Power Behind the Drone: How billionaire-extremists-ultras – Peter Thiel & the Mercer family – are continuing to underpin MAGA, Trump, Trumpism, & the “New Global Right”:

powerless puppet?

Counter-revolution mis-sold as revolution:

The roots of all evil.

If you have been aghast, terrified, sickened or enraged by Trump, Trumpism, MAGA, Project 2025, The New Global Right”, & any of the subsequent or connecting mind wilt, death nova & shit spurt that is choking the world to death, you may want to look behind the iconic ignoramus.

Underpinning the whole scatological scuppering – from day one – has been a “Three Horsemen” death cult, who really bear the ultimate responsibility for the entire fucking shit show ….

Peter Thiel, Robert Mercer, & Rebekah Mercer.

Peter Thiel.

They are the absolute engine of this apocalypse.

Robert Mercer with daughter Rebekah Mercer.

Its been some months since the attempted assassination of Sump at his garbage rally by far-right shooter & registered Republican Matthew Thomas Crooks.

Despite some areas of contention & suspicion, & lingering mystery with some circumstances surrounding the event, I continue to assume the attempt & intent was all real.

The two previous posts issued on the subject – Youth on the Roof (July 14th) and Falling Foul of your own Furnace (July 20th) dealt a more immediate overview & reaction.

Here I want to address further motives, but specifically the competing extremities & warring factions that encircle Sump, as well as some of the more major contradictions, deceptions & fundamental betrayals that his movement contain as central planks of the fraud & farce.

“suckers and losers”

What would compel a card-carrying Republican & Trump supporting gun-nut (Crooks), aka prime MAGA fodder, to try and kill the man “publicly” leading the very movement he follows? with the very weapon (an AR15) that is so cherished and adulated by group (the irony of it)?

Treachery & trickery are the bread-and-butter of everything Trump. Put simply, the man is an unsurpassed scammer, life-long conman, bullshitter supremo, inveterate mega fraudster, merciless swindler & a “corruptocrat” – the living, breathing embodiment of corruption in every facet of his existence, with corruption the first & final thought in every interaction & equation no matter the scale.

Pure scamming corrupto bullshitting super fraud from start to finish, without pause.

Sump’s followers are fodder to his fraudulence. “suckers and losers” as he himself would term it.

unhappy element – attempted Trump assassin #1 – Matthew Thomas Crooks.

Although a smaller contingent of his base will be content simply with the degeneracy, vulgarity, lawlessness or destruction of norms that his presidency afflicts, the majority of his “flock” are actually convinced that the conman is battling for their benefit & even safety.

His movement is underpinned by this scam & hoax.

Part of his weakness & vulnerability is that 90% of his base, if not more, would abandon or turn on him if they actually knew what he was doing, & has done, to their interests, prospects & standing.

This epic duping & deception is critical to his success & survival.

Aided by minions or overlords that benefit their own interests or objectives from his orbit, the constant refurbishment & reconstitution of his crimes, misdeeds, perversion & turpitude carouses around his every fuck-up, convincing the gudgeons & scum to continue investing their trust in the mendacious monstrosity who operates repeatedly against their welfare, interests, freedoms & protections.

a lower authority marionette.

Crooks – in all probability – uncovered one such spectacular betrayal (there are so many of them one can barely count them), which galvanised his failed assassination attempt.

Sump also foments, directs, encourages applauds violence, shootings, assassinations & executions, gun violence, capital punishment, mob & militia violence, terrorism, religious violence, gun violence, police, state & military violence against American citizenry et-al.

He even threatens to executively exculpate offenders & criminals (promised pardons for the Jan 6th “hostages” or literal pardons for the convicted civilian murdering Black Water military contractors),

His whole movement is awash with all manner of violence, real & threatened, overt & dog-whistle.

Violence is omnipresent & accepted.

But how has he ended up on the receiving end of his own violence from one of his own flock?

Robert Mercer – the real shot caller in this shit crisis.

Dancing on the Heads of Snakes”.

That’s the name of a great book, published in 2010, by Victoria Clark, on Middle Eastern state of Yemen.

The expression was attributed to the countries then ruler, Ali Abdullah Saleh (Saleh died in 2017, in Saana, during “fighting between his supporters and their former allies”), who had to keep conflicting clans, tribes & groups “on side” without drawing the animosity of the other, in a country that was regarded as one of the most lawless regions of the Middle East (with a long history of “civil war”).

This “dangerous game” of appeasing or inducting warring or oppositional forces & interests in the same “movement” is essential to the Sump Frankenstein.

“Heil Trump!”

One of the most glaring examples of this has been Sump’s popularity & devotion to both neo-Nazi, white nationalist, & white racism resentments whilst simultaneously being one of the most ardent sell-outs & suck-ups to the worst elements of “Israel First”, extremist Zionist, agenda & Jewish-ethno-fascism.

No president in the countries history has bent-over-backwards more to pander to Israeli, Zionist & Jewish-fundamentalism than Sump.

The record is simply unmatched (& he is happy to brag about it, albeit to the right audience).

“Trump is a friend of Zion”

Netanyahu, the Kushners (his son in law Jared being allowed to effectively co-run the presidency with him on behalf of Israeli interests), the Adelsons, allowing the defection of Jonathan Polard to Israel (convicted in the US of high treason I will remind you), the Golan Heights give-away, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, scuppering the Iran Nuclear deal, approving the first ever US military base in Israel, cancelling aid & funding for “essential services” to Palestine, refusing to extend the investigation of Epstein & Maxwell to Israel itself, & generally supplying & supporting anything the countries foremost extremists do or want, no matter how extreme or blatant the action may be.

At the same time, shot up synagogues, enlarged & increasingly emboldened neo-Nazi & KKK groups, racist marches, & a growing prevalence of genuinely antisemitic activity, influencers & movements, have all flourished during his vandalism (these are not to be confused with the “third party” Judaeo-Christian” “white nationalist” elements that have also proliferated under Sump’s putrescence).

How can these “sworn enemies” possibly operate & thrive through the same gargoyle?

A great example of this “mother of all cynicism” & “power at all costs” devil’s bargains & “alliance of interests” can be observed with the latest freak to abort into the Trumposphere – Laura Loomer.

Forget about how fucked the woman is psychologically, she is an openly identifying Jewish woman (& Israeli-supremacist, Zionist-ultra).

a Nazi – Zionist hybrid ……. Laura Loomer with Nick Fuentes toasting the “takeoever”.

& yet, there she is, toasting the “hostile takeover of the Republican Party” (her exact words) with non-other than closeted homosexual, incel neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes (Fuentes also having declared himself a proud “Donald Trump cultists”) who says that Loomer has “been a friend of mine for years”.

Just think about that one for a moment.

The neo-Nazi & the Jewish Zionist toasting each other.

How are both “sworn enemy” parties happy to collaborate, & toast a “common cause” together?

The car-crash shit-show subhuman Loomer – a Jewish “Israel First” dumpster fire – & the wretched sickbag gay Nazi gimp runt Fuentes?

What is so disturbing about the dreg-blot that clings to Sump, is that you end up with “the worst of both world’s”.

where as one awful & unimaginable extreme should negate the other, somehow, beyond all logical reason & natural law, this abomination of a man & movement find a way to deliver both nadirs, both atrocities, in some kind of stunning double impairment.

Brooks may not have found this acceptable. He may of become enraged or incensed after discovering “one such” major betrayal or cardinal contradiction in Sump’s long, long, long list of lies, fraud & scam. The very vengeful & vindictive rhetoric that had been instilled, stoked & antagonised by Sump & his movement may have then been redirected towards the man himself, & the exponential folly of his mass bullshitting super deception.

unified excretion.

It could have been so many things, as the shyster shitbag just lies, corrupts & cons from every direction without abatement.

I still find it simply impossible to accept or understand how Sump’s insurmountable quantity of rape, sexual assault, incest, child sexual abuse, sex trafficking & all-round salacious & sordid sexual criminality, & endless examples of sick & crass public sexual impropriety, have not gotten him a jail term as of yet.

The shame of it. It is simply unbelievable & unforgivable.

Again, Brooks could have so easily veered out of his QAnon algo-lane into a feed on any of the plethora of Sump’s lengthy litany of grotesque sex crimes against women & children (including his own daughter).

“Terrific guy”

Unelected Autocrats vs Unelected Bureaucrats:

the extremity of hypocrisy defies all limitations.

Again, its all about trickery, bullshitting, deceiving & ruthlessly scamming the-living-daylights out of those desperate & idiotic enough to be suckered by his cant & con.

How a millionaire, multi-bankrupt, serial-lying, conman extraordinaire, infamous for “stiffing” (failing to provide payment after work or services are received in total violation of the terms agreed & promised) people that work for him could be trusted to ever represent “the little guys” corner against “the establishment” still ceases to astound me.

How could anyone buy it?

the least trustable man on Earth.

Three of the worst, dirtiest, & most dangerous multi-billionaire “extremists” funded Sump’s 2016 election bid (with strings very much attached) & you must never forget them – Robert & Rebekah Mercer, Sheldon Adelson, & Peter Thiel of the utterly notorious nightmare company Palantir.

The utterly duplicitous, “populist” garbage geezer of taking on special interests & acting in the interest of the common people has been demolished & incinerated to all but the dumbest & blindest of bastards.

stooge with his crime boss donors – the late Sheldon & Miriam Adelson.

Happy to sell his people/voters/base/country into whatever holocaust his paying special interest group has planned for them for a nominal fee or personal advantage in his bottomless terminal transactionism, Trump is predictably lining up the lambs for the unimaginably dystopian Project 2025, a kind of “end of days” demolition job on pretty much every protection, freedom, living standard, civil resource & human right a US civilian can currently claim (already on a controversial footing compared to other “developed” nations).

It is an archetypical extremist interest mega coup, spewed up by the excrescent Heritage Foundation.

Trump mega donor, defender & Trump transition team don – Peter Thiel of Palantir.

So Sump is setting US citizenry up for a massacre of absolutist-libertarians, corporatist fundamentalists & free-market extremists, pluto-fuedalists & eventually totalitarians, fascists, & anti-democratic vandal-bandit-anarchists, surveillance ultras, social terrorists & extinction advocates.

Very populist.

Peter Thiel again.

Thiel enthusiastically & openly backed & bankrolled Sump during his successful election bid.

Trump’s heretical denial of Republican dogma … is exactly what we need to move the party … in a new direction.” – Peter Thiel

poisoning the well & stacking the deck … Trump & Thiel, Transitions, Transactions, Transgressions.

He was also infamously involved with the now disgraced & dissolved Cambridge Analytica company, & its notorious & deeply controversial operation it ran to secretly influence or “skew” both the Brexit & Sump vote using illegally gathered “psychographic data” & micro-targeting on millions of unsuspecting voters & Facebook users (no they didn’t consent to it).

Robert Mercer, the secretive & psychopathically right-wing tech billionaire who pressed Steve Bannon onto Trump, was also a key conniver & funder of the Cambridge Analytica campaign as well as a direct Sump donor.

This gigantic, unprecedented & “game changing” crime remains unpunished & unaddressed.


Peter Thiel was a central internal playerin the Trump transition team (given his own office even), which gave him extraordinary influence, access, & advantage from the very starting shot, as well as gigantic business opportunities that he could directly exploit & enhance via his position & proximity to power.


His deeply heinous multinational conglomerate Palantir, an eldritch combination of war profiteering, mass spying & surveillance on civilians, hyper-invasive & industrial-scale data scraping, extreme outsourcing & privatisation (government functions in particularly), & what we can only call “oppressors assistance” & totalitarian technologies (surveillance, prediction, tracking, AI, preventative technology, facial recognition software) has grown & expanded gigantically under Trump’s aegis. Under Trump, its profits have soared.

But Thiel wanted to go even further.

Steve Bannon, a fellow ideologue & collaborator of Thiel’s, & no shrinking violet, would say this of Peter –

“Peter’s idea of disrupting government is out there.”

“People though Trump was a disruptor. The had no earthly idea what was being pitched [by Thiel].”

Bannon would claim of Thiel after the Jan 6th Capital siege – “He has not reverted back to Republicanism.” – ”He’s full MAGA.

that’s the same Steve Bannon that claims openly –

I’m a Leninist.”

Lennon wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too”.

I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

deconstruction of the administrative state


There is a lot more to say about Peter Thiel, his perverse company Palantir & the dystopic facial recognition software multinational – Clearview AI – he is critically invested in.

controversial & non-consensual facial recognition extremist Hoan Ton-That of Clearview AI, a Thiel backed & funded privacy-raping surveillance corporation.

I simply cannot cram all the extremely bad shit in here. there is just so much. but you seriously need to start investigating this guy, what he has done, & what he is doing.

Him, his cohorts & accomplices in his company (Alex Karp, Joe Lonsdale etc) are immensely dangerous & sick extremists.

Thiel’s devotional love, major funding, support & association with neo-Nazis, white nationalists, eugenicists, & all things far-right are a clear indicator of the man’s warp.

Peter’s boys.

If you think this is an exaggeration, simply check out the unbelievable article below by the extremism watchdogs “Hatewatch” (a faction of the SLPC) on Thiel’s courting & support of “white power propagandist” Kevin DeAnna.


Kevin – really enjoyed meeting you last night. I may be in DC towards the end of September, and let me know [if you] make it to SF anytime!” – Peter Thiel email to Kevin DeAnna

“Heil Trump” & praise “Nazi curious” Peter

Thiel also met with the notorious Richard Spencer, & many, many more leading white nationalist & neo-Nazi protagonists –


It’s amazing,” Spencer said on the night of a “Gays for Trump” party thrown near the Quicken Loans Arena the night before Thiel spoke. “We’ve taken over the right.” – Richard Spencer

a paedophile & a coprophile – Milo Yiannopoulos & Ann Coulter, both close associates of Peter Thiel.

the billionaire is funding them, organising them, soliciting them, fraternising with them & subsidising their alternative platforms (Rumble).

as Curtis Yarvin, an influential far-right blogger explained to pedarist Milo Yiannopoulos about Thiel – “He’s fully enlightened, just plays it very carefully,

Thiel’s closeness with The Mercer’s, “long time friend” – the disturbed Ann Coulter, Steve Bannon, & Milo Yiannopoulos, are the safer surface strain of a far darker reality.

The money & resources in this man’s possession, which he is actively channelling into this filth, are astronomic, & are causing considerable & real time harm, crisis & poisoning.

Peter Thiel is a fucking Nazi.


Now some important intrigue regarding Sump & Thiel’s relationship.

A strange disclosure was issued that Thiel had been “snitching” to the FBI in 2021. It was confirmed that Thiel was an “FBI informant”. Thiel insisted publicly that he only ratted on foreign entities & elements of Silicon Valley (the “liberals” presumably?). But for a quadruple-immigrant with penthouses & deluxe bunkers all over the world, & an obsession with “Seasteading” (lawless, elite marine communities), I don’t know where one could assume his loyalties lie in the tangle?

Collaborating with the FBI as a “confidential human source” would put Thiel in conflict with MAGA, many of whom are overtly hostile to the agency. Who exactly is he snitching on?

Thiel is currently trying to “mixed signal” broadcast a kind of retreat from MAGA &, has had an apparently acrimonious fall out with Sump after refusing to fund him again for his 2024 election bid.

One of the reasons given was that Thiel was unhappy with the movements rhetoric towards gay people (Thiel being a liberally married homosexual with two daughters by artificial insemination & surrogacy with an unidentified woman) & “fear for his family” (his “elitist gay lifestyle” is complete anathema to the MAGA movement).

After Thiel apparently refused Trump’s beseechment for him to donate to the 2024 campaign, Trump ostensibly called Thiel a “fucking scumbag” to another of Thiel’s elitist-tech-plants Blake Masters.

yet another corrupt artificial appointment within the Republican Party by the poisonous Thiel – Blake Masters.

I am not convinced that the “falling out” is genuine (though it certainly could be), & I think Thiel would of seen it as shrewd & advantageous to not be seen as “directly” involved with or funding the man or the movement any longer, preferring the shadows.

No matter what happens in this election, what Trump represents isn’t crazy and it’s not going away,” – Peter Thiel in 2016

There are a lot of things I got wrong,” he said. “It was crazier than I thought. It was more dangerous than I thought.

there’s always a chance I might change my mind” – Peter Thiel, 2023

constant vaguery, ambiguity & oxymoron. a totally untrustworthy snake of a man.


But that certainly has not stopped Thiel’s candidates, people, & funding from flooding into Sump’s administration to be.

The man is stacking the deck & rigging the process like no other donor or shadow influencer beside the Mercers.

premium snake oil – Vivek Ramaswamy – another Thiel cramming in the rigged ship.

The first major Thiel “entryist” was the gleaming liar & shit-shined Vivek Ramaswamy. Ramaswami – a jarringly untrustworthy, millionaire venture capitalist – ran as a presidential candidate, all whilst publicly deferring to Sump at every given opportunity.

His bid was presumably just a precaution & field test should Sump have been jailed for his ocean of dirt before he could make another attempt on the presidency.

Ramaswamy delivered enthusiastic & savvy-salesman faux-populism, & empty-as-fuck, unsubstantiated jingoism. A less toxic Trumpism basically, with the same weary death carcass, now being ridden by a younger & more energetic “man of colour” liar without the brain damage, sex crimes & addled psychosis.

It didn’t work.

forked tongue & vulture capital.

Although trying to present himself as a “working man” & MAGA-friendly candidate, Ramaswamy is of course a blatant white-collar outer-establishment tech-trick pluto corporatist.

A man that looks like he was born with a barcode for an umbilical whilst wearing a suit, with shares & stocks in his mouth, he has been “engineered” & funded by Peter Thiel & also the notorious neo-liberal billionaire & right-wing activist Leonard Leo.

Scamaswamy is also part of Leonard Leo’s shadowy Teneo group, which also has links to Peter Thiel.


Leonard Leo is currently being investigated for bribery & corruption by the US Senate judiciary committee (& now refusing to comply with a senate subpoena, Steve Bannon style).


stench of rot.

Leonard Leo – another billionaire, neo-fuedalist, corporatist-fascist shadow man.

Ramaswamy attended the elite law school Yale (very populist), where he met another Peter Thiel acolyte & plant – JD Vance (“I’ve known him for a long time, we were classmates in law school”), now Sump’s Vice President pick (well what a coincidence).


Whilst at Yale, both Vivek & Vance would attend “intimate lunch seminar for select students” that were hosted by Peter Thiel, much like his extremely disconcerting & suspicious “20 under 20” (now renamed The Thiel Fellowship) boy programs, which targeted young teenage boys who would “clamour” for Thiel’s favour at more “intimate lunches” where they were offered cash incentives along with “guidance and resources”.

“assless chaps”.

The Serpent’s Egg …. JD Vance, Thiel’s most expensive protégé & plant.

Thiel placed the largest ever declared donation to Vance’s synthetically substantiated Senate bid, with more pouring in from the Mercer family. unlimited corruption.


Vance has been identified repeatedly as “Peter’s protege”.

His whole career, both politically & as a tech-bro business man & venture capitalist, has been funded & gifted from the grift & nepotism he has forged with Thiel.

It was literally Peter Thiel that first introduced Vance to Trump.

Vance dressed in drag during his Yale days (an “intimate lunch” with Peter & Vivek?). don’t fall off the balcony. yes it’s actually geuine & confirmed – “JD put on a bad wig at a party in college – not exactly scandalous,” – Vances press team in response to the images resurfacing

He is an extension of Thiel, he owes everything to Thiel, & he will now be Vice President (quickly to become president if Sump should go under, shot, or jailed, or defected to North Korea or Venezuela).

Once again, this time operating via at least two proxies (Vance & Ramaswamy), Thiel will have a space in the White House & be able to steer policy & legislation towards his personal advantage, profiteering his sick tech-totalitarian mass-surveillance agenda & “rewriting of the Republic”.

all of this is being sold to the shit-brains as anti-corruption, anti-elite, “grass-roots” & “outsider”, salt-of-the-earth populism.

A fantastical obscenity that beggars belief.

But it gets even grimmer.

Hollow Man – Devil’s bidding.

We then have the obscenity that is Kevin Roberts, the president of the abominable Heritage Foundation, a member of the secretive far-right Roman Catholic group Opus Dei, & one of the most insistent outriders & architects of the heinous Project 2025 criminal conspiracy.

JD Vance wrote an adulatory forward for Kevin Robert’s forthcoming book, & Kevin Robert’s office is “just a few steps” away from Vance’s in Washington DC.


death dealing – Kevin Roberts & Trump shake on slavery by pen-stroke.

Trump continues to claim that he knows nothing of Project 2025, despite ever increasing video, audio, photographic & written evidence to flat-the-fuck-out contradict this banshee-wailingly obvious lie from the obsessive-compulsive liar.

Steve Bannon has enthusiastically featured Kevin Robert’s on his War Room.

Gas the Jews” Nigel Farage also hosted him on open sewer GB News –

Farage is now about to attend his third visit to the US in a little under two months since becoming an MP.

Cues from command.


Steve Bannon & Nigel Farage have a long history of collaboration, collusion & conspiracy together across multiple platforms & countries.

we must also factor in Liz Truss.

Truss, the shortest running & least popular Prime Minister in British history (she was also not elected by the popular vote), has spent an extraordinary amount of time with Kevin Robert’s Heritage Foundation over in the USA.

Detested, impugned, resented & unanimously disrespected in Britain as an offensive joke & national embarrassment, the disgraced freak failure ex-PM continues to be given credence by her captors & connivers over the Atlantic.

the tremendous treason of Truss … Peter Thiel is “very sympathetic” to the hated emblem of national shame & ignominy.

Kevin Robert’s also wrote a strong recommendation for Toss’s dog-shit deplorable book Ten Years to Save the West.

Liz Truss is that rare figure in the political arena today—a genuine leader of principle and conviction, who is willing to stand up and fight for policies that actually advance freedom and defend national sovereignty and self-determination.” – Kevin Roberts

There are many separate videos of Toss speaking at Heritage on multiple occasions.

if you live in Britain, just watch the first six-minutes of this truly, deeply, madly deranged & obscene turbo-twaddle-treason.

both Truss & Farage attended the US National Republican Convention this July as foreign satellite agents of the MAGA brand.


Truss would also attend Nigel Farage’s 60th birthday party.

ACTIVE TRAITORS. crime in progress.

Worth remembering also that Steve Bannon was convicted of fraud for conning & defrauding Trump supporters out of millions of dollars in donations towards a bogus “We Build the Wall” scam.

His co-defendants in the conspiracy are all in jail, but Bannon received a last minute presidential pardon from Sump & avoided confinement (duress of some nature seems to have been applied to Trump to comply with Bannon pardon).

Bannon’s close business associate, ally, & gay lover – fugitive Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui (also known as Miles Kwok) – was also sentenced to jail last year for a massive fraud (including against his followers) involving crypto currency.

criminal to criminal – Steve Bannon & Miles Kwok (Guo Wengui).

Bannon is currently serving a four month jail term for contempt of court (let’s hope Leonard Leo goes the same way).

nothing but fraudsters.

under the arm & under their noses … total fraudsters.


Back to Peter Thiel.

Bizarrely (or not, as he is a predatory global vulture capitalist, who thrives/profits from other’s crisis or disaster), Peter Thiel has spoken very favourably of Liz “I don’t believe in guardrails” Truss.

During a long conference last year at an elitist public school in Oxford (very populist), Britain, Thiel confessed “I was very sympathetic to Liz Truss”.

During the same speech, he also expressed his aversion to England’s beloved National Health Service (NHS), describing British nationals that appreciated the service as having “Stockholm syndrome” & saying that the best thing for the institution would be to “rip the whole thing from the ground and start over”.

Limp Toss …. there is apparently a “sex tape” of Toss, which would explain such fervent compliance & servitude to foreign forces.

Palantir would presumably be the replacement private provider.

Thiel continued his derogation “Highways create traffic jams, welfare creates poverty, schools make people dumb and the NHS makes people sick,”.

the billionaire corruptor asset-stripper is “very sympathetic” to the most reviled, disgraced, & unpopular PM in the countries’ entire history.

Simultaneously, in the same speech even, he speaks feverishly of his desire to destroy one of the countries most treasured & popular institutions.

He praises the national disgrace & deprecates the national treasure.


His “politics” are the antipathy of popular opinion.

Extreme, weird, perverse, unnatural, totalitarian, plutocratic, despotic, misanthropic, nihilistic.

international corruptor

Thiel & Palantir would also exploit the Covid pandemic & weak & profoundly corrupt Tory government to initially gain access to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service & citizens data (Palantir also did the same in the US under Trump’s administration).

Palantir CEO Alex Karp, who “lobbied” then British PM Rishi Sunak at a baseball game.

Last year, under the murkiest of circumstances & thinnest of pretexts, Truss’s beleaguered successor, PM Rishi Sunak (a multi-millionaire tech-bro, with a US green card & a $5m beach-front penthouse in Santa Monica, California), would “sell access” to Palantir to expand “data services” into he NHS (the very institution Thiel had excitedly talked about destroying).

Sunak (who attended the same US university, Stanford, as Peter Thiel) had been taken to a baseball game &“personally lobbied” by Palantir CEO Alex Karp.

Rishi Ransack with his Thiel swag. back to The Bay with your bribes you bastard.

The enormously corrupt NHS deal, was also solicited by the infamous “fixer” Peter Mandelson, better known as “The Prince of Darkness via his Global Counsel consultancy service”.

A public inquiry into this insanely corrupt and frankly treasonous deal is required, with immediacy, by the newly appointed Labour Prime Minister Kier Starmer (the British public need to insist on it).

Thiel’s political interference & rigging has become so extreme & entrenched that he is now considered a “Republican kingmaker” in the US body politic.

In the 2022 election cycle, however, Thiel emerged as a potential Republican kingmaker, contributing more than $35 million to 16 federal-level Republican candidates, according to OpenSecrets. Twelve of those candidates won.”

This included Caitlyn Jenner’s failed bid for Governor of California.

At least two of the candidates, Blake Masters & JD Vance, had been employees in Thiel’s corporations.

Peter Thiel personally introduced Vicky Vance to “American Hitler. deal was done.

Vance worked for Thiel’s Mithril Capital.

Mithril were investigated by the FBI & SEC around 2019 for “financial misconduct” after a whistleblower & employee, Crystal McKellar, contacted authorities about massive fraud at the firm.

The case seems to have vanished, with very little public traces persisting (Thiel is an expert at “scrubbing” unwanted details from the internet).

Shortly after the investigation, Thiel made a vocal & very public counter accusation against competitor Google (a classic Steve Bannon “flood the zone with shit” strategy) of having “Chinese spies” in the company. He was abetted by fellow hard-right corruptor Rupert Murdoch (close to Thiel via Charles Koch’s CATO Institute), who featured Thiel on his Fox News network for a soft-ball interview with Heritage Foundation stalwart Tucker Carlson.

It is also possible that this is where Thiel became a “source” or snitch to the FBI, much like controversial Trump associate Felix Sater & the now jailed Enrique Tarrio, a Roger Stone crony & leader of the Proud Boys terrorist group (now serving a twenty-year-plus sentence for seditious conspiracy) who were also FBI informants.


Thiel himself was also interviewed by the police for the sudden & suspicious death of his gay lover – social media influencer Jeff Thomas (despite being married to businessman Matt Danzeisen since 2017) – in 2023.

Peter Thiel’s “kept” adulterous lover Jeff Thomas, who died in an apparent “suicide” after a “messy” break up with Thiel after being dicovered by Thiel’s husband Matt Danzeisen, & also breaking the NDA he had with Thiel about their relationship.

It’s not like I was his boyfriend, really, I was just kind of his friend that was there for him when he needed, you know, whatever he needed.” – Jeff Thomas

apparently the cops have said it was a suicide?

Thomas reportedly told Ryan Grim of The Intercept that he was in a “kept” relationship, receiving expensive gifts like a $300,000 car and a $13 million home in Hollywood Hills from Thiel.” – Miami New Times

$13m home in Hollywood Hills? so what was there to be suicidal about exactly?


in Max Chafkin’s superb book on Thiel, The Contrarian, lurid descriptions of excessively hedonistic & drug-fuelled parties at The Grotto, held by Thiel, where young male-waiters in “assless chaps” would go round with platters of class-A drugs for guests, are detailed.

I wonder how the Evangelicals & MAGA contingent would feel about all this?

A Roy Cohn moment.

if they only knew ….. “suckers & losers”.

According to Reuters – “Thiel is married to businessman Matt Danzeisen, with whom he has two toddlers. Concerns about his family’s safety have weighed in Thiel’s decision to step back as well, the source who knows him personally told Reuters.

who was/is the mother/mothers? Ann Coulter? Laura Loomer? Was IVF involved?

How would “the deplorables” feel about this arrangement?

ever the “globalist liberal woke elite”, Thiel married his husband in Austria, Adolf Hitler’s birth country. “America First”.

Thiel’s own public excuse for not “directly” funding Trump for the 2024 cycle is that “I’m gonna be less involved in all these ways!” operating from the shadows, via proxies, puppets & plants.

living a hyper privileged woke global elitist life-style whilst funding & provoking MAGA …. fuck this prick.

Thiel’s war-espionage & confinement death-star Palantir is also an ardent supporter & profiteering partner for Israel’s onslaught in Gaza, including some of the most controversial aspects of the prolonged criminal atrocity, drones, & “killer AI”.

The same technology will of course be used in the US later, on American citizens, as Peter’s companies Palantir & Clearview AI have already done with technology originally “deployed” by the US military in war zones of Iraq & Afghanistan (Thiel also literally sued the US Army for allegedly “using a biased bidding process” when they did not buy Palantir’s software).

Palantir in Gaza

Thiel’s sick, sociopathic & subhuman partner at Palantir – Alex “Kapo” Karp – has said publicly of pro-Palestinian anti-war protesters “The peace activists are war activists, “We are the peace activists.

meanwhile, another executive & founder of the company, Joe Lonsdale, is donating millions to Trump’s America Pac (saving Peter the direct association) along with other right-wing tech billionaires (very populist).

Buying politics, money in politics, big corporations in politics, billionaires directing policy in politics, & corruption in politics, is a sacred & central grievance in the MAGA fervour.

Palantir co-founder Joe Lonsdale.

How can these idiots possibly not see what is parasitizing off of the scam they are being fake fed?

Could the attempted Trump assassins (there is another one now, once again, a right-wing MAGA nut) have discovered such a betrayal & been motivated to act on it (as encouraged by Trump/MAGA, but traditionally against scapegoat or falsified targets/Democrats)?

Thiel’s corruption of politics is also completely, totally & utterly out of control.

Thiel is so bad, such a cancer on the world, that I can barely quantify it here without writing absolutely reams of text & including hundreds of links.

I don’t know any one this bad & poisonous…. even Murdoch & Koch.

Pete’s pricks

To give a little further substance to it, here are some prime quotes from Thiel himself (as shadowy & evasive as he is, like Roger Stone, he clearly gets a real thrill out of “speaking his mind” to the right audience when permitted).

I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible

I’d rather be seen as evil than incompetent

Startups and founders lean towards a more dictatorial side, “ – “it is more tyrantthan mob because it should be.”

“One of the things I like about technology is that when technology’s unregulatedyou can change the world without getting approval from other people. At its best, it is not subject to democratic control, and not subject to the majority, which I think is often hostile to change.

We’re at a fascinating juncture: the nature of government is about to change at a very fundamental level.

We have to just go out from this conference and take over the world.

After the election, Thiel was feted by Trump’s inner circle and given an office in Trump Tower, along with the altitude to install his allies in the new administration.” – Max Chafkin in The Contrarian

Peter Thiel is far worse than Donald Trump. Thiel, along with Robert & Rebekah Mercer, are the intenders, the conscious directors, the script writers, & the funders, underpinning the worst of it all.

this man is absolutely insane.

visably disturbed – Thiel at the RNC.

Now his minions are being infiltrated, & stuffed by the dozens into Trump’s shit show & the Republican Party corpse.

if this is not corruption & criminal conspiracy of the absolute highest order, then what is?

Another shared commonality & blemish of character so many of these people share is their close associations with child-sex trafficker & prolific blackmail & kompromat Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump himself of course goes further than any of them, having spent over a decade in the man’s company, allowing him around his young children, writing gushing gossip column praise pieces on his party animal pal (“terrific guy” – “ – and many are on the younger side”), flying at least several times on Epstein’s private plane, being caught in countless jolly photographs & videos together (one even containing his young children in the shot), being accused of jointly raping a thirteen-year-old girl with Epstein (Katy Johnson), & even recently, unbelievably, using Epstein’s old private plane to fly on.

Donald Trump & his two young children with “terrific guy” Jeffrey Epstein.

He has also maintained a strikingly close relationship with Epstein’s “madam” & main accomplice – Ghislaine Maxwell, incriminatingly even stating “I wish her well” in a press conference after she had been arrested for the sexual abuse & trafficking of minors (she was of course later convicted).

all together now.

We then have Alex Acosta, who “illegally” rendered the grossly abnormal “sweetheart” deal/non-prosecution plea for Epstein in 2007 on account of “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” (this was told to Trump’s then transition team, who went on to hire Acosta & appoint him as Trump’s secretary of Labour all the same).

Sump & Alex Acosta.


Steve Bannon also “coached” or worked with/for Epstein (including shortly before his arrest), defending him with “You don’t look at all creepy”.

The Young Turks recently produced a good video on this Bannon/Epstein fraternizing.

Trump’s “embattled” ex-White House-lawyer, William Barr, also has multiple dealings & connections to Epstein.

His father, Donald Barr was even closer to Epstein & had employed him personally at Dalton School, NY.

Another of Trump’s lawyers was the scabious Alan Dershowitz, another long-term & close Epstein cohort. Dershowitz infamously defended Trump in his impeachment trial. Dershowitz is also accused of having sex with Epstein & Maxwell traffic & abuse victim Virginia Giuffre (now Virginia Roberts). Dershowitz was also an ally of Trump’s execrable mentor & guru, Roy Cohn.

Alan & Sump.

Then we have Peter Thiel. Thiel also had meetings with Epstein (which including one-to-one meetings with him in 2014). When Epstein was arrested in 2019, Thiel had multiple appointments scheduled with the convicted child-sex offender & prolific blackmailer.

Thiel initially refused to respond to these disclosures, but eventually said he “regretted” them.

He has been allowed to slink away without further scrutiny.

Peter has recently made an attempt to “launder” his associations with Epstein by doing a clearly screened interview with Joe Rogan.

It was a cunning move by Thiel, as now when you search “Jeffrey Epstein – Peter Thiel” you get his soft-core & conciliatory videos with Rogan, directing suspicions elsewhere.

Flood the zone with shit.

Another early collaborator with Jeffrey Epstein was Thiel’s accomplice & business partner Peter Mandelson, aka “The Prince of Darkness”.

Peter Mandelson with Jeffrey Epstein (note the man servant).

Thiel hired Mandelson through Global Counsel, Mandelson’s private “inverter service” & consultancy firm to help shoehorn-in Palantir’s corrupt NHS infiltration via then Conservative PM Rishi Sunak (with a little extra help from Conservative campaign adviser Isaac Levido of Fleetwood Strategy).

and again – Mandelson & Epstein.

At one 2003 dinner in his Upper East Side home [Epstein’s], other attendees besides Epstein and Trump included Google co-founder Sergey Brin, Leslie Wexner, controversial British operative Peter Mandelson, and Bill Clinton aide Doug Band.” – Whitney Webb, One Nation Under Blackmail Vol.2

the bizarre & disturbing presence of cynical chameleon every-man Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is another one.

RFK Jr. is also involved/compromised by Jeffrey Epstein, having admitted to flying on his private plane at least twice.

Unsurprising then, that he fully backs Israel, despite this optically conflicting clash of idealism being utterly at odds with his other beliefs.

Very telling.

get in early – RFK Jr. at Trump Tower.

After running as a Democrat, he then became a dependent, before trying to then secure a position within the Harris administration, before then going on to endorse Trump.

About as trust worthy as a snakes nest.

many of these men (Trump more than any), conceivably all even, will have been directly “compromised” by their dealings with Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell. Others perhaps will have been seeking to exploit the “leverage” Epstein possessed & had over other influential figures & institutions to further their own political agendas (or both).

The point here is simply how corrupted & “compromised” the players are here.

The whole thing is just a hazards zone.

They all require rigorous & unbiased investigation.

Epstein & Ghislaine’s shadow, influence & presence over this mess, is massive & ongoing.

The White House is still covering for all of them.

Joe Biden, predictably, has done absolutely nothing on the issue.

Les Wexner, perhaps the only man more enmeshed with Epstein than Trump, has been granted total indemnity & freedom from inquiry.

Fuck Joe Biden.

one of the worst of them – Erik Prince.

Peter Thiel also has close ties & business workings with one of the darkest members of Trump’s crime syndicate, Erik Prince (founder of the infamous & disgraced private mercenary group Black Water (renamed as Xe Services & then again as Academi).

He is connected to the notorious “Seychelles” incident/meeting that involved the predatory homosexual paedophile (now serving a prison sentence for sex trafficking a minor & possession of child pornography), fixer & Trump “advisor” George Nader.

George Nader & the Trump Administration

It is highly probable that Thiel himself also liaised with Nader.

the greatest source of research into George Nader & his Trump Administration connections comes via the exceptional author & lawyer Seth Abramson, particularly in his book Proof of Conspiracy.


Steve Bannon was also very close to George Nader & to Erik Prince (Prince showed up at the recent pre-confinement rally for Bannon before he was imprisoned).

It would also appear that Nigel Farage has also been shilling for Prince.

yet another Thiel specimen (he really gets around huh?) to join the cancer circus was Hulk Hogan (Terry Bolea), who spoke & “performed” at the RNC garbage fest.

Hogan had of course been secretly bankrolled by Thiel in his controversial “conspiracy” to covertly fund the deliberate destruction of the gossip/trash platform Gawker (he successfully bankrupted the publication which had “outed” him as gay).

Thiel once attended Robert & Rebekah Mercer’s “Heroes and Villains” party dressed as Hulk Hogan. Nigel Farage came as Admiral Lord Nelson, whilst Trump dressed “as himself”.


At another of Mercer’s H&V parties, Thiel, Erik Prince & Robert Mercer posed for a photograph together (Thiel said that the photo was to controversial to share online but the photograph has been confirmed by third-parties).

The plague of Peter just gets worse. Exhaustingly awful, corrupt, poisonous & damaging.

He is everywhere. The chief orchestrator, with the Mercers just off in the shadows.

Meanwhile, Heritage Foundation president & Nazi madman Kevin Roberts, has threatened “bloodshed” should Trump not win, & cited that the country is “in the process of the second American revolution”.

A Criminal conspiracy.

The same repeat offenders. In cahoots, working earnestly on a shared objective, escalating extremities.

It is also worth reminding of Peter Thiel’s powerful influence & crucial investment in Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook/Meta from its inception. Thiel was a very early & crucial investor for the company, & became a controversial “behind the scenes” mentor to Zuckerberg. His influence & sway over Mark & the company during its ascent & beyond cannot be overstated (even Zuckerberg’s Emperor Augustus Caesar haircut has been attributed to Thiel’s aegis).

under the influence – Mark Zuckerberg.

It was also of course under Thiel & Robert Mercer’s directions that Facebook illegally, surreptitiously, & without users consent, passed the data of millions of Facebook users over to Cambridge Analytica for the manipulation, psychographic mapping & micro-targeting operations it secretly used to corruptly influenc voters for the Vote Leave (Brexit) & Trump 2016 election campaigns.

Thiel finally left Meta/Facebook’s board in 2022 (he had been a member since 2005), citing his desire to focus on influencing (corrupting) & funding the 2022 presidential elections (MAGA, Trump).

Zuckerberg in court … Thiel in the shadows.

Early reporting on Thiel’s exit details his desire to become more political. The New York Times writes that Thiel “wants to focus on influencing November’s midterm elections” after leaving Meta’s board, while Bloomberg writes that the investor “plans to increase his political support of former President Donald Trump’s agenda during the 2022 election.

But Thiel is expected to continue to informally advise Zuckerberg, and his influence is unlikely to fade completely. The company did not want him to leave the board, two people said.”



Far from escaping Thiel/MAGA/Trump’s influence, Zuckerberg readmitted him to Facebook & Instagram in 2023, & recently removed “guardrail” provisions that had been installed to mitigate the miasma on his platform. Elon Musk has also reinstated the Pricktator to Twitter/X.


what about the estranged, untrustworthy, compromised, paltering “odd jobs” operative RFK?

His endorsement of Trump/Vance & Israel says it all (not to mention those flights with Jeffrey Epstein) .. this shifty, shape-shifting shit-ball – defecting left-right-and-centre (literally), & backing entities that completely defile the very “principles” he claims to uphold – cannot be trusted on anything, even if he makes a convincing actor on selected progressive issues.

A double agent (triple in his case, Robert Maxwell style).

the ultimate grey man doing the devil’s deeds. fuck RFK Jr.

There are some truly extraordinary reoccurrences & parallels present here.

Unfortunately, they are extremely stimulant to conspiracy bonanza.

This is where the dreadful Roy Cohn – Trump, Roger Stone, & Rupert Murdoch’s personal attorney & tutor – comes again into the conversation.

Speaking of political prosecution, special tribunals, task forces & “weaponised” government departments, it is worth remembering that it was John F. Kennedy that personally assigned his brother – Robert Kennedy – to create a special task force with the sole purpose of taking down Roy Cohn.

They (very rightfully) considered Roy Cohn an urgent, major & extreme threat, & source of dangerous corruption that needed to be swiftly & thoroughly neutralised for the countries safety.

Roy Cohn.

It is to the immense detriment to the US, & the world at large, that they did not succeed in this critical mission.

JFK was shot dead in public during a political engagement.

RFK was also shot dead in public during a political engagement.

Let us not enter the mess of circumstances surrounding these assassinations, but suffice to say, they are strained & disturbed.

the Kennedy’s didn’t get him.

Roy Cohn, J. Edgar Hoover, & a large swathe of organised crime organisations & leaders (Cohn went on the “represent” many of the most prominent crime families in New York) would unlikely have survived a full Kennedy presidency, & a very different course in domestic & international politics would probably have transpired had these “assassinations” not been successful.

The “Golden Boy”.

Had Cohn been stopped, Trump, Murdoch, & Stone, would never have reached the level of power they have achieved in his wake, nor inflicted the decades of harm, corruption & filth that they have gifted the world.

Cohn & the Kennedys hated each other. Mortal enemies.

with the Reagans … the world has never recovered.

Having RFK Jnr. active in this shit-show is very peculiar. But a shill is a shill, & an angle is an angle. Compromised advocates/actors from opposing spheres that can compel the defection/undecided voter in favour of Trump/MAGA/Thiel/P2025 is the game plan.

Perhaps no one demonstrated this better than the excrescent Tucker Carlson, another key corruptor, scammer, & propagandist in this diabolical fraud.

I believe in the space of a month, he “interviewed” classic examples of the aforementioned compromised characters, who exert influence over specific voting blocks – Russel Brand, Andrew Tate & Ice Cube.

Tucker Carlson used to work for Heritage Foundation & is a close cocksucker of Kevin Roberts.


Returning to Roy Cohn again, there is a new movie, The Apprentice, dramatising his “relationship” & profound & unique influence on Sump. This will sit nicely along side essential documentaries Where’s my Roy Cohn? & Bully. Coward. Victim.

Sump has been trying to block or ban the feature from circulation. Fraudster, freak & war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu is attempting to do the same with a new documentary, The Bibi Files, on his staggering corruption & chronic misrule

Thiel & his companies have an incredibly close & “deferential” relationship with crime state of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the IDF & perhaps more than anything, the Mossad.

Now let’s return to the two Republican/MAGA former Trump voters who have turned would-be-assassins on their former idle.

Thomas Matthews Crooks is now joined by Ryan Wesley Routh, who attempted to buck Runt on the golf course with a Kalashnikov.

Unfortunately, the “deep state” secret service saved his ass.

Routh was captured. His motive for the attempted murder was Trump’s “betrayal”, having previously actually voted for Sump, imbibing the lies & fraud of the inveterate hoaxer shyster.

another disgruntled MAGA supporter takes aim – Ryan Wesley Routh.

Betrayal. Discovering the fraud. Being duped, scammed & conned. The revelation of treason & treachery. The unquantifiable hypocrisy & supra-sanctimony .

Being encouraged & whipped-up to direct violence, hatred, enmity & malice towards targeted groups (rapists, paedophiles, traitors, criminals, liars, corrupt politicians), only to finally realise that the man leading you is the worst of them all.

It never ceases to amaze me, how utterly & incalculably scrambled, mind raped & cognitively handicapped you have to be to believe & trust such a blatant & flagrant fraudster like Trump & the MAGA movement.

I watch with a curious mix of bewilderment, skin-crawling horror & fascination the videos of The Young Turks team interviewing MAGA mass mornics at Sump rallies.

How could anyone fall for this excreta?

The unique poison power of Facebook, social media extreme “echo chamber”, online disinformation streams, micro targeting, algorithms & psychographic manipulation & misinformation cannot be underestimated, & we can thank Thiel, Zuckerberg, Mercer & now Elon Musk for this extraordinary polluting & harmful degeneration.

insufficient criminal proceedings. the sytem failed.

Enhanced retardation media from the likes of Murdoch’s Fox network & Newsmax are another feature, along with tox-bilge like Alex Jones/Info Wars & Steve Bannon’s the War Room.

Peter Thiel & Robert Mercer were actually due to fund a new right-wing-tox network with the disgraced “Republican kingmaker” & sex offender Roger Aisles.


But despite these incredibly pernicious & degenerative drivers, I am still aghast that such a farce can be so formidable a lure for so many people.

Still, the scope for “vengeful” & disgruntled former-Trump supporters on “return to sender” style activities is predictable.

The only thing surprising about this is how few incidents/attempts there has been so far.

Honestly, it just amazes me.

Robert Mercer.

There is also another angle to consider in this appalling & lamentable miasma maelstrom.

Let’s look to a video of convicted traitor Jonathon Pollard, a US citizen that spied for Israel. Pollard received a life sentence 1987 for charges of treason & espionage. He had stolen military secrets that he then supplied to Israel (Pollard “sold secrets for money”).

Under Trump’s presidency, the convicted traitor was allowed to “defect” to Israel.

Never forget that. Trump allowed a convicted traitor to defect to the country that had benefited from his espionage & treason, where he was given a heroes welcome by Benjamin Netanyahu in person (some ally).

the traitor is a hero. Trump allowed him to defect.

Its on Trump. Forever.


Maybe some of the would-be-shooters had discovered this “transaction”?

back in Israel, “hero” Pollard has become increasingly loquacious with his opinion online, including his support for treasonous Trump.

On the 1st of June, just six weeks before the first assassination attempt by Crooks, a video of Pollard (described in the videos description here as a “Prisoner of Zion” in conversation with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim – Will Donald Trump be assassinated? was posted online –

Polard predicts Trump will be assassinated months before the first attempt

not necessarily to bestow any special relevance on this particular video or dialogue between one convicted traitor defector & a religious fundamentalist.

The point is, Trump, at this stage at least, may be more useful dead than alive to the extreme movements & criminal conspiracies puppeteering him (Project 2025, MAGA, Silicon-Nazi total corporatocracy tech-fascist totalitarianism, Christian nationalism, Zionist ethnono-supremacists etc etc)???

Vance now a salesman for “cultural heroin”.

has he now served his purpose & breached the gates?

Would “the movement” be at an advantage to have him “gone” now?

Could the “assassination” in itself be the greatest justification or catalyst for the “greatest cleansing & the fastest cleansing” as ultra-nut-fuck Ivan Raiklin threatened & fantasized with Alex Jones on InfoWhores a few months before Crook’s failed attack?

watch the video again.

There is another by David Pakman.

If they kill him, that’s best case scenario”?

Please kill him”? “It’s so good after that”?

Ivan Raiklin is a ”darkest corners” Erik Prince, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon & Kash Patel type.

The real “deep state”.

Peter Thiel is also a friend & supporter of Raiklin, who endorsed & bankrolled Raiklin’s failed run as a Republican senator.

Raiklin is the self-styled “Secretary of Retribution” for “innovative and unconventional leadership”. Insanity.

Remember this, Peter Thiel has backed, funded, & been photographed & filmed in his home posing with an ultra-far-right seditious insurrectionist, “Pence memo” “secretary of retribution”, “death list” toting Alex Jones associate who authored the infamous “Pence card”.

Can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than at Peter Thiel’s New York home – Ivan Raiklin

Peter Thiel poses with his “Secretary of Retribution“.

Raiklin has also addressed Elon Musk, pressuring Musk to retrospectively release all information on specifically targeted individuals on the X platform. An excellent article by Hunter Walker for TPM is available below.

Raiklin’s dream of getting Musk, Shellenberger, and Taibbi to take on his target list may just be a feverish fantasy, but it is a sign of something far more real and consequential. The endeavor is a stark example of how some of the people who were involved in the efforts to overturn the last election are continuing to promote increasingly militant conspiracy theories to their audiences ahead of the next one. 


during one of Raiklin’s appearances on Infowars, Alex Jones probed for Ivan’s “analysis” of Elon Musk. Raiklin went on to respond – “He’s like us,” – “I think he’s cut from the same cloth.” 


Tucker Carlson has also featured Ivan Raiklin on his talk show. Carlson has also predicted Trump’s assassination.

will Donald Trump be assassinated?

Tucker Carlson features Ivan Raiklin.

competing extremities. A resisting puppet? A schism of forces & a conflict of content.

Going too far?

an excellent book from Isaac Arnsdorf.

Here are some important Steve Bannon quotes, in excerpts from an excellent new book on “the MAGA takeover” of the Republican Party – Finish What We Started – the MAGA movement’s Ground War to End Democracy by Isaac Arnsdorf (incredibly, Peter Thiel does not feature at all in the book) –

Think about this: the MAGA movement, the base of the Republican Party being focussed on appropriations bills? The Tea Party never got to this level.” You know why they never got to this level? The Kochs and the people that put the money up to drive it didn’t want it to go to this level.” – Steve Bannon

The fights we had in the Roosevelt room, over trade policy and tariffs, were the most vicious in the White House.” “I mean, there was almost punches thrown.”

The first guys that we gotta take down is the Republican Party.” “We haven’t done that yet. We’re getting there. Trump’s our instrument. We’re getting there. We’re not there yet. We’re getting there. The Precinct Strategy-major part of it.” – Steve Bannon

the same con artists over & over.

I’m a Leninist” – Steve Bannon

what do you mean?” – Ronald Radosh

Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that’s my goal too.” – Steve Bannon

I want to bring everything crashing down and destroy all of today’s establishment.” – Steve Bannon

the prick works for the establishment. Two of the richest & most scheming crypto-Nazis alive – Peter Thiel & Robert Mercer. This is an operation to increase the haul, narrow the shares, & radicalise the extraction process within the establishment oligarch group. A grand exacerbation.

Trump himself just wants to play a rigged game of golf, go fuck a passed out porn star that reminds him of his own “piece of ass” daughter, then go on to a paid speaking slot at some treasonous Zionist forum organised by one of the Adelsons where he can spew crass antisemitic stereotypes & get applauded for it.

Sump with Laura Loomer.

Techno-fascist takeovers & slave-trade-bondage rape rights (P2025) are not his making (but he is their “instrument”) or of his interest.

Trash talk, reality TV low-level celebrity garbage softball schmooze, deals/corruption, junk food, damaged, deranged & desperate women (we can add degenerate now with lunatic Loomer) is all he is really interested in.

Laura Loomer has a public episode.

Trump is not religious. Trump is not anti abortion. Trump is not anti pornography, or sexual indecency, modesty or restraint. Trump is not a firearms & gun fetishist. Trump does not study or read. He hates the details & complexity of politics, & is completely inadequate, incapable & unfit to deal with them, & would far rather shit talk inappropriately to the latest grifting sumbag about how “voluptuous” his “piece of ass” daughter has always been & how he’d “probably be dating her” – “If I weren’t happily married [he isn’t happily married] and, ya know, her father…,”.

He is a “dirty liberal” & a debauched “fast food” trash celeb.

Trump would never pursue, invent or invoke a monster like Project 2025 on his own accord (& simply lacks the capacities in every bracket).

Vivek Scamaswamy & Laura Lunacy.

The “deplorables” contingent of his MAGA base is the closest resemblance to the shambling shyster, & his most appreciated following (even though he of course views them as “suckers”).

This is where he might scrape up a willing cocksucker like Laura Loomer, or can gob garbage & “locker room talk” (grab em’ by the pussy) with the reprobates, swagger & gaff & pose for selfies with shysters suck-ups, fawning morons & boogaloo boys.

the “Dirty Trickster” with Laura Loomer.

Lying to the main base (MAGA) & betraying it are not a problem for this died-in-the-wool fraudster & con artist.

But I do not think Sump would deliberately inflict such a grievous & colossal betrayal as P2025 – a brand of ideological extremism that he does not care for personally – without some kind of duress or major bribery (because its dangerous to him & his reputation amongst them).

Roger Stone – Laura Lommer – Michael Flynn.

The extreme ramifications for MAGA supporters (& all Americans) of P2025 as it unfurls would also endanger if not exterminate their support for Trump, turning him into an object of intense hatred & resentment & possibly leading them to uncover further treachery.

Its not worth it, why upset the gravy train for something extreme, controversial & dangerous towards the stability of your position & popularity with your core supporters (& the opposition)? Especially when the extremist legislation (P2025) doesn’t align or allure your personal interests, subject matter or objectives?

He’s being pushed, coaxed or coerced.

This opens up another angle on the assassination attempts if Sump is not willing to “play ball” with the ideologues “gunning” for the coups implementation (P2025).

Remember that Trump did not even want or expect to actually become president.

It was seen as an opportunity for a giant “Infomercial” & excuse for massive free advertising for the Trump brand.

convicted felon (then pardoned by Trump) Roger “Dirty Trickster” Stone.

It was “The Dirty Trickster” & fellow Roy Cohn apostle – Roger Stone – that convinced Trump to run.


Shunned by most of the classic “established” corrupt donors & kingmakers (Charles Koch & Rupert Murdoch, who made peace & did business with him in the end but refused to endorse him initially), a coven of even more extreme funders slithered in to substitute (Robert & Rebekah Mercer, Sheldon Adelson & Peter Thiel, all of whom had significant strings attached).

It was the Mercers that pressed “their guy” Steve Bannon into Trump’s administration as a condition of their funding & support.

Peter Thiel leaving Trump Tower.

Remember Bannon’s words on Trump & Thiel.

Peter’s idea of disrupting government is out there,” – “People thought Trump was a disruptor. They had no earthly idea what was being pitched [by Thiel].”

He took a full shot. He got a few wins, and he had more defeats.”

He failed because Trump turned out to be not a revolutionary.

“Trump’s our instrument.” – Steve Bannon

Kevin Roberts speaks publicly of America being “in the process of the second revolution [P2025]” – also adding a threat to “the left” about “bloodshed”.

So those that oppose his “revolution” can expect bloodshed, gun violence, assassination, death.

Trump’s our instrument.”

After his failure to attend the Jan 6th Capital siege in person & his late “go home, we love you. you’re very special.” message, many Proud Boys denounced Trump in their communication forums, calling him a “shill” & ““Trump will go down as a total failure,”.

It really is important for us all to see how much Trump betrayed his supporters this week. We are nationalists 1st and always. Trump was just a man and as it turns out an extraordinarily weak one at the end.”


Trump’s SCOTUS appointments were pointless. We defended a selfish clown for nothing,” – Milo Yiannopoulos


I believe also that Enrique Tarrio himself called Trump a “total failure” shortly after the Capital siege.

Roger Stone went even further. Stone was pursuing a pre-emptive second pardon for his explicit involvement (he had already received a pardon from Trump in his first term for being convicted of lying to investigators, intimidation/witness tampering & obstructing justice etc). Despite Stone’s pressure, Trump resisted, & refused to gift him a second pardon.

In the last ten-minutes of the incredible fly-on-the-wall documentary on Stone, A Storm Foretold, by Danish film maker Christoffer Guldbrandsen, Stone is recorded “freaking out” & making a splenetic series of threats to a Trump representative (probably Mike Pence, who has a daughter named Charlotte) on his cell phone & threatening to file a call for the “impeachment” of Trump.

Stone & Cohn.

In the bizarre, decades long, on-off relationship between two of Roy Cohn’s disciples, with Stone acting as a kind of resented “handler”, who actually “wears the trousers” in the strange-stand-off-symbiosis between these two men is still unclear.

Part of the footage is available in a video below. It was incorrectly assumed that Stone was directly haranguing Trump (Ivanka being the “abortionist bitch daughter”), but the longer edit in the full documentary clearly indicates that it is somebody else close to Trump.

Who’s “revolution” are we talking about here? As there seem to be variant versions & agendas?

Peter Thiel’s billionaire, tech croesus, Bilderberg, Silicon Valley, globalist plutocrat corporatist vulture capitalism extravaganza surveillance state cyber-feudalism is also “an entirely different vision”, or indeed version, of what the voters are being promised.


Kyle Rittenhouse.

Kyle Rittenhouse, the “white nationalist pin-up boy” that shot protesters dead with an assault rifle – & served no time for it – had ardently supported Trump.

He recently came out against Trump, saying that Trump was not pro-gun enough for his continued endorsement stating (“if you cannot be completely uncompromisable on the second amendment I will not support you”). He defected to Ron Paul (yet another Peter Thiel pick & financial benefactor).

absorbed into the freak show.

Rittenhouse’s initial revocation against Trump provoked massive online abuse, leading him to do a fast U-turn & public apology.

100% behind Donald Trump and [would] encourage every gun owner to join me in helping send him back to the White House


People forget when Trump briefly “took on” the NRA, stating on camera his intentions to introduce new restrictions & safety proceedings after yet another mass shooting incident.

Trump had claimed that his fellow legislators were “scared” of the NRA, but that he was completely unintimidated by them.

Then Mike Pence showed up & had a private word with Sump, & within 32-hours, the craven bastard had caved & backtracked for the “establishment” lobby group (just as Rittenhouse himself would do on re-endorsing Trump).

early days entanglement.

One of the most classic & clearest confirmations that this fraudster faker is just a fucking weed that will bend to the machine at first touch.

A total & utter fraudster & fake.


Again, maybe this was the capital gripe or motive for “gun-nut” Thomas Crooks to try & snipe Trump?

Or could it have been the discovery of Trump’s corrupt deal with the Fentanyl & synthetic opioid czars – the Sackler family? Who had killed so many Americans through the synthetic opioid crisis? Trump “gifted” the outwardly liberal Purdue drug barons a spectacular escape “deal”, obviously enriching himself in the process.

“American Hitler’s” betrayal of the base.

“As it turned out, Mary Jo White and other attorneys for the Sacklers and Purdue had been quietely negotiating with the Trump administration for months. Inside the DOJ, the line prosecutors who had assembled both the civil and criminal cases started to experience tremendous pressure from the political leadership to wrap up their investigations of Purdue and the Sacklers prior to the 2020 presidential election in November. A decision had been made at high levels of the Trump administration that this matter would be resolved quickly and with a soft touch. Some of the career attorneys at Justice were deeply unhappy with this move, so much so that they wrote confidential memos registering their objections, to preserve a record of what they believe to be a miscarriage of justice.” – Patrick Radden Keefe, from Empire of Pain – The secret history of the Sackler family

This is a mess of competing extremism. Betrayal, fraud, insincerity, lies, grave abuses of trust, trickery, gross misrepresentation, unforgivable exploitations, mega hypocrisy & ruthless double-crossing. Used, abused, strung along & fucked over.

Trump’s new advisor.

As “the frontman” for this despicable, malign & abhorrent circus of farce & fraud, Trump is bound to eventually end up in the cross-hairs of the deceived & betrayed groups he is misleading, conning, deceiving, & disadvantaging on the puppet strings of billionaire corporate tech-Nazis.

I am just surprised that it has taken this long & that there have not been more incidents/attempts.

when you promise “greatness” & deliver shit, debasement & decay on oceans of lies, someone is going to pull your card.

misinformed, mislead, misdirected & maltreated.

In the book This is Not Propaganda – Adventures in the war Against Reality by the celebrated author & disinformation expert – Peter Pomerantsev – there is a very revealing chapter where he interviews Gleb Pavlovsky, one of “Putin’s spin doctors” who described mass manipulation –

Here the different groups don’t even need to meet each other. Actually, it might be better if they don’t: what if one perceives the other as the enemy?” –

You collect them all for a short period, literally for a moment, but so that they all vote together for one person. To do this you need to build a fairy tale that will be common to all of them.

The disparate groups needed to be unified around a central emotion, a feeling powerful enough to unite all of them yet vague enough to mean anything to anyone.

“Trump’s our instrument.”

“Make America Great Again”.

Totalitarian Tech Tyranny:

Thiel is funding a new subversion – Strive Asset Management –

Peter Thiel’s venture aims to lure companies away from environmental justice activism.” – there words.

the firm was co-founded by Peter’s inauthentic apparatchik Vivek Ramaswamy.

– Strive Asset Management, that will “pressure CEOs to steer clear of environmental, social and political” causes, said Vivek Ramaswamy, the firm’s co-founder. One example is oil companiescommitting to reduce production to meet environmental goals.

White Collar Nazi.

New reporting shows Thiel has set his sights on transforming American cultureand funding its culture wars— through what his associates refer to as “anti-woke” business ventures.”

in one of the most disturbing examples of this, Thiel has privately dined with leading propagandists from the far-right, neo-nazi & white identitarian movement – Kevin DeAnna. This is much closer to the terrorist/militia element, but Peter Thiel is clearly more than comfortable with this –

here is an incredible & shocking report from Hatewatch on Thiel & DeAnna’s private meeting titled “White Nationalists who met with Peter Thiel Admired Terrorist Literature” that everybody needs to read, to understand the altitude & what Thiel is really about.


Peter Thiel is not a “legitimate” business man. This is not normal. This is not tolerable.

Thiel also attended another extreme-right/vanilla-Nazi/ultra-libertarian convention by the repulsive Property and Freedom Society in Turkey.

Again, this crucial reporting is flagged by Southern Law and Poverty Center subsidiary, Hatewatch, with billionaire businessman Thiel once again qualifying for one of it’s articles.


Peter Thiel is not just “transforming American culture” with this filth, he, like Bannon & the Mercer (with Thiel convert, Elon Musk, now as well) are ardently & ceaselessly contaminating on a global scale.


Thiel is funding the truly scatological National Conservatism Conference (NatCon), which is run by the repellent Yoram Hazony (another arch Zio-Nazi), who also directs the reviled extremist think tank the Edmund Burke Society. Their influence on the Conservative Party & its hideous policies in the United Kingdom over the last few years has become absolutely staggering. The worst candidates (Braverman, Rees-Mogg, Anderson, Gove, & of course Farage) are all speakers or attendants.

Victor Orban at Thiel funded NatCon.

Peter Thiel’s presence & sway over Britain’s Conservative party cannot be overstated.

Faecal Farage at the Thiel funded NatCon colosto-conference.

Dominic Cummings was a Robert Mercer/Peter Thiel pick, & acted like a Vance graft to “chaperone” Boris Johnson. Cummings was also heavily involved in Cambridge Analytica & Vote Leave. One of Cummings early plants, Andrew Sabisky, had to resign from an appointment in the party barely before he started as a “contractor” to Cummings after it was discovered he had made eugenicist & racist remarks.


France’s Eric Zemmour at Thiel funded NatCon.

Milo Yiannopoulos was also close to Thiel & his retinue (Bannon, Coulter, Mercer). Milo described Thiel as “the hero Silicon Valley needed.” Milo managed to survive the Nazi salute footage, but he was then exposed praising pedastry between underage boys & older men which destroyed most of his career as an alt-right champion.

Yionnopoulos & Loomer.

Thiel, along with his fellow billionaire tech-Nazi Robert Mercer, were also planning to found a new Conservative news network with non-other than the loathsome Roger Aisles, who was fired from Fox News after he was uncovered in a massive sexual assault scandal from within the company. Mercer & Thiel picked him up, more than happy to work with the disgraced sex predator, propagandist & power broker, but the bastard thankfully died before this blight could be optimised.


bankrolling depravity & corruption.

Thiel is also funding Rumble, a sewage gyre “alternative Youtube” congested with a backwash of conspiracy cack & right-wing ass-suck, with far more flaccid authenticity or extremism moderations & preventions.

A great example of the platforms provision for dregs banned from conventional platforms would be Laura Loomer’s channel, opening her show to who else but Roy Cohn’s rent boy – Roger Stone.

transforming American cultureand funding its culture wars”

In Chafkin’s The Contrarian, a former Breitbart fraterniser of Thiel states – “Peter’s not a Nazi. Nazi curious maybe.” – how reassuring.

Curtis Yarvin is another Peter Thiel fuck sock. Yarvin’s angle is to try & preen an intellectual, philosophical & avant-garde angle on pro-authoritarian, anti-democracy, pro-monarchy, Nazi/eugenicist/racist ideology as part of the online culture wars gradient.

another weirdo, freak & gimp from the Thiel dungeon – Curtis Yarvin who is literally arguing for the installment of a “dictator” Monarch in the USA.

Peter Thiel & Robert & Mercer are basically underpinning all of this. secretive Nazi billionaires & tech oligarchs who are furtively funnelling millions & millions of dollars (if not more?) into media, movements, think tanks, platforms, candidates, agents, technology, campaigns, propaganda, influencers, publishing, political projects, & frankly, god knows what else considering the lengths of extremism & fanaticism they have both been caught supporting or advocating.

This is out of control. They are the fucking roots, engine & fuel of the entire movement/phenomenon.

another Thiel plant? Javier Milei of Argentina.

Thiel is also intimately yoked to Javier Milei over in Argentina.

Peter Thiel visited him at the presidential palace in February. Then again a few weeks ago.

Peter told me he thinks Javier Milei’s ideas are as relevant on a global level as they are to Argentina.

In only his first four months in office, Javier Milei had already taken six international trips. Four of those had been to the United States and none of them were official visits.

A Peter Thiel production.

the well of all poison.



Sump & Milei.

Thiel’s degenerate assistant, co-plotter, & CEO of Palantir – Alex “Kapo” Karp – is also a colourful character, fervently embracing a “violations of all norms” whilst referring to himself as a “deviant”. Kapo Karp recently provoked disgust & alarm with his comments on student protesters at Colombia University over Israel’s ongoing-multi-atrocity in Gaza –

Look at Columbia,” Karp said. “There is literally no way to explain the investment in our elite schools, and the output is a pagan religion — a pagan religion of mediocrity, and discrimination, and intolerance, and violence.”

the “key CEO condemned “pagan” anti-Israel protests, suggested the protesters be sent to North Korea and mused about launching drone strikes on his business enemies.

I historically have been one that would rage against Silicon Valley venture people,” Karp said. “And I had all sorts of fantasies of using drone-enabled technology to exact revenge especially targeted in violation of all norms.” – Alex Karp

Palantir CEO Alex Karp at an AI warfare summit.

Palantir is a company that was founded after 9/11 premised on the notion of taking a side,” Helberg said. “It was never a company that hedged its bets, and that tried being neutral on big ethical and moral international events.

is “kind of part of the DNA of the company.” – Jacob Helberg (Karp advisor)

There’s all this information about people and we want to know it” – Peter Thiel


Palantir in Gaza.

in another incredible report by Caroline Haskins writing in The Guardian Newspaper, Kapo Karp described the “pagan” universities as “an infection inside of our society” also joked that the protestors would “have a hard time on the job market” after leaving university. Basically, he is threatening to target & black list the young protesters. As bad (if not criminal) as that remark/threat/admission is, remember that he is the CEO of a gigantic, spying, information stealing, data raping, CIA & Mossad integrated leviathan conglomerate, which possess all the tools to make such malicious & conspirational black listing, obstruction & harassment a very, very real prospect. Palantir can effectively run as a sort of “secret police”, vengefully discriminating from the shadows against secretly black listed peace activists (or anybody else), picking them out with facial recognition programs from Thiel’s Clearview AI or any of the dystopic plethora of espionage & tracking software that Palantir or Thiel’s spy friends specialise in. it is absolutely hellish & Orwellian.

Kapo Karp & Nazi Thiel of Palantir.


There is a powerful piece of film from the Roger Aisles documentary Divide and Conquer, where a woman who refused to fuck & suck Ailes & some of his friends when applying for a job at Fox recounts how she was not just only rejected from his organisation, but found pre-arranged opportunities & interviews summarily being withdrawn from other independent companies. Ailes, disgraced for the revelations of mass sexual assault & abuse, & fired from Fox, would find fresh opportunity from Robert Mercer & Peter Thiel, who were clearly unconcerned about any of the scandal.

Palantir also has been trying to sell & provide the technology to spy on disabled benefits claimants in the UK, & has lobbied Conservative MPs to do just that.

spying on disabled welfare claimants … emerging markets in punitive & predatory surveillance capitalism.


Of all the “services” it could proffer, Thiel & the abysmal company want to spy on & curtail/exterminate disabled people benefits whilst destroying & privatising the countries beloved health service.

Think how sick, perverse, twisted & damaged you have to be to make these gross incursions a priority for your company? What kind of freaks & self professed “deviant philosophers” are running this hellish company? There is an inhumanity, a misanthropy, a perversion, a nihilism, a sadism & a form of “warped elitist fascism” that are core to the company, its conduct & ambitions. As Helberg would remark, rather candidly, on this curious extremism that is endemic in the corporation – it is “kind of part of the DNA of the company.

Palantir in Israel.

The worst of both worlds.

meanwhile, Thiel continues to platform, fund, energise, network, politicise & normalise both neo-Nazi & white nationalist racism along with malignant-Zionism, Jewish-ethno-supremacy & Israeli extremism.

How is it that Kapo Karp & Joe Lonsdale of Palantir, who are both Jewish, can work & thrive so willingly with Peter Thiel & his Nazi predilections & fomentations?

As Jacob Helsberg (a Karp adviser) put it on Karp at the Hill & Valley Forum – “He believes in working with the U.S. government regardless of who’s in office,

Thiel with Benjamin Netanyahu.

There is a list of this supra-cynical behaviour, from Steve Bannon speaking at the Zionist Organisation of America (ZOA) with Morton Klein, to Laura Loomer & Nick Fuentes, the Zionist Jew & the white Nazi, toasting each other & the “hostile takeover” of the Republican Party, or the barely believable insanity of Mad MAGA Mark Robinson’s recent “black nazi” cesspit.

The Young Turks did an incredible video on this subject recently, where they actually have the written advocacy from a Zionist pressure groups supporting neo-Nazis. Watch for yourselves (ignore the title, watch the full video).

The bottom line is and it’s a sad one, we need to be supportive ON PRESIDENTIAL LEVEL [sic] of the alt-righ christian neo nazis at the moment” – Zionists for Don Samuels

As one of the richest men in the world, Thiel’s exhaust-less money, corruption, infiltration & infestation of politics & political institutions is providing “infinite fuel” for this blighting crisis. Along with core collaborators the Mercers, he is also joined by a widening cabal of fellow billionaire extremist to co-fund “the takeover”. All of this contamination is also augmented by his technological platforms, that provide “special weapons” advantages through ever advancing & ever encroaching technology.

Again, Thiel has an enormous private espionage company that can secretly act like a rogue intelligence agency to further his goals. He is also on intimate terms with the worst elements of the CIA, the Mossad & other “mainland” security & intelligence organisations & individuals, who’s shadier members can presumably “lend” their expertise to his despotic, megalomanic & conspiratorial ambitions.

their masters bidding.

For all the talk of a “deep state”, Thiel, his companies, & his “tentacles”, along with the individuals he has aligned with (Erik Prince, John Pointdexter, Jeffrey Epstein, Michael Flynn, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Ivan Raiklin, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon etc etc etc), are classic “deep state” or “shadow state” actors.

Naturally, you “flood the zone with shit” & accuse the other side of your own guilt & actions.

a thriving trade …

Kapo Karp’s use of the word “pagan” to demonise ceasefire campus protestors is also telling. There are considerable race & class overtones with the choice to attribute this language to peace protesters. Most probable is that he is referencing his Judaism, & trying to assert racial & theocratic superiority over the intended “dehumanised” target (the protestors, anyone who criticises Israeli genocide/war-crimes/crimes against humanity, even though plenty will also be Jewish themselves). He may also be referencing the “seven tribes” or “seven enemies of Israel” that were massacred in no uncertain terms (“you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.”) when the Israelites invaded Canaan (an Old Testament, Bible or Torah fable).

So theological extremism & religious supremacy.

Whatever the case or motive, no man that makes such on the record comments should ever be allowed to operate a company like Palantir.

Israel’s NSO Group & Pagasus spy-ware outrage was another opportunity to prevent further instability & insecurity. Biden, a sympathetic vassal & abettor of the crime state of Israel, could only manage a perfunctory gesture, & pathetically, mealy placed the company on a temporary official “black list”.

State’s, or heads of state’s, using the “intelligence service” for personal enrichment, impunity or corruption is a hazard that needs to be fiercely policed & guarded against. No doubt that Thiel & his sick cronies have violated a mass of laws pertaining to this “abuse of power” & “undue influence” & corruption of public & private institutions.

Elon Musk & Alex Kapo Karp.

Roy Cohn’s freak partner J. Edgar Hoover was a great example (Rupert Murdoch was a keen observer of Hoover’s tactics & chicanery which he would absorb for his own operations).

Konrad Andenauer did the same in Germany in the 1950s.


the IDF’s absolutely unprecedented criminal atrocity in Gaza is being enhanced & facilitated by Palantir’s AI software. Palantir has “partnered” with the IDF to supply & test dystopic kill programs such as “Lavender”, “Where’s Daddy” and “Gospel”, all whilst defending Israel’s spiralling criminal atrocity & mass state terrorism with signature zeal (Alex Karp is especially animated & excitable in his unilateral support). The company also profits handsomely from the butchery. A commercial transaction. Perfecting their “products” on the Palestinian populace, an experimental populace, soon to be exported or sold elsewhere. Wrenched from the US tax payer, sprayed in the billions into Israel annually (without conditions or returns), Palantir have now found a way to parasite off the death subsidy.

The machine did it coldly. And that made it easier.”


Palantir, but more specifically Peter Thiel’s tactics & conduct, are closer to Mohammed Bin Salman’s notorious Ritz Carlton incident (takeover/putsch/shake-down). A “hostile takeover”, with the forced conversion of peers/rivals. The “absolute monarchy” (also advocated by Peter Thiel’s rent boy Curtis Yarvin) & absolute ruler will massively appeal to Thiel’s warped sensibilities & totalitarian perversities. He has infamously ridiculed & calumniated “competition” & extolled “monopoly”, infamously saying that “competition is for losers”. He has spoken in no uncertain terms about his acute disdain for society & the individuals “consent”, praised “totalitarianism”, “authoritarianism”, “dictatorship” & the “tyrant”, made multiple defences of rape, all whilst also notoriously stating that he would like to exterminate democracy “I no longer believe freedom and democracy are compatible”.

Mike Pompeo with Mohammed bin Salman.

When “excited” he also displays pathologically megalomanic behaviour – “We have to just go out from this conference and take over the world”.

Saudi money has become so prevalent in Silicon Valley. Why does everyone seem to think that’s okay? And why do they not want to talk about it?


Clearly this man is a sociopath, a psychopath, a criminal, a Nazi & a racist, a despot & dictator, a megalomaniac, a terrorist, a seditionary, a fascist, a neo-feudalist, a vandal, a corruptor, an extremist, a fraudster, a criminal conspirator, a traitor, a misanthrope, a dystopiphile, a hooligan, a saboteur, an extortionist, an extinction advocate & a racketeer, suffering from a cancerous cocktail of personal perversions, acute personality disorders, abnormal & anti-human inclinations, & sheer criminal insanity. his views are critically & fundamentally opposing to civilised, humane, democratic & even “western” central tenets & violative to the core values, principles & beliefs & laws of the countries & constitutions he is “dismantling”. He is an unprecedented, major, live, actual & ongoing threat to world stability, community cohesion, law, order & justice, peace & a safe & habitable planet & ecosphere.

He has, incredibly, almost unimaginably, surpassed the corruption of the countries super offenders – Charles Koch & Rupert & Lachlan Murdoch.

the man is sick, mentally ill, perverted, damaged, impaired, twisted, criminally insane, dangerous, deranged, unfit, intolerable & unacceptable.

total death spiral, end game, abyss & armageddon

it just is what it is.

The Mercers.


describing the Soviet Union’s aggressive expansion in the early 1930s, a U.S. military intelligence officer wrote the following depiction of – “an immense amoeba-like organism which surrounds and digests any object incapable of offering sufficient resistance.

that is Palantir. That is Peter Thiel & his other nefarious companies. The ambitions & activity are global. Like a highly infectious disease, preying on the weak &/or corrupt.

Thiel with political plant Blake Masters.

Thiel styles himself as a “venture capitalist”, but he is clearly a vulture capitalist. In fact, his brand is even worse. Vultures feed then leave. Palantir imbed themselves, repeal & annul all protections & regulatory safety, privatise all public, social & government aspects & activities, & reign over ruin, as a monopoly or as a small band of “absolute ruler” pluto-pirate asset-annihilating oligarchs (Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, Erik Prince etc), maximizing all exploitation, extraction, profiteering & oppressive control. Heads of corporate strategy will be planted as government officials (Vance, Cummings, Ramaswamy, Masters, Milei, P2025 imposter replacements) to work the public for private profit exclusively, running civilisation like a corporation.


Thiel’s views on rape/date rape have also caused considerable controversy.

rigged & rotten.

Thiel’s support of Trump — along with comments that resurfaced from a book co-authored with David Sacks that “a multicultural rape charge may indicate nothing more than a belated regret” and that some rape charges are “seductions that are later regretted”.

Thiel also came out to publicly defend Trump after the Access Hollywood tape revealed Trump’s repellent rape & sexual assault boasts (“grab em’ by the pussy” “when you’re a star, they let you do it” “you can do anything”). Thiel then went on to fully endorse & praise Trump.

Thiel’s confirmed one-to-one meetings with Jeffery Epstein were in 2014, years after Epstein’s conviction for soliciting sex with a minor. It did not bother Thiel at all. Also note that Thiel & his companies are both intricately & intimately collaborating & enmeshed with intelligence agencies, the CIA & the Mossad specifically. The idea that Thiel was “ignorant” – or that none of his many fellow intelligence colleagues would have informed him – of who Epstein was, or what kind of operations he was running, is simply farcical. Thiel had even more meetings scheduled with Epstein, but these were denied after the sex offender was arrested.

Robert Mercer & Peter Thiel’s willingness to work with & rescue the disgraced Roger Ailes after his controversial sexual abuse & sexual assault scandal at Fox is another indication.

Matt Gaetz, another Thiel plant. now ensnared in a sex scandal involving “wild” ,”drug-fuelled” parties with group sex with an under-age girl.

another of Thiel’s plants who has also benefited from the “transgressive and esoteric” billionaires funding is scum-ball Matt Gaetz. Gaetz, who is now embroiled in a sex scandal, alleging sex with a minor at a “drug fuelled” party, & also sex trafficking charges. Thiel has a “weakness for libertines”.

Thiel’s “ragers” & narcotic heavy parties with “assless chaps” drug waiters that he would throw at The Grotto are describe as having “drugs and sex out in the open”. Palantir’s “deviant” Alex Karp would also of undoubtedly attended these drug fest sex parties also, as well as Augustus “Carthage must be destroyed” Zuckerberg. Thiel’s Grotto “ragers” were also presumable an ideal environment for “kompromat” operations.

rape, serial sexual assault, sex trafficking, paedophilia & the sexual abuse of minors & children, is clearly no issue whatsoever for the “transgressive” & self described “weird” Peter Thiel with his “idiosyncratic interests and vanities”.

This is the nature of the man.

Jeff Thomas

The suspicious death of Peter Thiel’s younger gay lover –Jeff Thomas – after a “messy confrontation” with Thiel’s husband – Matt Denzeisen – in front of guests at a party in Thiels luxury Miami home – also clearly needs more investigation.

Thomas’ passing came just a few months after he ended his relationship with Thiel”.

Thomas would described his relationship with Thiel to The Intercept as “I don’t think it’s very satisfying, to be honest, to be kept,” – “I saw the spark in me fade away, and it was toxic, and it was unhealthy, “You know, my mental health is at risk,”.

Meghan Rei, Jeff Thomas’s cousin, does not believe Jeff’s death was a suicide –

This was not a suicide. To report otherwise is a complete disregard to his character and who he was,” she said. “The information being published is false and defamatory. No further comments will be made by our family.”

Jeff had also broken his “non disclosure” legal agreement with Thiel by speaking to The Intercept about their relationship & his discomfort with it.

the “kept” & “gagged” illicit lover of Peter Thiel – Jeff Thomas



Blake Masters.

Hollow Men:

JD Vance described Trump as the “Emperor” that “failed to deliver”. Bannon would describe Trump as “not a revolutionary”. The Proud boys spoke of Trump as a “total failure”. Trump also fell out of favour with Netanyahu, after Nentanyahu “recognised” the election win of Joe “Genocide” Biden (Trump is on camera saying “fuck him” of Netanyahu).


Matthew Thomas Crooks & Ryan Wesley Routh had their own gripes.

In the cauldron of madness & “competing extremities” that could vary from – “Trump went too far”, or – “Trump did not go far enough”.

In June, lying as always, Peter Thiel said that he would vote for Trump “if you hold a gun to my head”.

An interesting choice of words from Peter.

Project 2025 fanatic Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation.

Kevin Robert’s talks of being “in the process of the second American Revolution”. Does Trump want to be part of this “revolution”? What are the consequences for him not cooperating with the jackals & their dystopic fascist criminal conspiracy?

Peter Thiel’s good friend & personally financed “Secretary of Retribution” – Ivan Raiklin – spoke openly & fervently with Alex Jones on Infowars of how favourable it would be should Trump or JFK Jr. be “assassinated” & how “the best cleansing” would follow such an event.

With Trump gone, “unelected autocrat”, former “Never Trumper” & Peter Thiel gigolo – JD Vance – will assume full presidency, without the public vote (Liz Truss & Rishi Sunak style). Following behind him will be the over stuffed, sixteen + corrupt candidate corporatist coven that Thiel has smuggled, bribed & artificially inserted into the Republican body (Gaetz, Masters, Ramaswamy, Ron Paul & the rest we know of).

empty vessel – ideal disease carrier – JD Vance.

Just like Dominic Cummings & Liz Truss, who were never ever elected by Thiel’s hated democracy or the public vote, Vance will be the ultimate varlet for Thiel & Mercer’s extremist takeover. The unelected autocrats will be able to inflict the most grievous fascist corporatocracy feudalist tech dystopia imaginable, already primed & in the wings with Project 2025.

ever the deceiver, cynical sophist & fraudster, Thiel is stoking MAGA & their grievances (many of which his billionaire, asset stripping, pro-asuterity, hyper-privatization marauder class has contributed to) against big tech, “elites” & Silicon Valley. At the same time, his whole empire is a result of the grief driving much of the movement, & he is deeply invested in the spiralling software, companies & “provider” platforms that produce, profit & run this oppressive surveillance infrastructure. His Orwellian plans for AI, mass real-world & on-line surveillance, predictive policing & the “vetting” of private citizenry, drones, non-consensual mass data extraction, tracking & tracing citizens, facial recognition, smart security structures in civilian life – are possibly even more dystopic & suppressive than the notorious China model, Sesame Credit. Thiel’s close friend & business partner – Erik Prince – would know, as he has business ventures that work directly with the Chinese state (as does Michael Flynn). The operations & genocide profiteering Palantir is providing the IDF in Gaza (& beyond) is another nightmare laboratory, who’s results can be transferred back to the US & further afield, as Palantir has done with its “commercial operations” in the Iraq war.



“suckers and losers”

China chose to “subordinate” & limit its tech oligarchs. They then chose to introduce the much vituperated & decried totalitarian surveillance state model to Chinese sociaty, now controlled by the state, with the appalling Sesame Credit system & the heavy use of facial recognition technology, tracking & “moneyless” (surveilled financial transactions). The state adopted & allocated these abusive tools into everyday life. The tech barons were curtailed & their applications commandeered.

In Thiel & the Mercer families case, THE TECH BARONS ARE TRYING TO USURP & SUPPLANT THE STATE ITSELF. It is very, very clear when observing them & their companies, the policy, the activity, the statements, the ambitions. That is what is at stake & that is what is being paved here. Project 2025 plays directly into it. It is the legal lubing & the optimized blueprint & plan. That is what you are looking at here, a totalitarian tech takeover, with all the fascism & weirdness & plutocratic corporatism that is gospel to the putschists. “Trump’s our instrument.

Alexander Nix, the disgraced former CEO of Cambridge Analytica, which was contracted by Trump’s team during his successful first election win.

non of this is consensual. Thiel’s pathological hatred of “consent” & fetish for disctatorship, & for rigging elections (Cambridge Analytica) with powerful & secretive new technology. Thiel & Mercer’s obsession with funding the “culture wars” is to provide as much distraction, diversion & smoke as possible whilst they carry out this epic heist on power.

Conversion & Concernment:

Another dangerous exacerbation seems to be occurring in Silicon Valley & amongst a section of the billionaire class. Some of them seem to be slowly mutating to Mercer & Thiel’s extremist movement, language & thinking. Elon Musk, who had formerly been one of the better tech oligarchs (watch documentaries Who Killed the Electric Car 2 & Do you Trust This Computer), & who had previously distanced himself from Thiel whilst cautiously criticising him – “Peter’s philosophy is pretty odd,” “It’s not normal. He’s a contrarian from an investing standpoint and thinks a lot about the singularity. I’m much less excited about that. I’m pro-human.” – Elon Musk

Peter’s pal Ivan Raiklin seems to be exerting extensive pressure on Musk to participate in their seditious persecutory “cleansing” by weaponising Twitter/X against targeted users of the platform.

intimidation, blackmail, public threats, calling for the investigation of rivals, & derisive & “combative” behaviour & denouncement campaigns against peers who don’t tow his extremism or share his fucked-up views are a Thiel staple. Google & Eric Schmidt, who Thiel has made no secret of his envy & attacks, is a good example. Thiel has aggressively dogged Google for years. Recently however, Schmidt would include Palantir’s uppity “deviant” gimp – Alex “Kapo” Karp – at one of his AI warfare summits (AI Expo for National Competitiveness “competition is for losers”. As Schmidt would josh at the “technoeconomic think tank” event “It’s always great when the CIA helps you out,”.


Boris Johnson & Jeniffer Arcuri.

I also now believe that the mysterious tech start-up “operative” – agent Jennifer Arcuri – who famously “compromised” Boris Johnson was working for the Thiel/Mercer abomination axis. That’s why he dutifully & unexplainably hired their stooge “career psychopath” Dominic Cummings as a secondary “in office” enforcer & minder. Johnson rolled over for every policy they wanted, suffocating any inquest into Cambridge Analytica & also having a rabidly extreme “unregulated” pro-tech policy.


He also, at the behest of another Peter Thiel confidant – the deranged, ex-CIA freak Mike Pompeo – curbed Chinese company Huawei from delivering its already approved 5G contract with Great Britain. They were not worried about Brit’s being spied on, they just wanted to be doing the spying themselves.


also telling of Thiel’s involvement in the utterly successful “Agent Arcuri “kompromat” operation against Johnson was the presence in the relationship of non-other than Milo Yiannopoulos, who may have also even participated in some of the sexual activity between Johnson & Arcuri.

Ann Coulter with Milo Yiannopoulos. Milo was close with agent Arcuri & also met with Johnson with her.


Laura Loomer may be performing the same function with Trump now, especially given her affiliation with Roger Stone, “The Dirty Trickster”.

platformed by Thiel on Rumble.

Google’s Youtube is incredibly solicitous in suppressing “unwanted” or negative information or videos on Thiel, of which there should be masses & masses & masses. Scrubbing, redacting & removing such entries, & presenting a glossy, exceedingly mendacious & one-sided puff-pap on “the iconoclast”, or “the contrarian” & “the intellectual” in a bonanza of billionaire bowel movements is not the result of a natural course. Thiel’s “intimidation racket” of fellow Silicon Valley, tech & venture capitalists will leave people wanting his “protection”. He sued the US army when they did not want to use (I.e. purchase & contract) his software for fucks sakes.


MAGA, Trump & Trumpism, & the “resurgent” global far right hex are the result of the Mercer clan & Thiel. They are far more powerful & instigating than any of the connected candidates, Trump very much included.

Their billions underpin all of it – Laura Loomer, Mark Robinson, Roseanne Barr, Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Tommy Robinson, Milo Yionnopoulos, Suella Braverman, Dominic Cummings, Priti Patel, Liz Truss, Lea Anderson, Nigel Farage, Ivan Raiklin, Qanon, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Michael Flynn, Erik Prince, Stephen Miller, & the whole fucking death circus.

Civil War in the USA:

Civil war. The brink of civil war.. The hyper polarization (a very deliberate fissure, with great & sustained engineering, misinformation & financing from Thiel, Mercer & Murdochs). Civil war. Making Americans kill each other. creating war in the country, pitting citizens against each other. Compared to a foreign aggressor, or a significant terrorist attack by an external opponent, neither could ever match the massive destruction & extended instability, bloodletting & damage that a civil war would afflict.

Peter’s putsch & Mercrs malice … make them kill each other & misdirect their grievance.

Of course, Thiel will be safe in his New Zealand luxury bunker, buffered by his billions, with a private jet’s worth of “20 under 20” male minors, with waiters in PVC speedos serving platters of class-A drugs, whilst Milo Yiannopolous teaches Nazi salutes to Thiel’s two “surrogate mother” daughters with his black husband.

The Mercer family & Peter Thiel have brought the US to this crisis. Again, as Steve Bannon observed on Thiel after Jan 6th“He’s not reverted back to Republicanism. “He’s full MAGA.”

actually, they are even worse.

If re-elected, Trump has promised the “largest deportation operation in American history”. This will also require “concentration camps”, presumably run by/or in conjunction with the contracted software of Palantir or their partner ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). As Kyle Kulinski has emphasised, this would be “ethnic cleansing”. The intense controversy & protests against the “zero tolerance” measures, including the routine forced separation of families or, & shocking, overcrowded & unsanitary “for profit” detention centres to intern refugees & immigrants whilst they were processed, were one of the most extreme events of the Trump Administration. Another Thiel cohort, the excrescent Stephen “Goebbels” Miller (Trump’s speech writer “They’re rapists!” & advisor), was perhaps the most ardent driver of this intensely cruel & markedly extremist “border fascism”. Thiel’s companies would profit from the suffering & chaos, using it as a theatre to test & hone their “services”.

As the crowd marched through the Loop July 13, chants of “abolish ICE” were yelled.

The “zero tolerance” extremities eventually became too callous for even Trump (“not a revolutionary”), & he reversed them with an executive order.

Let’s call it.

I notice now, with my stacks of notes on Thiel’s cancer, that I will never cover it adequately. Every time I run a search, I find out something more, something worse. Its a frenzy of the most fell, vile, dangerous, depraved, sick, wrong, dystopic & terrible malignancy, seemingly covering every low, every iniquity, every turpitude & every ill. It’s difficult to think of a more fucked up & harmful human being, if we can even call him that. He is also, if not the, largest actor & escalator behind the major modern crisis myriad. Division, disinformation, techno-feudalism, Orwellian surveillance state, AI warfare, he’s there, constantly splurging his millions into the malevolence.


The cynical obscenity of of him utilizing “populism” to fraudulently secure his psychotic globalist dystopia is indescribable. Thiel is an ultra-plutocrat, an ultra-oligarch, an ultra-elitist. He is a billionaire, global, multi-immigrant, adulterous married homosexual, with “kept” (& now suspiciously deceased) younger boyfriends (so polyamory), he is an avid drug user, an enthusiastic elite “drug & sex-fueled “rager” party host & frequenter, a Bilderberg member – including being a member of its “elite” Steering Committee, a FBI informant or “snitch”, a spy, espionage, surveillance & facial recognition software tsar, a CIA & Mossad intelligence asset (to say the least of it) & the ultimate “unelected autocrat”, seeding oblivion.

corruption & infestation.

Peter Thiel is an ultra-liberal, tech-fascist, globalist, & one of the richest members of an international elite with considerable tinges of “wokism” (gay marriage, polyamory, liberal drug & group/party sex proclivity, two daughters via a surrogate mother, & deep Silicon Valley engagement & origins). He is absolutely not an “economic nationalist” as fellow bullshitter & convicted fraudster Steve Bannon has “themed” the core of the movement/Trumpism’s intentions.

This is where we can call Thiel “the contrarian”.

But a better & accurate term would be a fraudster. A bullshitter. A fake. A scammer. A hyper hypocrite with the most enormous, staggering sanctimony & cynicism. Peter Thiel is a fucking con artist & a sham.

If the MAGA base were to know more of this epic dupe, they would turn on this heinous fucker. Meanwhile, he is corruptly packing the political apparatus with his saboteur squads of of privileged, elite law school, “venture/vulture capitalist”, many whom are probably closeted homosexuals, who are promising liberation whilst planning surveillance serfdom. Palantir also were heavily involved in the Covid Vaccine rollout & restrictive monitoring & tracking programs during the Pandemic (in the US & UK), using it also as an excuse to scrape masses of data on unwitting citizens, as they always do. This is adversely at odds with much of the MAGA base, & they need to know about it.

a Peter Thiel production.

Thiel is extremely vulnerable to this stuff, but people need to get proactive & stop letting him hide in the shadows. Trump & his movement are also vulnerable when this crucial reliance, nidus & association is exposed, & thus their guilt for working with it & on its behalf whilst selling the “outsider” mega scam to the public.

They run on a platform & ideology that’s primary undercurrent is totally & completely antithetical towards the very principles & benefits that they are promising.


billionaire financed public poison … The Whoreroom.

Mercer & Thiel are the life-sustaining-roots of all Trumpism/MAGA & P2025.

Underpinning all of it. The crimes they have committed in the process of unleashing this hell on the world, let alone the rest of their activities, are enough to put them away forever.

The Jan 6th attack on the Capital in the US, the Jan 8th coup attempt in Brazil’s by Bolsonaro supporters, the riots in Northern Ireland, & more recently the United Kingdom …. they are creating it all, & they are suffering no consequences.

A “maxi-trial”, the freezing of all assets, & a special prosecution committee to immediately investigate criminal enterprise, criminal organisation/association & criminal conspiracy along with corruption of office/government, election interference, racketeering & much, much more.

The mega atrocity of the Citizens United bill (unlimited funding/financial donations) in the US needs immediate annulment/revocation. It simply cannot be possible for billionaire extremists to buy & rape the peoples politics with this insufferable obscenity.

There is enough criminality surging under Peter Thiel to put him away for thousands of years. His companies can be completely dismantled & dissolved, & senior staff prosecuted & jailed wherever the collusion is apparent. Directorship bans & strict, life-long barring from public life & politics measures need to be applied to the enablers, representatives, consultants & collaborators … to say the absolute least. It is a lot less difficult than you many think, as what they have done, & what the threaten is so capital.

Destroy the roots.

The Mercers also need to be dispatched. They are much, much more secretive, but their explicit & central involvement in every stage of this civilization carnage is as sure as day.

Robert & Rebekah Mercer.

Trump voters are being sold the biggest lie conceivable. Baited on falsehoods, they wander into the worst trap of their lives, dragging the rest of the country with them, & the world.

additional investigation & source materials:

to fully understand the kind of “totalitarian surveillance state” that Peter Thiel intends, it is worth researching the Chinese “Sesame Credit” model that is now prevalent through China. The Citizens “social rating” scoring, & specifically the consequences once one “falls foul” of the systems favour.

Also watch these crucial documentaries.

Terms and Conditions may Apply by Cullen Hoback (2013) is one of the most important on the subject. Thiel is not mentioned at all, but “his work” & associates are throughout.

full documentary is available below.


The Great Hack, 2019, Karim Amer, Jehane Noujaim. Another crucial documentary, & this one covers a lot of the central Cambridge Analytica crater.

you should also study the life & death of Aaron Swartz. These two superb documentaries are worth your time & attention:

Killswitch-The Battle to Control the Internet from 2017, Ali Akbarzadeh & Christopher Dollar

The Internet’s Own Boy, 2014, Brian Knappenberger

remember also that Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook/Meta, are just a proxy of Peter Thiel.

Max Chafkin’s seminal book – The Contrarian, Kashmir Hill’s – Your Face Belongs to Us, & The Ugly Truth by Sheera Frenkel & Cecilia Kang are also vital. I would also throw in there Hatemonger by Jean Guerrero for “psychological” references on both Thiel & Mercer.

Investigative journalist Whitney Webb also covers Thiel & his corporate abominations extensively –

Mintpress News have at times delivered excellent & highly illuminating reporting on Thiel & Palantir –


for the most explicit reporting (yet) on Peter Thiel’s significant Nazi credentials, check all the articles on Hatewatch –


on the subject of the other rare, “honest”, & critical coverage of Peter Thiel; I have found most to be generally extremely lacking & anodyne. Even brilliant researchers & commentators like Leeja Miller, do not capture the gravity & extremity of how deeply pernicious & insane Thiel & his influence actually is. People are behind the curve & off the mark with their coverage, which needs to change immediately. This is still worth your time, but it absolutely does not reveal enough of the dangers & depravities –

For the ridiculously secretive Mercers (why are more reporters not on they’re trail?), check old Carol Cadwalladr articles (as well as all her other work).


also, a superb & detailed article on the Mercer menace from Down With Tyranny blog that was written in 2017 (still massively relevant & revealing) –



the Mercers otherwise remain spectacularly elusive & “scrubbed”. Journalists, investigators, activists & serious media platforms need to significantly pick it up!

Keep a close eye on another colossal tech-fascist extremity – Oracle – run by disturbed madman Larry Ellison, who have also partnered with Palantir & are running a parallel insanity & rabid, “non-consensual”, dystopiphillic “surveillance nightmare”.

also the Thiel funded Clearview AI, an anti-privacy, non-consensual, extremist mass facial recognition company run by freak Hoan Ton-That.

it is also advisable to check the works of Professor Shoshana Zuboff.