Falling Foul of Your Own Furnace:

Internecine intrigue.

Fascinating facts are emerging from Donald Trump’s recent “clip round the ear” by 20-year-old “youth on the roof” & not-so-sharp-shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks.

A: Crooks was a registered Republican.

B: Crook’s father was a right wing “libertarian type”, & gun nut, who owned twenty registered firearms, including the AR15 assault rifle that Crooks used in the botched assassination attempt.

C: Neighbours of the shooter have confirmed that Donald Trump signs (pro-Trump placards) had been erected in the front garden of the Crook’s household.

So this is an entirely “in-house”, right-wing/MAGA/libertarian affair.

The shooter was a right-wing, registered Republican, coming from a right-wing home & family that openly supported Trump.

Falling foul of your own furnace.

Thomas Mathhew Crooks

Understandably, there is a lot of conspiracy speculation regarding this incident, from reasonable to comic, & further facts still remain unknown as of the moment.

For now, & for the purpose of this article, we will assume that the “assassination attempt” was genuine, & operate under the scenario that Crooks acted alone & by himself, without prior-warning. On his own volition, Crooks took a crack at the crook’s cranium.

Before we go further, I feel the need now to reiterate & clearly emphasise the right’s, MAGA, & modern Republican mutant’s staggering capacity, ubiquity & volume for violence, & of the incitement, glorification, valorization & justification for multifaceted violence – executions, assassinations, civil war, holy war & religious extremism/theocratic violence, violent “revolution”, militia movements, & both social & political purges (with & using extreme violence), all against a set-piece backdrop of orgiastic & fanatical fetishisation – & an almost deification – of guns, the firearm & “the right to bear arms”.

Make America Degenerate Again

It is an absolute crescendo. A crescendo that has long surpassed critical red lines.

I am not even really referencing the most extreme cases of shot up synagogues, black church gun massacres, mall mass shootings, pipe bombs, bus stabbings & hammer & gun attacks on left-wing politicians that we all know of, & are all directly related to the movement & it’s followers.

It is a much more general & pervasive “mania” that is so deeply embedded in “the movement’s”, language & rhetoric, which has led to a major mainstreaming, normalisation, casualisation & desensitization towards violence & war that is now at a fever & frenzy pitch.

mar them young

Although it does not always manifest into violence, or actual violent actions or incidents, the language, intent, culture, imagery & weaponry – to instantly transform it into real violence of scale – are a constant & growing menace & critical feature of the movement.

Trump himself has also repeatedly escalated & provoked this violence, & presided over the proliferation of this sentiment & culture, rousing, urging, goading, downplaying & advocating his followers in both explicit & coded terms.

It would have been sublime justice for him to have his head shot out by one of his own flock via the violence & gun-mania he has spent years inciting & incubating.

I have, absolutely zero sympathy for them.

They received a minor, meagre morsel of their own malicious franchise, straight off of their own manufacturing line.

& from one of their own, from the instrument (an automatic assault rifle) that they worship & venerate with such ceaseless fervency & conviction.

behind the mask

But the violence, murder & truculence around Trump goes further.

Trump talked of “executing staffers” from his own administration.

“you could talk sense to him”

You can watch for yourself here, the extraordinary footage of his former attorney general & bag man – Bill Barr – acknowledge this “feature” whilst serving under his madhouse administration.

Trump has also talked about having his former Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley “executed” should he (Trump) re-enter the White House, for what he perceived as insubordination whilst Milley was previously serving in his administration (Milley refused to cede to the “wannabe dictator’s” repeated calls for extreme & repressive state mass violence against protesters (American citizens) during unrest relating to the death of George Floyd).

just shoot thembeat the fuck out of [them], “crack skulls”. – Donald Trump quotes against George Floyd protesters
General Mark Milley testifying at the Jan 6th hearings

Trump literarily “assassinated” (it was not a legal action against a designated & accepted “enemy” target) esteemed & veteran Iranian general – Qassem Soleimani – in Iraq, in an impetuous & summary drone strike.

This “assassination” occurred during intense media scrutiny into Trump’s extramarital sexual activities & illegal hush money payments to the pornographic actress Stormy Daniels.

“was it good f’ you Stormy?”

This rash, dangerous, illegal & criminal act of “state terror” & outright murder ordered by Trump to distract from his sexual scandal could seriously of precipitated a military conflict, retaliatory strike on US personnel, or even a full war with Iran.

Trump should go to the Hague, then be extradited to Iran to face his “sentence” … “law and order”

Soleimani is widely credited (yes, by Western military strategists & personnel) as being a core mastermind & actor behind the ousting of ISIS from Iraq.

So without dispute, Trump has “assassinated” people, committed acts of “international terrorism” called for the “execution” of his own staffers & members of his own administration, & called for the shooting & violent state oppression (including requests to send in the National Guard to crush protesters) against the American public.

“when the looting starts the shooting starts”

If you think he wouldn’t do it, bare in mind that he “pardoned” the infamous Blackwater death squad that was convicted of massacring seventeen (& wounding twenty more) civilians in Iraq in the 2007. known as the “Nisour Square massacre”, it was committed by the infamous, for-profit mercenary company Blackwater, run by swamp-ultra, Trump adviser & ally Erik Prince.

Erik Prince …. one of the worst of them
I saved his ass

When journalist & “American citizen” Jamal Khashoggi was murdered, dismembered & “disappeared” by another death squad on the orders of Trump “benefactor”, business partner & donor – Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia – in the Saudi Turkish embassy in 2018, Trump assisted, protected & ultimately “exonerated” the culprit, boasting later that “I saved his ass”.

Assassinations, murders, death squads, the massacring of civilians, terrorist attacks, pleas & plans for the killing of his own staffers & colleagues, requests for the wide-scale shooting of American protesters & calls for the National Guard, police & other intelligence & law enforcement bodies to violently subdue the American public en masse.

Had it not been for the likes of General Mark Miley & the like, working to thwart the most dictatorial, violent & homicidal impulsivity of “The Prictator” from inside his own administration, it would have been a lot worse (read I Alone Can Fix it – Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year).

Let’s not even touch on the corruption, hypocrisy, treason or criminal elements here, & just stick with the violence & intimidation.

a Roger Stone production

January 6th. So we can add sedition/seditious conspiracy, domestic terrorism, insurrection, obstructing official proceeding & a raft of violence/incitement charges.

Trump urged “the mob” prior to the coup attempt to “fight like hell!”.

Six died on that day, with many more injured, & honestly, they got very lucky that with that figure.

A noose & gibbet was present, intended for Mike Pence (alas, they did not locate him). Trump was reported to be indifferent to please from his own team to intervene on Pence’s behalf whilst the attack ensued.

a plaform for Pence

So public lynchings of former Trump allies.

Enter the Oath Keepers & the Proud Boys.

Trump’s own paramilitary fanboy militia motley & “neo-liberal bootboys” masquerading as a counter culture street movement (with official sanction & veiled immunity gifted by the sitting president).

stand back and stand by”.

Pretty bad stuff.

the Proud Boys … designated a “terrorist group” in Canada & New Zealand

But I read Andy Campbell’s incredible We Are Proud Boys-How a Right-Wing Street Gang Ushered in a New Era of American Extremism earlier this year, & it’s much worse than you think.

Gavin McInnes, the founder & frontman for the Proud Boys group, has praised, impersonated & even given private speeches defending & lauding the right-wing Japanese assassin – 17-year-old Yamaguchi Otoya – who stabbed to death the socialist leader Inejiro Asanuma on stage during a debate in 1960.

Yamaguchi stabs to death socialist leader Asanuma at a public event. the assassination has been praised by Trump supporting militia/”terrorist groups”

The exaltation of real political murder & assassination by the leader of an explicitly pro-Trump militia group.


No reprimand or censure was becoming.

In fact, McInnes “was escorted out by the police to his car. In a mocking move against the protesters, he took out his katana, waving it in an homage to the ultranationalist Japanese assassin”.

Proud Boy leader Gavin McInnes with a samurai sword after a speaking event celebrating assassin Yamaguchi Otoya

Memes fawning Otayo, along with the defence of the U.S. backed Pinochet coup in Chile, which involved the murder of a democratically elected head of state (Salvador Allende), the mass torture & mass killing of civilians, rape, crimes against humanity, & the installation of a military dictatorship, & the imposition of one of the most punishing & extreme neo-liberal economic models of all time. some t-shirts designs praising the violence in Chile, popular with the English speaking “right”, are depicted below.

This “cultural shift” & exacerbation of “real word” violence trends is almost definitely what Matthew Crooks will have been stewing in.

Steve Bannon (recently jailed) has also been weighing in very heavily on the intensification of this relentless violent incitation. His “War Room” platform has continually “conditioned & cultivated” the escalation. Spreading, agitating, inflaming, antagonising, radicalising, grooming, indoctrinating.

He has even talked, live on air, of beheading officials, in a second Trump term, by putting “heads on pikes” & going back to “the old times of Tudor, England” & placing severed heads on skewers at “the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats: either get with the program or you’re gone.

Then we come to Roger Stone, one of the most powerful, nefarious & “eccentric” actors in the Trump ambit, & a central & key player in the escalating violence & instability.

Do not underestimate or overlook this man as a fundamental pillar, architect & spear head of this unfolding insanity & political turmoil.

Stone’s “novel”, on-&-off, but enduring relationship or – “estranged association” – with Trump has persisted (sometimes with clear resentment & acrimony) for literally decades.

They also share a special & extraordinary progeny … they are both direct proteges of one of the centuries most evil & malevolent political contaminators, the malign & repulsive, bent lawyer, “fixer” & mafia-impresario Roy Cohn (the third “Disciple of Roy” was of course the despicable Rupert Murdoch) who foreshadows, if not masterminds, this entire crisis.

For those that don’t know of Roy Cohn, or understand just how profound his malignancy & its corrupting affects were/are, the shortest routes are two documentaries Where’s my Roy Cohn by Matt Tyrnauer, & Bully Coward Victim by Ivy Meeropol (those wanting more should go on to read the first edition of Whitney Webb’s One Nation under Blackmail & Nicholas von Hoffman’s Citizen Cohn, which has recently been reprinted with a foreword by non-other than Steve Bannon).

Roger’s rhetoric on advocating extreme violence in the political spectrum has been even more explicit.

Stone has a history of vicious & graphic threats, statements of intention, & violent, murderous & expletive laden language, but the following sums it all up decisively for me ….

Fuck voting, let’s get right to the violence”.

It doesn’t get much more explicit than that.

“It’s an established fact that Roger’s role in the eyes of many Proud Boys members is as an ideological figurehead for them.”

Far from being “all mouth”, Roger was heavily & intricately involved with – “far-right neo-fascist organization that promotes and engages in political violence” – both the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers. They even made up part of his personal security detail, multiple members of which were convicted on felony charges for their involvement in the January 6th storming.

“His [Roger Stone] responsibility in a historical perspective is tremendous”

Stone was especially close to Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of the Proud Boys, who is of course now serving a 22-year prison sentence for his role in the Jan 6th Capital Attack.

Enrique Tarrio, now serving a 22-year prison sentence for the Jan 6th mutiny

In 2020, Roger Stone was convicted in the U.S. on seven felony charges, including making false statements/lying to congress (in relation to the Russian probe/Mueller investigation), obstruction, & witness tampering (threatening witnesses with his militia buddies perhaps?), to which he was given a rather lenient three-year prison sentence (which later escalated to a 7-9-year prediction).

“I don’t think there’s been enough attention to what a key role he actually played in terms of the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, how instigating he was. It’s still an open question, the level of coordination and planning that went ahead of the attacks, but he was definitely ideologically the inspiration for particularly the Proud Boys.”

Then Donald Trump went & pardoned him (or “commuted his sentence”, to the same effect).

He got away with it.

Now, here’s were things get very, very interesting.

Watch the video below.

so its like that huh?

You will see/hear Stone on the phone to Donald Trump, angrily & abusively insulting & remonstrating the president over Trump’s refusal to grant him a second pardon for his deep ties & collusion in the planning of the January 6th insurrection.

Note how bold & abusive Stone is towards his “boss”.

He also refers to Ivanka Trump as an “abortionist bitch daughter”.

Let’s hope that Ivanka’s abortion was not from an “accident with dad”, who’s grotesque, incestuous affections & public displays of lust for his “piece of ass” & “she’s always been very voluptuous” daughter are numerous & well documented by the civilly-liable rapist & “pussy grabber” (who’s strongest commonality with his daughter is “sex” by his own public & televised admission).

Stone reveals/confirms something crucial about the “nature” of their “troubled & ambiguous” relationship here that cannot be put back in the bag, & needs to be noted & lodged.

Stone discusses murdering people

Returning to the dreadful mentor of both men, Roy Cohn, Cohn was infamous for being a prolific sexual blackmailer & komrpromat artist, as well as a sex trafficker, child abuser & pornographer.

with Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio

In the 2019 book All the President’s Women-Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator (Barry Levine & Monique el-Faizy), there is an entire 30-page chapter – “You Get What You Pay For” that describes detailed allegations that Donald Trump – “The Real Estate Guy” – was secretly filmed paying for & having sex with a twelve-year-old girl (not Katy Johnson or the other accusers who make separate/additional rape of a minor allegations against Trump) in a mafia run brothel in Times Square “The VIP Room” in the 80’s. The area is described as “a cesspool of porn, sex and violence” with abundant sex shows, prostitution & pornography distribution.

astonishing ….. a serial sexual offender.

It is worth highlighting that the book remains available & in popular print, & that Donald Trump has not sued the authors or publisher.

Could Roger Stone be in possession of video material from this incident? Or indeed the many “other” incidents that dog & enshroud the “pussy grabbing” civilly liable rapist & Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell cohort?

Equally, could there be some kind of “mutually assured destruction” & stand off scenario where Trump also possesses “kompromat” on Roger Stone?

Stone himself, although not as multivalent as the engulfed Trump, has his own series of sordid & dark secrets/scandals & sexual discretions (he is known & referred to as a “pervert” by many in Trump’s circle), not the least the implications for homosexual activity with Roy Cohn when he was a young “Roy Disciple” who would spend days at Roy’s isolated country house.

The Dirty Trickster (self proclamation)

This “area of contention” if not “sporadic enmity” between the two men is a point of major interest.

It also reflects the “internecine” & factional conflicts that are playing out in the MAGA/Republican Frankenstein party & “Trumpism”.

Crooks may have been part of this schism, & we will return to this “inner conflict” later in the epilogue of this article.

A final note on Roger Stone.

Some of the most crucial revelations on Stone’s violent, insurrectionist, terrorist & seditionary behaviour, plots & statements comes from a recent documentary called A Storm Foretold by the Danish film maker Christoffer Guldbrandsen.

Some of the footage & testimony depicted in the documentary is considered so critical that it has been used extensively in the official January 6th hearings.

The film was released last year, but remains “conveniently” difficult to watch or acquire (I wonder why?).

This is the second documentary on the infamous “Dirty Trickster” Roger Stone, with the excellent 2017 Get me Roger Stone (directed by Dylan Bank, Daniel DiMauro and Morgan Pehme) also being an essential viewing.

in a recent video, brought to my attention by David Pakman & also covered excellently by Kyle Kalinski on Secular Talk, a resurfaced, six-month-old clip from the excrescent Alex Jones’s Info Wars platform hosted a swamp-thing-cum-deep-state-ultra by the name of Ivan Raiklin.

The footage defies belief.

Raiklin, a shadowy compatriot of the disgraced, guilty pleading then pardoned (by Trump) Michael Flynn, is a “political operative” that is associated with the Pence card & Eastman memos, the shadiest side of the Jan 6th events basically.

The self-proclaimed “Secretary of Retribution” (yes, seriously) goes on to provide a “Deep State Target List” over loud & ominous classical music.

It a fucking “kill list”.

A kill list.

Preparation & proclamations of intended executions.

Raiklin then goes on to speak of “Option two”, an apparently better scenario & favoured pretext for “retaliatory” measures or sprees if Trump is assassinated.

An aroused Alex Jones chimes in excitedly –

I was gonna say. if they kill him, that’s best case scenario. From a sick level. From a sick level meaning .. oh, please kill him. Which I don’t … I mean .. It’s so good after that.

Raiklin concurs in the men’s mutual fantasising – “oh! It’s gonna be the best cleansing & the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime.

watch for yourselves.

Ivan Raiklin – “the best cleansing

We then come to Kevin Roberts, shadow lord of the cancerous Heritage Foundation corrupt libertarian think tank. Roberts is one of the most ardent pushers & engineers of the “mass manacle” “Project 2025” confine all, perhaps the worst “mass stroke” rights relinquishment since 2010’s Citizens United atrocity (the effort for trying to implement P2025 should be considered a crime itself).

Trump is a vassal of heritage, & is “poised” to sign it into law should he slime back to power.

Kevin Robert’s & the stooge shake on Project 2025

Roberts, a brazen extremist & utter-psycho & sociopath, recently stated on Steve Bannon’s War Room (shortly before Bannon was jailed) that America was in a “second revolution”, & then chillingly stated that this “revolution would remain “bloodless” … “if ‘the left’ allows it to be”.

If you are unfamiliar with that absolute perversion & insanity of Project 2025, download a condensed & comprehensive version from the David Pakman Show website &/or watch Leeja Miller’s well devised & informative spotlight video that warns about this alarming, total criminal despo-fascist insanity here –

Kevin “the psycho” Roberts of Heritage Foundation
Leeja Miller’s piece on Project 2025

The Christian Nationalist contingent are another deranged bellicosity that has been hyper radicalised under Trump.

Religious violence & theological extremism cross-bred with fascistic nationalism then.

None of the stockpiling, sordid & shyster scandals & convictions by the movements leaders seem to slow the festering.

disgraced, former Trump ally, meaga church masturbator & cuck Jerry “Jerk for Jesus” Falwell Jr.

The seminal 2020 documentary ‘Til Kingdom Come by Maya Zinshtein, & a more recent documentary Praying for Armageddon is worth your time.

Another phenomenon of the MAGA mire that endorses violence is the contradictory appropriation of controversial, Marvel vigilante anti-hero (of sorts) The Punisher, by-way-of his skull symbology trademark.

A successful “explicit content” series, designed for adults under the Punisher Max nomenclature depicted a kind of modern & extreme Dirty Harry update, with the Punisher going around murdering criminals & terrorists as a lone paramilitary avenging force.

The main problem is, the Punisher kills sex traffickers, rapists, child sexual abusers & mafia men.

That’s Donald J. Trump on Frank Castle’s kill list then.

not hard to imagine Frank Castle killing Trump

Castle also kills corrupt US military men (so Erik Prince, Michael Flynn & Ivan Raiklin).

In one of the best editions from the series – Barracuda – Frank goes after corrupt white-collar criminals, which culminates in the ludicrous but highly symbolic scene of him throwing dozens of them into an ocean of man-eating-sharks.

This point seems to be lost on the MAGA supporters that evoke or espouse the Punisher.

If you read the books, it is absolutely apparent that Castle would utterly, utterly detest Trump, MAGA, The Proud Boys et al. In fact, it is not at all too far a stretch to imagine an episode or story in which he “takes out” some of the worst offenders, or hunts down & liquidates an “Oath Keepers” or Trump supporting Neo Nazi militia group (the closest they came to this was Welcome to the Bayou series).

an appropriated & adulterated Punisher Skull

You could easily envisage him taking his M60 to a Heritage Foundation seminar.

Once again, it is a total misappropriation & misuse by a fraudster movement quaking under a career conman.

But the glorification of “extreme violence” & vaunting of “vigilante measures” by this poser cult is worth notation.

Maga Mike Robinson, another “hall of freaks” Republican candidate & Trump lackey, recently gave a speech at a church where he delivered an extraordinary, pulpit pounding outburst on killing political opponents (he repeatedly emphasised the word “kill”) that included the lines “Some folks need killin!’”.

Mad MAGA Mark Robinson

Watch for yourselves.

a belt gripping Mike Robinson on why Peter Thiel “needs killin’!

That’s a lot of violence. In breadth, scale, plurality & versatility.

Swirling around somewhere in all of this, was Thomas Matthew Crooks.

radicalised subject

What exactly, & how much of this “mega eclecticism” of assorted & polymerous violence, violent intent, & violent ideology, & violent rhetoric, & violent imagery, & violent forecasting, radicalisation & militarisation, that is so integral, prominent & potent in the Trumpist, MAGA shit show, was Crooks exposed to???

how could he possibly avoid it?

How could anybody really?

the kid, along with his father, was already a gun nut.

How did Crook’s young brain, state, views & bearings “hold up” in this raging storm of multi-faceted & casualized violence, vendetta, vigilantism, militarism, retribution, gun idolization, war worship, religious extremism, fear mongering, hate enabled, paranoid, conspiracy addled mass derangement?

How could normality be preserved in such insane environs that are so divorced from reality, decency, reason, safety?

I am amazed its actually taken this long.

The total lack of de-escalation & the continued “suspension of reality & norms” – which is on fucking Joe Biden for doing NOTHING to “close down” this billowing madhouse whilst he was/is in power – & a position to decisively do so – remains almost as shocking as the maniacs, freaks, degenerates & politicised criminals that constitute the movements leadership.

asleep at the wheel

I consider Joe Biden a Trump accomplice, & I think that the window of opportunity that he has squandered may be one of the gravest inactions, miscalculations & follies of the century.

In the overall respect, Crooks “assassination attempt” is so unremarkable, so predictable, so pertinent, so axiomatic, so innate & so autogenic & so deserving of that sick, obscene, delusional, preposterous, depraved, ludicrous, unquantifiably idiotic & imbecilic moron movement.

What else did you expect?

What were his exact motives?

This is where it gets interesting.

Why would this guy attack/try & kill his own movement’s leader & figurehead?

What went wrong?

Where’s the fault line?

Thomas Crooks

As anybody that studies the Trump in depth will know, more than anything else beside “betrayal & corruption”, Donald Trump embodies & represents fraud, falsity, fallacy, duplicity, deception, lies & “the art of the double cross”.

He is the divine conman, the ultimate bullshitter & the supreme swindler.

In his bait & lure, he has to lie & present himself as the “opposite of the actual”.

A serial rapist & sexual abuser, he will “lie & deny”, feign disgust for his own practice & persecute others for his own misdeeds & criminal behaviour whenever beneficial to him or his immediate interests.

He must also keep his true actions & deeds hidden from view.

An unnatural capacity for “supreme untruth” & “living the lie”, uncanny deformities that have also made him a useful candidate for others interests.

Could Crooks have discovered or disclosed one of those fundamental lies & supra-falsehoods or profound betrayals?

Could he have previously been pushed, radicalised & encouraged by Trump, &/or his followers, own scapegoating & words of persecution? perhaps against, say, paedophiles? to then learn that Trump himself was of course a prolific sexual offender & member of the very group that he has publicly persecuted?


How difficult is it to uncover Trump’s Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, George Nader, Katy Johnson, John Casablancas, Roy Moore, Alex Acosta, Alan Dershowitz, Roy Cohn, Tevik Arif, Paris Hilton, Robert Morris, Milo Yiannopoulos or the “Times Square” 12-year old stories? or the huge cast of adult accusers? or his extremely troubling accusations from his modelling pageant days? Or the sick, incestuous relations with his daughter Ivanka?

frequent associates
heaped guilt
mail order Melania, trick Trump, & madaam Maxwell

Could the murderous rhetoric, culture & energy that had been fostered & antagonised in the pro-Trump, MAGA sphere against “offence A” now find that it’s own leader was in fact a prime example of “offence A” himself?

“I wish her well”

Did Crooks find or uncover that Trump himself was now “guilty” of the same crimes or transgressions that had been so freely demonised & persecuted? By the movement & its leaders, & indeed by Trump himself?

where is Katy Johnson?

The violence & gun worship, already heightened & barely bridled, now found themselves a new target?

Trump & his young children with “uncle Eppy”
& the press just abandoned it

If you are encouraged to hate & shoot paedophiles, then you discover that your leader/teacher is a massive paedophile himself, & has been lying & deceiving you all along, SHOULD THE LEADER NOT NATURALLY BECOME THE TARGET OF THE ESTABLISHED LINES OF ATTACK?

Katy Johnson testimony

Trump bullshits, swindles, misleads, dupes, deceives, defrauds & cons 99%+ of his flock from start to finish.

He manipulates, misdirects, exploits & distracts – rage & resentment – for things that he & his cohorts perform with absolute abandon & total rampancy (although concealed, & in secrecy).

Trump & his minions & manipulators (those with power over him) play a dangerous balancing game, where they could always fall foul of the animus & violence they channel & exploit in their followers & movement.

George Nader, one of Trump’s advisers & “fixers”, who worked extensively within the former president’s administration, was a serial child sexual abuser & pedarist with multiple convictions on child sexual assault, sex trafficking of minors & child pornography charges.

It didn’t stop Trump & his team from happily working closely with him at length.

Trump with convicted paedophile & personal advisor George Nader

Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn & Erik Prince were also directly involved, again at length, with George Nader.

It only stopped when Nader was arrested, charged, & jailed for his third offence (trafficking a minor & possession of child pornography).

Nader had been intercepted in the airport whilst on his way to meet Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

Yep! He was actually on his way to meet Trump at his home when he was intercepted & arrested.

they publicly call for the “execution of paedophiles” & “traitors”.

Trump is both.

Trump infamously called for the death penalty of the wrongly accused Central Park 5, five black teens who were wrongly accused & convicted of the rape of a jogger in Central Park in 1989 (they were later fully acquitted). Trump paid $85,000 for a giant “THE DEATH PENALTY” full page advertisement.

so in effect, Trump has called for his own execution!!!!

Trump with his “piece of ass” daughter Ivanka

this stuff will catch up with you eventually.

Whether that is the case for the Crooks motive, we don’t yet know???

but the madness of MAGA, & the inseparable core element of “violence, guns, persecution & murder” leave the leaders of the movement in danger of their own followers should the mask/fraud drop sufficiently enough.

“very fine people on both sides”

In the next article & examination, I want to address the competing & sometimes conflicting extremes & divisions that exist within MAGA & around Trump.

As we have seen, troubled allegiances, rivalries, feuding, opposing interests & oppositional ideologies, as well as major disagreements on direction & key policy, are at play inside the movement.

Crooks & his failed attempt could have been a component of this, & we need to look closely at the actors & “power struggles” that are present within the phenomenon.

how many more are on the horizon?