chronically overdue, but better late than never I guess? This is an excellent & up-to-date documentary examining U.S. military veterans personnel in domestic extremist/terrorist groups within America, with a special focus on the insurrection/capital storming of Jan sixth.

Originally comprised by Mighty Pictures, The Meidas Network has made this documentary available for free viewing on YT, so you can spare this review & go straight to source (full video link below).
It is a very fine feature, that opts for a high concentration of veterans (both pro-instability & against) as the grist to the documentaries consultation. They are joined by an impressive committee of security & extremism experts, journalists & investigators, & other military personnel.

The decision to also include “offending groups” has also been taken. Stewart Rhodes, then leader of the Oath Keepers, & now jailed for eighteen-years for his planning & participation in the Jan sixth insurrection, contributes & is followed & filmed on “operations”.

A senior Proud Boys member also provides interview material.

These transpire without explicit bias, & are not designed to be favourable or sympathetic.

One chapter that stands out – Lone Wolves – finally magnifies America’s longest running & most successful terrorist/hate group; the KKK. As one of the most prolific murder, rape & terror (not to mention the racism) organisations the country has ever seen, it simply has to be beyond coincidence that the group has never been the target subject of “the war on terror” or any similar “eradication” effort.

How impossibly convenient is that?
Criss-crossing the globe bringing mass-militarised death, immeasurable destruction & violent “regime change” as the self appointed “world policeman”, you can’t even neutralise the worst home-grown actors?
At that rate, & at that scale, it can only be deliberate.

Useful murdering racist terrorist organisations to “maintain operations”, preserve plutocracy, enforce division & act as agents.
Of course.

As one of the best commentators in the documentary – former FBI special agent Ali Soufan – attests, the USA has wilfully & consciously allowed these terrorist groups to, er …, avoid being charged or categorised as “terrorist groups” for over a century.

That is no natural occurrence but a deliberate engineering.
As he points out, Timothy McVeigh, the far-right militia man who blew up a federal building in 1995 with a truck bomb that killed 168 “Americans” (including children) ,in the largest deliberate mass casualty event on American soil between Pearl Harbour & 9/11 (our friends the Saudis), COULD NOT BE CHARGED WITH TERRORISM!

But guess who would end up being bludgeoned with “terrorist” charges in an extreme stretching of legal cause that breaks belief? – “non violent” environmental activists.

So if you are a racist, murdering Klansman committing mass terror acts on behalf of ethnic hatred, you can’t actually be charged with terrorism – but if you are a non-violent environmental activists/protestor acting for the greater good of the species/all life/the planet – you can be charged with “terrorist” offences (watch If a Tree Falls, Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock, or check Green is the New Red by Will Potter).

With such coddling, ultra-lenience & legal magnanimity, is it any fucking wonder that the US finds itself in the current quagmire?
It was inevitable.

I have long marvelled at this “show of farce” ,& how the US has “quietly” permitted If not supported this shit for decades whilst bombing half the world under the pretext of “safety” & a some better moral good.

You might want to start at home motherfucker!
A bit late now?

Mind maimed & experienced in the gratuitous bloodbaths of aggression abroad, the damned & damaged come back to a hothouse of guns, synthetic opioids, racism & hatred, provoked & inflamed by divisive disinformation specialists like Fox News, InfoWars, News Max & other “tolerated” destabilising agitation media at high volume.

What did you expect?

The dawn of Trump, a plague bringing hell-raiser & civil strife conflict junkie, has only intensified the entire death spasm.

Time to bring “the war on terror” to the fuckers that need it the most …. anything else is just collusion & dog whistle approval.
Charlie Sadoff, 2023, Meidas Touch, Mighty Pictures