its guaranteed to end in tears. Nuclear tears.
Corruption, mismanagement, negligence, incompetence, malfeasance, corner & cost cutting, deregulation, “efficiency”, austerity, “balancing the budget”, bribery, conflicts of interest, preferential treatment, anti-competitive contracting, outsourcing, privatization …. you name it, it’s baked into the malpractice.
You would think, given the severity of the substance & its consequences (nuclear), that some separate standard of strictness would apply to this industry.
It doesn’t.

The same baneful & suicidal-short-termism & one-gear profit incentives plague this uniquely dangerous technology.
The only sane & safe option is to forgo this madness, at least until much, much greater standards of regulation, iron clad & super strict safety criteria, independent oversight & draconian legal ramifications are firmly in place for anybody that falls short of them.
This “alarming” & “terrifying” book conclusively details the world’s major nuclear disasters & near disasters, of which, there is really too many.

The in-depth details & accounts of those that were involved in these major incidents & accidents is absolutely shocking, & the book encompasses a thorough warning.
Nuclear should simply be outlawed. Its just far, far too dangerous & consequential, especially given the fact that most of it operates in the corporate/private sector, which is just insane
Its all “nothing to worry about” until its a meltdown ……
‘No one believed that something like that could happen in principle. People – I, at any rate, were at a loss,’
“The situation went way beyond any sever accident I had ever considered until then, and for an instance I had no idea what to do.”

“I could only tell him that I didn’t know what was really going on”
“what happened next was beyond anyone’s imagination.”
“I just couldn’t forsee what would happen from moment to moment.”
“We have confirmed a worse case situation. Water with very high radiation levels, exceeding 1,000 millisieverts per hour, is flowing into the sea.”
“The Japanese parliamentary investigation into the causes of the Fukushima disaster point to the collusion between government agencies, regulatory bodies, and TEPCO management.”

“First and foremost, we must acknowledge that accidents will continue to happen. If more and more plants come online, more and more accidents are inevitable.”
“as the Three Mile Island and Fukushima accidents showed, more often than not overseers and regulators established a cozy relationship with the industry, turning a blind eye to safety regulations.”
“depending on the time of an accident and the country in which it took place, governments succeeded to different degrees in their attempts to hide information and, later, to spin or distort it.”

I have long held the suspicion that the nuclear industries “lobbying” capacity emulates that of the arms trade, the latter being notorious for bribery, blackmail & chronic corruption.
For such a serious thing to be treated with such frivolity & false equivalence is just beyond outrageous.
“Chernobyl mutiplied by thee was now on Kan’s mind. “Because Japan possessed unparalleled nuclear technology and superior experts and engineers, I believed that a Chernobyl-type accident could not occur at a Japanese nuclear power plant.,” Kan later wrote, and added “To my great consternation, I would come to learn that this was a safety myth created by Japan’s ‘Nuclear Village’ [a vast and powerful network of vested interests].”

the Fukushima Daiichi ”nightmare” remains perhaps the most compelling chapter of them all.
To think that no one went to jail for it, despite the evidence – & the event itself, is simply unfathomable.
You are not safe. It’s just a matter of time.
“there was no awareness in the government or nuclear industry that Japan’s nuclear plants might be dangerous too, or that we could learn a lesson from [Chernobyl],” – Japanese diplomat
Japan has started releasing 1.3 million tons of “treated” radiation contaminated water from the accident into the ocean.
The UN Nuclear Authority mafia approved of this mass criminal action to the detriment of all living things.

“The government of Fukushima prefecture, which had been lobbying for a nuclear power plant on its territory since 1958 in order to bringing economic development to the region, could not have been happier.” The same was true of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Japan’s largest privately owned electric utility, for which Fukushima BWR reactor was its venture into the uncharted waters of the nuclear industry.”
“TEPCO left the plant’s operations to contractors and manufacturers, apparently giving priority to management efficiency alone.”
“In 202, a major scandal broke out over the falsification of safety reports by TEPCO personnel, which had begun as early as 1977. There were at least two hundred cases in which the company had supplied false information about inspections not carried out and issued reports that papered over existing problems.”

this book should be the death knell of thesector/industry, but it is more likely to be the death knell of us instead ….. “even God can’t argue with the markets”.
“Unless nuclear reactors are effectively protected from attack in wartime, there can be no serious consideration of nuclear energy as a solution to the problem of climate change. We can hardly afford to build new reactors before we find a way to protect existing ones.”

Serhii Plokhy, 2022, Allen Lane, 293 pages