like utter shit and recorded in their parents bedroom on a clock radio. In general, there is a sincerity that is fairly easy to detect. There are plenty of terrible bands that fit into both descriptions (plenty of killer ones too!)
as in my experience, which is def veteran wit this shit, th genre is really suffering & diminution <hell it barely even had it> as such stringent limits & contractions inflict inability & stasis. it’s about every 2-3 years that i savor th rare delicacy of getting my head trisected by some good fukn Noyzcore! an dat aynt kool >< i kno bands that are evidently much’ much less productive than they would even half like to be (some even immobilized completely or temporarily totally dormant/ded-up) & it really’ really tongues crease like shit! i mean Deros, come on man, i kno fuck all people are in2 this & that makes it all the more sexy n shit, but yur talkin’ international & what th fux th population? 7 bil or some other blight-stricken bloat? yu can tap in2 x2000 people & shift yur records & sustentiate a bit more activity in this anemic, deflated entropic fukn wreck of a genre, no? this remote recess a trillion miles beneath th earths dust! hej plenty of us can dive ryt?
This jumps back to the fact that people don’t want to buy physical copies of anything now. Its hard to say why really, because I cant imagine not being excited about the occasional new release, or actually communicating/ trading with the people who’s music i enjoy so much. (though I have already established my exceedingly substandard life haha)
& kyna jumping of that trajectory, what do yu think about th No-Skool-Noyzcore/Gunk trip? especially when contrasted with it’s dimorphic cousin old school, conventional, standard- practice-core etc. you mention World very favorably who are one of the depressingly few beasts that actually really made a trenchant effort with a major dose of ability & exigency in2 their stuff whilst 98% just line-tow through anodyne distortion with the most platitude of efforts.
In general, I enjoy basically every micro-genre that can be associated with noisecore. (of course there are exceptions, what with the seemingly endless number of short lived joke bands) I’ve always found it weird, that with the general lack of interest in the genre as a whole, that some bands feel the need to release such vast amounts of total garbage. If a good band cant distribute 50 copies of good release, how can there be so many terrible widespread bands with 20+ releases? I suppose it just comes down to personal preference and taste. I try to stay open to new things.
an’ an’ an- how do yu find th distro/sales side?! as in, yur pretty sparse in web-site & promotion etc….so i wonder how much attention & communication & of course sales/trades gets done as so many a’ these scunges have been contorted 2 react only to th commercial paradigm/interface which we dont submit 2 or endorse. my shit is also very like heuristic & simple & absolutely not consonant with commercial formalities & amenities/endless updates. seems to me that tragically commerce culture & consumer protocol permeates right down into the proposed underground/hypogeal/alternative & these retardidly unadventurous, paranoid & trepid twats make life extra fukn difficult to spread/impel decent damn Noisegrind/Gunk etc.
This is where I may contradict myself a bit. I complain that people dont buy records, but by the same token, I dont go out of my way to shamelessly promote my releases. Personally, I hate constantly getting e-mail updates about “new distro updates” or websites jam packed with flyers for releases that will likely never see the light of day. It starts to feel way too much like a business. As far as sales, for the most part, I deal in small quantities (generally 5-10) so by the time I keep a copy, and give a few away to friends, I’m left with a couple copies that sit in a box under my bed. I would consider a website if I thought it would have a worthwhile effect in spreading the word (not to mention I STILL dont own a computer, and have zero knowledge of how modern electronics function) For the most part, I make the effort for the people that should know, to know.
lastly, being such a Noycore prolocutor, what do you think about Noise/Power Electronics/Stridor etc???
I am a very casual fan. Compared to noisecore, the scene for that stuff is colossal. With so many people doing it, the bulk of them are bound to be forgettable. Again, this is an example of something where I know what I like when I hear it. There are however, some extremely cool bands/ projects out there that I listen to with great regularity. Ideally, Id prefer Noise/PE to be mixed with noisecore… thats the good stuff!
so what else is to be avidly anticipated from RFA? what contors can yu confide on coming casket-core & mongrel-smush bray shred bludgeon?!
i would also like to agitate yur vantage on y’ kno, th worlds condition, international agenda, 20th century majority thinking & th accepted direction & general practice of th canaille, political prescription & protocol. planetary sabotage, personal/cultural, identity defacement & homogenization/dedifferentiation.. like it’s all becoming one big gray monodrone.
i would be especially interested in yur thoughts on th divorcement from nature & th unremitting destruction & disregard/disdain/disapproval of th natural world…
like we are at a point when people are starting to really become a subspecies as the natural world & th independence it inspires/demands is extirpated & all extrinsic influence is coming from an almost exclusively urban, synthetic & technology dominant environment bereft of natural stimulus, freedoms & discipline. . th stench of extinction is pretty strong, unless it’s just me & all th other leading scientists Ha-Ha!
what th fuck Dave?
-so what else is to be avidly anticipated from RFA? what cantors can yu confide on coming casket-core & mongrel-smush bray shred bludgeon?!
to be honest, im not sure. i have ideas of things id like to do, but no timeline plotting their execution. so far its been roughly a year between releases, and my last one came out in August so…
-i would also like to agitate yur vantage on y’ kno, th worlds condition, international agenda, 20th century majority thinking & th accepted direction & general practice of th canaille, political prescription & protocol. planetary sabotage, personal/cultural, identity defacement & homogenization/dedifferentiation.. like it’s all becoming one big gray monodrone.
i might be the worst possible candidate to answer this question. i try pretty hard to rid myself of outside influence as much as possible… no cable tv, no newspaper, no computer (with the exception of email, and the occasional music forum) i live in a small, culturally bereft portion of upstate new york, and would actually prefer to get even further away from civilization should the opportunity arise. i am not familiar enough with a majority of your question to give a decent answer. occasionally, ignorance is bliss.
-i would be especially interested in yur thoughts on th divorcement from nature & th unremitting destruction & disregard/disdain/disapproval of th natural world…
like we are at a point when people are starting to really become a subspecies as the natural world & th independence it inspires/demands is extirpated & all extrinsic influence is coming from an almost exclusively urban, synthetic & technology dominant environment bereft of natural stimulus, freedoms & discipline.
again, this is a very difficult one. on one hand, i think i am far too young to ever have experienced a natural world, or at least, what my idea of a natural world would be. technology has reigned supreme since ive been here. on the other hand, i have been fascinated by plants and animals my whole life.. whether that meant raising and breeding tarantulas, or being 12 years old and more inclined to talk about bromeliads than playing video games… the vast majority of other people ive come in contact with find that to be outright strange if not marginally insane. im guilty of being caught somewhere in the middle of both worlds, i guess.
-th stench of extinction is pretty strong, unless it’s just me & all th other leading scientists Ha-Ha!
this haustellum cerebral scraping was conducted…um, lyk around kyna’ 2010!!! R4A have since had a rush of reproductive mucus & sprang a glow in the dark x50 track 10″LP by Seti Star Sept & a x200 press ltd hand made split 3″ pro CDR of quite possibly the fastest Grindcore/Noise-Grate ever (yeh, really!) by ASHIAIP/ Pseudoku, all sittin’ snug along side the Final Exit 3″ CD. some other scrat is just around the u-bend & all releases will be reviewed in immaculate microscopic scrutiny on th nex fugn MA update ladies ^ ^. yu wan ge’ goo fak?