Waterman Fragment-s/t download:

Audio Player

Strange art-noise-industrial post-punk junk jabber that never left the late 80’s/ultra early 90’s inchoate (well, that’s the kind of flavor & hue we are left with concerning the sound, production & I think equipment that has been used). Industrial drum-programming, synths, non-structured electric guitar, fairly mild discordance, distortion & feedback (which I think is largely obtained through guitar manipulations) & electronics. The vocals (also with varying FX-contortions) are some kind of spoken-word/HC hybrid (at least that’s how it sounds) sometimes straying to other approaches. The lyrics are pretty intricate when they are legible, with some impressively vibrant language & word-play. For me personally, I can’t help but feel that much of the material is too meager & understated. Droll & contextually interesting, there’s a pronounced paucity & absence of sturdiness & solid-form… I also feel there are issues with rawness & bulk as well as a kind of partial timidity or limitation on harshness/sono-extremities. Passive & a little insubstantial, at least to my ears. An extra member or two, preferably one with a harsher construct/lineage would go a long way, or perhaps multi-layering or some increase in detail & dynamics. The track that works best & feels the most complete & potent to my ears is the albums opener – “Citizen Surgeon” which is definitely the highlight. Away from my opinion, it’s well worth having a look & listen & assessing this intriguing unit for yourself. great cover imagery.

Released – 2017
